Official KotB Demo Bug List

Discussion in 'The Keep on the Borderlands' started by Shiningted, Feb 3, 2008.

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  1. ethan_dawe

    ethan_dawe Member

    Nov 25, 2007
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    I experienced the CTD problem in some way.

    I picked up the 1/2 Orc monk NPC and was hanging around the tavern at night. Saved the game there. I was able to leave the tavern, but any attempt to enter another building and it would CTD. Try to save, it would CTD but the save game would be there when you started the game again. If you tried to load it, it would CTD.

    I restarted a fresh game and everything is going well!

    By the way, I tested the Paladin's detect evil (someone above had an issue) and it worked. I used at the entrance to the thorp and the guard tested positive for being a baddy.
  2. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Well, we tested the beta a long time before this demo was
    released. The crashes didn't occur that often because there
    were fewer testers.

    I'll tell you what always prevented my game from crashing.
    I can't guarantee it will work for you but during the testing
    period this seemed to work.
    -I always click on the map names on the right panel not on the
    world map
    -I always go the Keep through the main gate
  3. dragonalumni

    dragonalumni Elemental Warrior

    Jan 30, 2008
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    Hey, Maggit -:p Your replying a note I deleted the moment I made it...

    Anyways.. onwards.. Why is the starting equipment so bad? My paladin has leather armor, my elven sorcerer was given a sling, if you choose a weapon focus you don't get the weapon anymore and it would be nice if the starting map had 2 glaives, or another glaive was made available in the town. I see a lot of variations on halberds, it's complicated, I'm afraid to specialize in something like this and it's all going to depend on what magic weapons are available later, but I hate making a character build based on that.

    The wooden tower shield from the starting merchant has a badly bugged graphic also.

    ****** A semi-solution to search check clunkiness...

    The only thing that bothers me about the new search check is the fact that I don't like the object taking up an inventory slot. But then it occurred me that it probably doesn't have too.

    I was reading on another forum about a bug regarding scribe scrolls. If you inventory is full and you scribe a scroll it would put it into an invisible spot. The effect of this is that the player would not have access to the object to trade/sell, but it would still be available on the radical menu! This seems like a perfect solution for custom skills, I'm not sure how high the inventory mapping goes, but obviously its bigger then the 24 visible slots. It should be possible to move the search tool and other custom skills into the invisible inventory slots which would free up the players inventory and give a clean look overall.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2008
  4. Cuchulainn

    Cuchulainn Windmill Tilter

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Funny you should mention that, as that's exactly how it was setup. ;) Something wierd went wrong just before demo release though, so it wound up like this for now. Don't worry in the full release it will no longer be taking up an inventory slot.

  5. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    I'm running on Windows Vista on a Toshiba laptop (A135-4727) and my bartender is desnudo. Can you switch it to the cook?

    I can no longer find the sewer entrance, does it come and go?

    By the way, Keep on the Borderland is FANTASTIC! I like the idea that it is being published in pieces. That way I will stay in each area longer and get more out of it.
  6. JohnBiles

    JohnBiles Member

    Jan 29, 2008
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    Yes. I was just about to report the underwear clad bartender.
  7. tkobo

    tkobo Member

    Feb 3, 2008
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    Played some today, still no crashes since the clean install.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2008
  8. Dellik

    Dellik Fallen

    Feb 9, 2006
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    Im having trouble rescuing the merchant under the forest... I have cleared the whole place, and when i get to the exit(the floating mini blue door icon) I cant interact with it at all...Is this a bug, or have I messed something up?
  9. matmaisan

    matmaisan Kobold lurker

    Jan 19, 2006
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    I had no problem interacting with it at all. It maybe the way your characters are disposed next to the entrance... if you have only NPCs next to the icon, you might not be able to use the doorway... but maybe you already knew that.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2008
  10. Dellik

    Dellik Fallen

    Feb 9, 2006
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    yeah, Ive tried using it with every char, and with plenty of space around him..

    also, on starting a new game I seem to have found a 'cake win' If u refuse to sheath your weapons at the main gate the first time in, the guard natuarlly attacks, i u kill the leader... the game 'ends' with a cut scean of how evil grows richer
  11. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    He he...that worked!

    Just wait, and you'll see the real scene ;)
  12. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Omg the Chaotic Stupid Endslide didn't work? Awww, that was the best part of the game! :suprised:

    So today we have a couple more 'works on seem people's machines but not others' bugs. I'll look into them. The Pub / CTD issue is slowing being tracked down.
    Please do :) But I have checked them thoroughly and now don't believe they are causing it. My current opinion, based on something Half_Knight said, is that this is an animations issue. Both the Pub and Church have fully animated characters (Fanny and the Acolytes). I'll test that idea, and if I still can't get it working, I'll rebuild those maps from scratch as I said.

    Thanks for providing feedback guys :wave:
  13. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Hum, yes, i've seen that in the folders...
    To be honest, i found it a bit offensive :errf:

    A note on that:

    i've quitted on the market, and no CtD...i get intrigued, loaded and quitted...and then i got my CTD.
    It happens when i am close to the shoemaker, which, casually, has an animation.
    If i quit next to anyone else without a "special" animations (Like a guard, or a cat or the innkeeper), i have no problems. It would be a pity to lose those details...

    -Nobby it's barefoot? And...i've bought a rusty shortsword and have it polished, and was waaay more cheaper than buy a new shortsword (but, there's a nasty nasty idea to compensate that :transform )
    -Bro Fist doesn't have a dialogue to dismiss (in any case i wouldn't get it to my party, even Robin has better stats -_- )
    -I don't understand Robin's dialogue..."-test", "-Got there!"...i suppose it isn't finished?

    Sorry not having anything else more useful...i don't have any problems now, not even lags (and now the roll systems seems to be more generous)
  14. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    Didnt know the cats had a purpose, I was wondering why they were all over the place. My bad, I will leave them alone from now on.
    I saw you mention the end game slide, I only get one slide (I am under the assumption there should be more), and after the talking stops for that slide, I then get some wierd gibberish at the top of the screen and it takes me back to the load game menu..
  15. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Nah, there's one slide for the early ending, and one for the final. Unfortunately it was difficult to determine exactly how to number them and I seem to have made an error (despite testing them). It should show, then take you back to the menu. Not sure what the gibberish is.
    Hmmm... if you save next to someone mid-animation, it corrupts the save? Thats interesting... you might be on to something.

    Otherwise yes, Nobby is barefoot, yes its cheaper to polish rusty weapons than buy new ones (no point doing it otherwise, if it was cheaper to buy new ones), and yes Robin may well have a testing line in there.

    Regarding people who can't get Brother Fist to talk to them / leave while in the party: would it be fair to say you are all doing this while in the pub? As for his stats, he's only first level (I've bumped that up to second, like all the adventurers) but he has above average stats in all things but charisma. Definitely better than Robin's.
    Don't apologise for not having problems ;)

    Now, some better news:


    Or, which handle do I pull to get my draught beer?

    This fella has plagued the game since the beginning, when he had a number of bugs. Each time I crushed one, I thought "that'll take care of it!" The final bug associated with his mob was eradicated during the beta testing, and I thought we were done. How wrong I was.

    I am now of the opinion that the bartender is, in fact, manifesting a side effect of one of the oldest bugs in ToEE - and, by association, demonstrating exactly why this damn bug is happening. Which is to say:

    The bartender appears to be respawning his PERSONAL instead of his commercial inventory at inventory-respawn time.

    The same is true for Fanny - Krunch sent me a save to test and Fanny had changed from her usual feminine garb into a battle-axe weilding armour ensemble (looked good on her, though).

    That lot was from the ToEE NPC she was written over (the ToEE troop commander). I never changed the Invensource details for each new KotB character (too much hassle, plus the slightest anomoly in that file and the game won't start) unless it was necessary, which in her case it absolutely should not have been. But at Inventory Respawn time, she changed her inventory instead of her stuff she sells (dinner) and likewise the Bartender (who's inventory respawn was merely some boots, a shield and some change in his pocket).

    Amazing. So presumably all along the shopkeepers in ToEE WERE respawning their inventory, but they were doing their own instead of their nearby box they sell from. There ya go. No-one would have noticed since their mobbed gear and their respawn gear was identical.

    Soooooooo... I have given some clothes to the Bartender's inventory, and I have put a variety of things in Fanny's (and no magic axe ;)) so you should actually get to see Fanny change clothes every few days - including some new stuff like Cujo's Black Dress and my Navy Blue dress (if you take my meaning).

    Otherwise, Pub CTD testing still going. I fixed Nobby's 'rusty cutlass' bug too, if anyone hits it :)
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