A walk in the Black Forest! Well, the Spider Forest, anyway... And, it will be noted, we have our first serious townmap! Thanks to ShadowDragoon for the long and arduous task of stitching it together :clap: The rest should fall like Dominos thrown out of a plane.
I do believe this is our very first public peek into the Caves of Chaos! :dance: Map layout by Krunch, artistic enhancement by Vampiricpuppy. Note that the actual campfire, torch flame etc will be added later by the engine (this is just a shot of the background).
This is very exciting to see and I hope to see more and more updates to this thread. These screens look superb and professional to say the least.
Looks great. Can't wait to play. The Caves of Chaos will be my new inner-sanctum of fun. I'm buyin' the first few rounds at the local pub. Does the 'Inn of the Welcome Wench' have a outlet in town? Take it easy.