Canada too. Thanks for not having KotB out on time, because if you did I'd be playing it instead of working on the paper I need to get working on! :writersbl It's great to know it's probably only hours away, it'll be a good way to reward myself when I'm done. :dance: Carry on being awesome, everyone.
Apparently my spider-sense was tingling or something, because I had the urge to spend a few free minutes (which promptly got interrupted by baby stuff and by the time I got back to the computer all the threads I haven't checked in the last umpteen months now show as "read". Ugh.) and see what was going on in Co8-land. Glad to see KotB has achieved demo-dom. Congrats to Ted and the rest of his team!
Is this the Aussie Day that we in the US Army had back in the '70's? If I recall correctly, it was sometime in August and recognised a battle fought by a badly outnumbered digger infantry company in Vietnam in 1966. Aussies (and Kiwis) were not allowed to pay for their own beer anywhere near an Army base. It was mainly out of gratitude for not letting us fight that (wonderful) war alone. Good thing we'll never have to worry about that happening again. My kid is 16, and a big D&D fan. His father was Army. One Grandpa was Air Force during the Korean War. The other was a Marine and served IN the Korean War. And his name is Ted. I guess I'll call him Dim Ted.
That'd be Long Tan: and no, Australia Day celebrated recently commemorates the arrival of the first bunch of convicts who created this great country. Easy to see they didn't have committees back then - can you imagine a committee saying, "ahhh, there's a continent over there on the other side of the world, eh? Take a few boatloads of convicts and colonise it, will you? There's a good chap." The Demo is being uploaded btw - several hours using my ADSL, but on its way at last
Thanks, krunch. I don't how much I'll actually be able to participate. Free time is at a premium at the moment, but I wanted to drop by and see how things were going.
Will there be any mirror download sites? I can imagine the Circle crashing under the weight of a million (few hundred) sweaty palmed old school games all wanting to download at once. The humanity! Oh God, the humanity!
The demo will be about 400 MB uncompressed, give or take. It's going to be made available at ModDB, with possibly another mirror site provided through them. Feel free to check out our group profile there: Click on 'mods' to get to the good stuff.
Compressed size is a massive 240mb, so any dialup users without a download client, you have been warned, go get a download client now, while your waiting.