5.0.x Cumulative Mods & Fixes (CMF) Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by HobbesMG, Jul 16, 2006.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    :yawn: Then what is a buckler for?

    if I may quote the SRD:
    I can't guarantee that those penalties are correctly applied by the ToEE engine. but yes, you absolutely can use a 2h or 2x1h weapons while wearing a buckler.

    I CAN guarantee that your tendency to come here and scream "BUG!!!" every time you come across something out of the ordinary, without

    a) checking if it is indeed a bug

    b) making a cursory check to see if it has been reported before

    is what pisses off people like Allyx. And not just him.
  2. dragonalumni

    dragonalumni Elemental Warrior

    Jan 30, 2008
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    I don't think I was screaming. I said "I don't think" which implies self doubt and questioning, looking for feedback. You provide a quote from somewhere that completely suggests that I am correct, but somehow you decide to say "I'm screaming and don't know what I'm talking about".. so .. utterly strange..

    "but you take a -1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. This penalty stacks with those that may apply for fighting with your off hand and for fighting with two weapons. In any case, if you use a weapon in your off hand, you don’t get the buckler’s AC bonus for the rest of the round"

    Basically in every case no you can't use a buckler (at least it's benefits) while using a 2h weapon or two 1h weapons in any given round, in computer game terms no, players should not be able to use bucklers while using those setups.
  3. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    The ToEE engine interperates buckler use thusly...

    Anyone can wear a buckler and still use two handed weapons and two weapon fighting styles. Doing so confers +1 to AC, -1 attack bonus.

    Non-proficiency in shields also confers the armour check penalty of -1 onto your AC.

    Using a buckler and a two handed weapon removes the extra 0.5 x strength bonus for damage with a two handed weapon.

    All of these details are clearly stated on the SRD, and well documented on this forum (though probably not all in one post - except this one).

    This is the only bit not 100% represented in the game, but that bug is certainly hardcoded and we are unable at this time to fix those kinds of problems.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2008
  4. void

    void Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    Re: 5.0.x Cumulative Mods and Fixes (CMF) Submissions Thread

    Is there a document "what's new" in 5.0.5?
  5. void

    void Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    In two games I played with Co8 5.0.4 Wonnilon doesn't go to his hideout room; he just stays in his cell.
  6. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    The thing is, no, you are not correct. :errf:

    You can always use a buckler, but it's bonus to AC won't apply if you attacked that round with the equipped arm (a matter of logic), which it's a completey different thing to not allowing charcters to use it.
    A enhanced buckler, even if it doesn't grant is normal protective bonus when attacking, it still will grant the magical bonus to AC. ;)
    What's more, if the buckler has some properties, they will apply too and/or can be activated (in ToEE there isn't any ability to add to shields, sadly :( )

    In any case, let's try to keep this thread for useful information.
    "-my greatsword only makes 1d6 damage"
    "-magic missile shoots 511 projectiles"
    "-the graphics are messed in the map of *some place*"
    "-game crashes when i try to talk with *some guy*"
    are approppiate for this thread

    "-Halberds shouldn't have red handles"
    "-Armors should be more ornated" :shy:
    "-I kill everything and none begs for mercy"
    "-meleny doesn't want to show their goodies. Why doesn't show their goodies? I want to see their goodies. Make a mod to see their goodies!"
    are not
  7. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    actually, I was mistaken in my previous post as my ranger who dual wields while wearing a buckler was recieving +1 AC, -1 to the primary weapon, and -2 to the secondary weapon.
  8. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Yep, I've seen that too on multiple playthroughs of 5.0.4. Haven't made it there in 5.0.5 yet.
  9. dragonalumni

    dragonalumni Elemental Warrior

    Jan 30, 2008
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    He did goto his hide out room in my 5.0.5 game.
  10. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I don't think that Wonnilon movin about has been modded in any way since vanilla to be perfectly honest, sometines it works, other times it doesn't, just one of those things.
  11. exdeath

    exdeath Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    In hommlet if you use the map yo go to another place before the starter kid talk with you, then kill someone to get the butcher of hommlet and then use the map again to go to the place where the starter kid talk with you. He will start to talk with you, only after you finish to talking with him he will start to fight with you
  12. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I can't deny, I've used the map to dodge Kent on occasion. but you have to be determined and fast. And going to extraordinary lengths to get around things does not a bug make.
  13. Icer_Xx

    Icer_Xx The Bane of Fire

    May 27, 2007
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    hmmm, this sounds well and interesting yall, but has anyone figured out what that fake door at the end of the temple entrance floor is yet? xD <3 u all, cept dragonalumni, u got a big mouth :(
  14. Salk

    Salk Established Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    I thought to report some bugs/inconsistencies I happen to come by as I play ToEE with 5.0.5.

    - At level installation, I tried to install 5.0.0 with nothing but the TOEFF. I run the game and then I install the 5.0.5 and when I begin, I start at the shopmap, despite not having it seleceted (MINOR: I use the shopmap but I thought to report it anyway)

    - The kind of poison from Shadows is Large Scorpion instead of a more reasonable Shadow Essence

    - You removed the goblin in Hommelet but the description of the ring you find during one encounter still bears the original text so that it mentions that this was the ring you were out to look for according to the mission you received from Black Jay (which then I didn't even meet) - All in all I don't think removing the goblin quest was really a good idea...

    - The smith in Hommelet (I can't remember his name) asks for the head of a giant in order to prove yourself and produce for you masterwork items. Why can you then buy already a masterwork item when you banter? I think it should be removed because inconsistent

    - The portrait of the father of Elmo (I can't remember his name) appears way too much up in the screen but I guess this can't be fixed?

    - The TAB doesn't always work. You can't highlight the chest at the druid grove nor the chest at the gem store and others as well.

    Despite these problems, I had often the game quit to desktop without an apparent reason but happening after I left click to move my party somewhere (random).

    I will update this post, if you like, to bring more possible issues to your attention but I would already ask you kindly to update the next Co8 6.0.0 install wizard by making it very very clear that Antialiasing should be set OFF when this game is played. I had a hell of a time with stuttering movies (Thanks Allyx!)
  15. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Shadows aren't supposed to use poison at all. They simply drain Strength. However, there is no Strength-drain power in ToEE, so I had to improvise and a Strength-damaging poison was the best I could do with what ToEE had to work with. There is no way, that I'm aware of, to rename or create new poisons without hacking the temple.dll which only a handful of people have figured out how to do in Co8's modding history.

    The goblin was changed because it seems really silly that a lone goblin, who happens to have Black Jay's missing ring, is hanging out 50 feet from his doorstep in the middle of town.

    And nothing prevented you from killing the goblin and taking the ring before talking to Jay in the original game either.

    I don't think turning anti-aliasing off is required. I play with it turned on and have no problems with movies stuttering. Though obviously it may work as a fix for certain setups.
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