[IDEAS] Dual Wielding Shields

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Alex_Chrono, Aug 28, 2004.

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  1. Alex_Chrono

    Alex_Chrono Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    I made a post on the Temple Of Elemental Evil forum about this and after a while I decided to find a way to make it happen.

    Here is my original topic:

    My goal is to have a character bear a shield on both arms. I think it is really quite cool having a character whose wearing a Full Plate armor have two shields as his weapons.

    Now, what I have done to make this possible is change the equip slot of a certain shield to OIF_WEAPON_PRIMARYâ–‘OIF_WEAPON_SECONDARY (I copied it from a longsword and pasted it in the shield I targeted (More info on the post).

    Sadly, It hasn't work yet. If you have any ideas please let me know. I'm gonna go and try some more ideas now and I will post the results when I come back. Thanks-a-bunch.

  2. Alex_Chrono

    Alex_Chrono Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    I changed my approach, instead of making a shield be used on both hands I tried just changing the models of a certain weapon and making as shield.

    It worked =) but only to a certain extent. Not all shields look ok, like the only shield that I tried that seemed to look normal is Gnoll Shield 1 and instead of bashing the shield or just punching the target when the character attacks it seems to be hitting the enemy with the shield as though it were a Katar or a Hand Claw (It gave me ideas... :p)

    But all in all it seemed passable as a cute but not overly awe-inspiring first try as a modder for me. I will try to enchance it some more. Tommorow I will post some screenshots to show you guys what it looks like. *PEACE*

    If you have any comments or ideas about it please let me know, thanks.

    P.S.: When running and the "Shield" is equipped, your character looks like he is running with the shield upright as though making a charging attack.
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