First time through. Mod or no? etc

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Enhorning, Jan 3, 2008.

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  1. Enhorning

    Enhorning Member

    Jan 3, 2008
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    Ok haven't played this game before so I was wondering if I should updated it with your co8 mod or just skip it? I have updated the game to any patch3 is it still very very buggy?

    I hate playing games and finding some item that I can't put to good use because I didn't have a class or feat for it. Holy avenger comes to mind, although im not gonna be having a paladin even if it does exist.

    So is there a specific weapon feat I should look into a lil more than the others? I like munchkin builds, well. Not if they make it too easy but I like feeling kinda powerful. Any builds I should look into?

    Im thinking sorc, wiz, cleric, warrior and a dual class Rogue/ranger. Sorc being the talker with high charisma and mind spells. Good idea?

    Can I complete the game without picking up an extra npc? I would love to go through with just my originally created party.

    I like going the caster heavy route and I love being a sorcerer with lots of mind spells, charms and stuns. But will I put good use in say "hold creature" or are there too many undeads and the likes? Meaning, would I make a big mistake not just picking up as many direct damage spells instead of say stinking cloud and holds? (fireball is a given any wich way)

    Thanks, and yeah I did search but had waaaaay too many non accurate hits so shoot me if this is just another one of those threads hehe.
  2. Tyrannar

    Tyrannar Wanderer in the dark

    Jan 3, 2008
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    I finished game with Patch3 and it's still very buggy.

    About your party you should really try out what and how u like to play. But as a guidance I can tell u whom i have in my party.

    1. Fighter who specializes in bastard sword. Most powerful weapon in game is Bastard sword FRAGARACH. It never misses (i have a Power attack feat and Great Cleave) and every time someone strikes u sword retals them as a free action. Downside is u have to be Chaotic Good or at least Chaotic to be able to use him properly,

    2. Cleric of Pelor. Domains SUN & HEALING. there will be a good deal of undead and greater turning comes in very handy. She uses Holy longsword +1 that i acquired at 3rd lvl.

    3. Elven Rogue with maxed out DEX. uses 2 short swords has finesse and improved 2weapon fighting. maxed out tumble sneak and wide array of other skills but i forgo his people skills except 4 bluff.

    4. Bard. I use her 4 same things u wrote about your sorcerer. uses longbow, bard song, and daze, charm, sleep, hold. Maxed all communication skills, concentration and spell focus enchantment.

    5. wizard. heavy artillery. has most of item creation feats, and spell focuses. she also learns scrolls my rogue steals, or bard and cleric write 4 her.

    u can also take NPC Spugnoir. he takes only scrolls and he is decent wizard. most useful NPC in beginning.
  3. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    Don't use patch 3. Delete it and re-patch 2 over it. Install humble_npc and maxhp and the Moeibus2773 temple.dll and things will greatly improve. When you're comfortable with the game, move up to 5 series co8 mods using the install instuctions in the downloads section. Have fun.
  4. Enhorning

    Enhorning Member

    Jan 3, 2008
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    Thank you, but where do I find those? Or are they included in the co8 installer?

    Thank you Tyrannar for your input! So mindspells are useful in ToEE? Great! :)
  5. Dellik

    Dellik Fallen

    Feb 9, 2006
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    If your looking to really munchkin things up a bit, i recomend going with reach weapons(either polearms or the long spear) and I also personally recommend the uber crafted weapons of doom.... requiring a wiz(or sorc) and a cleric of st cuth(lawful and good domains) not much can stand up to a icyshockingflaming burst axiomix holy weapon(plus 7d6 damage on chaotic evil creaturs, wich is about 65% of the game)and at least +3d6 all the time.. not to mention when ya crit you get an *extra* +3d10...

    put that on a reachweapon and watch the game cry like a 3 yearold girl :chairshot

    and, as for NPC's not only can you beat the game w/out them... I just beta the game with a 3 man party.. ranger/rogue(I love that combo.. he makes a great face man too, since you gets loads and loads of skills, sorc(artillery in my game) and st cutty cleric(hurrah healing) you will end the game at roughly level 14(if you use the mods here... without them the game maxes out at level 10=/ ):dead:

    good luck, and have fun! this is easily the best DnD comp game out there... even with the bugs, and with what Co* have done with it, its.. welll, mind blowing=):chainsaw:
  6. proudpony

    proudpony Member

    Jul 26, 2005
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    I agree with Dellik in regards to not needing npc's but would add the I thought that the game was much more enjoyable after the CO8 mods. You'll have to reference the other threads for the latest downloads, but they added several new adventures and made many characters considerably more dynamic. Even after completing the game a dozen or so times (with different types of parties) I have yet to find all the changes.

    Also if you don't mind my input, I've also found the scythe a nasty weapon with weapon specialization/focus and improved critical - Even moreso after its been enhanced by magic.
  7. Zalmoxes

    Zalmoxes Forest Guardian

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Well, it sounds to me that you're sound on D&D anyway, so, just a suggestion. I would play first the "vanilla"(original) version just to see how it was, then go on with the real deal, latest improvements, you'll see an improvement you won't believe it's true. You can find lots of ideas re weapons, party formation, etc,on the forum, but I personaly belive that huge part of the fun is descovering by myself.
  8. Enhorning

    Enhorning Member

    Jan 3, 2008
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    Aye I agree on the discovering by oneself part to some degree. But it just irks me a lot when I have a succesful run with a character type in one game and it really doesn't do well in another.
    Enchantment focused sorcerers are my favorite. But in a really undead heavy campaign there is not much point to them. Or going heavy turn undead and whoops there are no undeads at all.

    Anyway for this run im going with a neutral good party.

    Chaotic good fighter dwarf that I might dual class with some barbarian levels but im not sure yet. He is the party tank though. Speciality in bastard sword and going powerattack/cleave route.

    Neutral good sorcerer human that is the party spokesman. Picked spell penetration and negotiator as feats. Will specialize in enchantment spells. Go go mindbuggery spells! (I know it probably is just easier going evocation and flinging fireballs. But i think it is more fun to charm, hold and stun guys and mop them up with other chars.)

    Chaotic good cleric human that worships Pelor and has strength and sun domains. St. Cuthbert is better huh? Ill not recreate cause I really drew a jackpot with the dies for this guys stats hehe. (str 17, dex 13, con 17, int 8, wis 18, cha 15). Will be party healer/crafter and secondary tank.

    Chaotic good ranger human that ill dual class with rogue. Will be the party lockpicker/trapfinder sneaky damage dude. Going weaponfiness dualwield and short sword focus. Short sword a solid choice or would it be better to go for something else? Started the char out as ranger but will progress with 2 straight rogue levels now. Not sure how I will split the levels at 10.

    True neutral wizard human that specialize in evocation. Barred schools are enchantment (sorc for that) and necromancy. Not exactly sure wich necro spells ill be missing since I will be capped at level 10 and skull trap, finger of death, wail of the banshee etc are not availiable... Feats will be spell penetration and evocation specializations...

    Feels like a solid party. But since I haven't been through the game before im not sure of the difficulty!

    Oh. And im going through it sorta vanilla... I think. Level capped to 10. But I start it with the Front-End launcher but I do not choose launch Co8 module. Will I still get the blessing of less bugs from the mod or is that only in Co8 module?
  9. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Hand-axe is better than shortsword - there are meat cleavers :yes:
  10. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    sounds like a pretty solid party, I'd run with that myself.
  11. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Ok, from a guy who's completed the game, and modded the stuffing out of it, I'd like to makea few notes about your suggested party...

    Solid choice, especially when fragarach and scather are available
    A better choice for party face might be a bard, lots more skill points, illusion and charm spells, extra healing, and better BAB and hit dice. ;)
    I'd take the Good domain so I could craft holy weapons for the later stages of the game, otherwise still a good choice.
    Not tried a ranger/rogue personally, but they work pretty well from what I hear.
    Lots of magic item crafting feats are a good idea, though your wizard will lag behind in levels if he takes on the task alone, I normally have both wizard and cleric crafters to split the XP cost of crafting.
    No you willbe getting the full whack of Troika induced bugs, but on the bright side, when your done withthe buggy game, you got the good stuff ready to roll. :D
  12. Zalmoxes

    Zalmoxes Forest Guardian

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Valid party indeed,. Just a thought: lots of undead in the game, your Cle will need higher Cha, I'd swap it with his Str(after all, 15 is not a bad Str for a secondary melee pc). Oh, the Rng/Rog character RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWF, sneak attack,evasion, uncanny dodge, animal companion, favorit enemy etc etc. Hand axe it's a good feat for the Cleaver like the "shining one" said, although shortsword brings you the Wakizashi :)
  13. Zalmoxes

    Zalmoxes Forest Guardian

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Oh, I'd consider an elf for the Rng/Rog, +2Dex(with weapon finess.....) albeit with a -2Con. I have a Rog8/Rng7 elf TWF(Scimitar,Icingdeath&Twinkle :) ) (Drizzt Do'Urden) he was,maybe, more successful in battles than my main tank( Dwarf Ftr10/Cle5, Greathammer,used Frag only against Iuz)
  14. Tyrannar

    Tyrannar Wanderer in the dark

    Jan 3, 2008
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    After trying Co8 mod i can say things mostly stayed the same for characters.

    i would strongly suggest taking bard instead of sorcerer. in my case that bard is a leader of the team with high CHA and DEX. she has max ranks in ALL communication class skills even sense motive, which helps in great number of situations where u can talk your way through game.

    second thing is this ROG/RNG thing everyone suggests. As i recall u have to take atleast 2 lvl's of RNG to get dualwield and that's 2 lvl of ROG u forgo. that will lower your sneak attack which should be as high as possible and in vanilla version where cap is on lvl 10 u will miss crippling strike, and for what? for 1 feat and sh*tty animal companion? it just isn't worth it. my elven pure rogue with finesse and 2 short swords was more than able to drop 2 trols in 1 turn or sometimes even 2 giants in 1 turn but for giants he had to be hasted (5 att/round)

    As for WIZ if u charm someone with your enchanter then u have done nothing by throwing a fireball at him. I found it best when 2 of my wizzards (PC and NPC) in adition to my bards enchantment further cripple opponents with charm, hold, sleep and daze.
  15. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    With the level cap at 20 you don't have to worry about that so much. Multiclass as you see fit.
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