After installing CO8 3.03 Beta all my save files would crash as soon as I did anything (click on worldmap, try to rest, try to look at inventory, etc..) I tried installing CO8 3.02 on top of my game files and it did not fix the problem. I had to delete the files dated 6/11, including TOEE.cfg (I'm not sure if this was necessary), spell_enum.mes, and various .py files in the rules directory. Then, the crashes stopped occuring.
Hmm... exact same thing happened to me. Game loads fine but on clicking on something (character) in a saved game it CTDs. Maybe some file's gotten corrupted. I'll have a closer look at the modified files when I can. EDIT: It appears Huntsman already knows of the problem. I'll wait for the repairs then.
Okay, gang, I found the problem. The spell_enum.mes file was corrupted. Reinstalling patch 3.0.2 wouldn't fix it becuase it did not include spell_enum.mes. However, erasing this file and reinstalling 3.0.2 would fix it. I've corrected the problem. It will go all the way into a game . Sorry about that, guys. I'd tested to make sure the initial menu would come up, but never opened up a game. I was in a rush yesterday...completely my fault. Also, it seems that I may be ont he trail of what is causing file corruption in ProtoEd. It seems that it's either loading a new file when one is already loaded, or saving to a differing location. Now, I open a new Protoed for each file to edit (closing it in between), and I copy the file I want to edit to the location I want it at before editing. These two precaustions seem to have solved the file corruption errors. Also, I have uploaded the corrected version, so it is available now. Same url. Also, if you find a bug like this, you can email me (gee, can you guess what my address is?). However, if you put me on any telemarketing lists, I will hunt you down, strap you into a chair, and subject you to a 72 hour barney fest (lots of coffee and Vivrin provided, so you don't miss anything). Yes, I am evil
Not sure if i am being thicker than a short plank with a hamburger problem but i downloaded the co8 toe patch, in the html file it says run the co8200.exe file to install, trouble is the file isn't in there...