Mordenkainen's dog

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by cern, Jan 27, 2008.

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  1. cern

    cern Member

    Jan 27, 2008
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    Hi, I summoned this creature and I cannot dismiss, dispel or otherwise rid myself of him.
    Is there a way to do this?

    I'm just playing the normal game, none of your mods, just the second patch.

  2. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Send him into combat, and "forget" to help him out. Then "forget" to heal him if he survives. Repeat as neccessary...
  3. cern

    cern Member

    Jan 27, 2008
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    hi thanks for the reply. Not sure if you know this, but this guy is invincible to physical and magical attacks, from what I see.

    he is "unscathed" after every battle. His summon also has no time limit. I rest for 99 days and this hound still hangs around.

    I noticed after a battle his invincible, so I want not to progress, this is feeling like cheating.

    Does anyone else know how I can get rid of this dog, by spell or any weakness to magic? I didn' think summons were permanent in D&D, and in the rule for this spell in toee is says this guy can be "discharged". I try focus dispel, dismissil, everything can think of before posting.

    This thing is like a God.
  4. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Ah, I see. I have never used Mord's Dog, especially in a non-Co8 modded game. If I had to guess, I would say that issue would not exist if you downloaded and installed the latest Co8 mod and restarted a game using that. You're right, summons should not act that way, but the Atari version of the game (even the "patched" version) is pretty darn buggy.
  5. cern

    cern Member

    Jan 27, 2008
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    yes I know this game is quite buggy I intend to play CO8 sometimes. But how is this creature normally "discharged" as the spell describe it to be?

    I have tried to dispel, target dispel, lawful, evil etc dismiss, but this thing just will no exit to whence it comes. With my npcs i only have so much options to send back to planes.

    can a one confirm exact method of dismissing this thing, it must be possible even with no mod.
    and for when i do the mod thing, how is this thing "discharged".

    thanks for respond.
  6. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    With the vanilla, non-modded version, it may well be that there is no way to dismiss the Dog. They may have simply created the spell that bugged. With the Co8 mod, Mord's Dog should unsummon when the spell duration runs out. Again, I have never used the spell myself, but that's how Mord's Sword works, and I'd be suprised if the Dog didn't do the same thing.

    Anyone else out there who has used Mordenkainen's Dog?
  7. trianglesubmission

    trianglesubmission Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    yes, in the 5.0.4 version of the game. The dog just sat there and didn't do anything. Pretty useless, but it did disappear at the duration of the spell.
  8. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Hum, i've used the spell in Vanilla, with no acted as a animal companion.

    The dog actually, it's for watching purposes:
    it sat there, t'ill someone enters the area he is watching (suposedly, you can "set" which creatures or events could activate him). It is intended for resting, you go to bed knowing that the puppy will watch for you (in the original, it even has a special bark, that can only be heard by the caster)
  9. cern

    cern Member

    Jan 27, 2008
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    please excuse ignorance, but how I can tell what is version I am currently playing? this is vanilla game with only patch 2 apply.

    this mordenkainen's hound is not discharging at all by any way i can think of. There seem to be no duration in my version.

    Half Knight
    i know what spell it meant to do because check spell describe, but it does not act like animal companion which can be unsummon and killed. this thing is immortal. always "unscathed"

    but that's ok I just send the hound far from any battle so during combat it makes no turn because this is like cheating to have summon immune to physical elemeent and magic.

    so this is no big deal to me now.

    another newb question. before I download this Co8 mod, is is possible to view txt file alone that show all bug fixes and addition contents?

    thank you.
  10. dragonalumni

    dragonalumni Elemental Warrior

    Jan 30, 2008
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    As someone who recently installed the Co8 patch and btw the portrait and voicepack
    I have to say that it's like playing a new game. Hundreds of things are 'different' and
    by that I mean fixed or working like they should.

    Also having party I created of 8 PCs is wonderful and they all have good voices and

    One thing to note is, overall because things are fixed, they are in fact a little harder.

    One of the options in the Co8 is to goto a shop before you start the game, that I thought
    was too easy, however because of a secret door bug, I had to restart. This time I had
    no qualms buying some good armor and weapons. You need to do stuff like buy your
    warriors ac5 armor, the game is very demanding now!
  11. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Well, that is the answer. You are running the vanilla Atari w/ patch 2. After you finish your game, I highly recommend you download and install the Co8 5.0 mod and the 5.0.4 CMF. You will be amazed by the number of bugfixes and the new content modded in.
  12. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Some people like Vanilla, I prefer Toffee :D

    My my, the lengths at which I will go to hieghten my spam count astound even me. ;)
  13. cern

    cern Member

    Jan 27, 2008
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    I'm not sure to download this big mod. only problems having with vanilla is looting bug and ntdll.dll application error on quit. no big deal to me

    both these can be fix with old morpheus temple.dll, I see. but he adds other thing like increase level cap, and spells. I worry maybe for other bugs it brings.

    again i ask if there txt of Co8 modification, content and fixes. can a one pick and choose what component and what not?

    I do like idea of selecting any masterwork weapon from shop. this is one thing good I hear about. what else?

    txt referral please? thank you
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I get that 'application error on quit' thing when I play on WinXP, so I don't - I use Win 98. This also sidesteps the looting bug which was introduced by DirectX 9.0c which Win 98 don't need :)
    Truly, we try to introduce at least two bugs for every bug we fix: I call it 'sustainability'.
  15. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    The 5.0.0 release notes can be found here. it is a long and impressive list of bug fixes, added content and other goodies, theinstaller allows the option whether or not to install "Desperate Housewives" and the shopmap mod, but all other mods come as standard since we have been adding fix's and new content simultaneously into one mod pack for so long that they are inseparable, in fact in a lot of cases the new content contains bug fixes, and the bug fixes contain new content, and no, we aren't planning on making a fixes only mod any time soon.

    This thread also notes changes since the last installer version, and also adds both new content and bugfixes.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2008
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