Borked Dice Roller?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Oxlar, Apr 22, 2007.

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  1. Oxlar

    Oxlar Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Anyone else seeing a Dice roller in this game that is completely messed up, especially with melee D20 rolls? 70% of all melee to hit rolls are 6 and below. D10 damage rolls are almost always a 1 or 3. Has anyone seen any bugs like this? It is so bad that I was able to call out my to hit rolls 4 times in a row last night with the same character. It started wtih a 4. Then I missed again, so I said to myself "I bet its a 1". Checked the rolls, yes its a 1. Then I missed agaon, so I said to myself " I bet its a 3". Checked the rolls, yes its a 3. Missed again, so I said "gotta be a 2". Checked and it was a 2. Missed again, I said " its a 6". Lo and behold it was a 6. This happens frequently. My main tank cant hit the broad side of a barn, because half the time he cant roll over a 4. Now either my superpower is precognition of ToEE to hit rolls or the dice roller in this game is severely borked and patterns become common. I'm guessing its the later.

    Has anyone else seen this problem?

    Other observations:

    Level 2 guards with an AC of 19, yet when I loot them they are wearing scale or leather.
    The same mob will have a different AC depending on who is attacking him even though both attackers are in his front attack radius. One character will have to hit an AC of 14, while the other will have to hit an AC 17 or higher.

    Level 2 orcs getting a str damage bonus of +10! My half-orc fighter has a str of 20 and he only gets a str damage bonus of +5. Spells like bulls str only give a +4 to str and that would only provide an extr 1 or two points of damage, and thats if your assuming all orcs have an ungodly str of 20 to begin with.

    Also, my fighter is now level 5 with a weapon focus and specialization in greatsword. However, I have yet to even find a greatsword. I havent even seen a regular one to buy. Sure I can buy masterwork no-dachis or nijatos and other masterwork exotic weapons, but I cant get a simple 2-handed sword? Not even a regular one? WTH is up with that? Anyone know where I can get one?

    Finally, anyone else notice that the game runs like a 98 year old woman with two wooden legs and a walker, even though they have a high end system like mine? (AMD 4000+, Nvidia GTS8800 320MB, 1 gig of ram)

    Something else I just noticed. On my thief who has a dex bonus of +5 has an AC of 15 with no armor on. When I put on gloves of Dexterity +2, my AC goes down to 14 instead of up to 16. With further poking around I noticed that leather boots and gloves all detract from your dex bonus where as chain/plate boots and gloves do not drop your max dex bonus. I even saw that the Jaunty hat detracted from your max dex bonus. WOW, this is almost the last straw. I've gone through so much to get this game to even run. I so desperately want to play a turn based D&D game, but when the items are all jacked up, its almost unbearable.

    I've read through the bug lists, but haven't seen anything on my above posts.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2007
  2. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Yeah. We know. There's lots of stuff you'll find that's goofy. Much has been fixed. If you want to see more of what's been written in the past, try the search feature for specifics..."mersenne twister" is good for looking up dice rolling issues. Lag has been talked about in some detail, too. It's funny, but some older systems run ToEE just as good as the high end ones like you've got, if not better. If you don't like those guards, wait 'til you run into some of the other things later on like the temple bugbears. The game was fiddled to make things "challenging" for parties as they advanced. Make sure you've got all the latest updates, as a lot has been undertaken here to restore things to a more rules compliant state.

    One last thing...your guy should have come with a Greatsword if you've chosen the right things for him at start-up; or be able to acquire one if you've updated things to their most advanced state. If not, then you can either keep playing this game until the end, or give it a few updates & see how much better it's been made by the modders here.

    Welcome to the forum!
  3. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    There are a number of greatswords, including a Frostbrand, in the game. Just loot in the right place and ,bingo.
  4. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I don't think you can get Frostbrand until the Temple, in a hot place......(fire fire).
    I guess I'm just lucky when it comes to roles, I've yet to experience these terrible to hit roles. I suffered from very poor level up HP roles but hits have been kind to me :)
  5. grimbergen

    grimbergen Member

    Jun 22, 2006
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    Yeah, i noticed the dice rolling issue also. My 1st/2nd level party (with 18 STR fighters and 18 dex archers [yes, i rerolled many times]) could barely hit the weak kobolds and gobbo neighbors. It was very frustrating. But there is hope.

    but it seems to get better (or at least my party got better) when you can use better tactics as you level up more. I just got thru a huge battle with 3 big bosses and a bunch of grunts (like 500+hp total) with my group of level 4's ( ~200hp total) and did quite well. 2 guys did die but it was great. With good spells/mob control/debuffers, it seems to even out the bad dice rolling.

    Performance is good though. I only have a p4 3200, 1 gig ram, and it is lightning fast. Some stutter here and there, but overall it loads faster than IWD2.
  6. grimbergen

    grimbergen Member

    Jun 22, 2006
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    Oh yeah, the greatswords should be for sale at the starter caravan (if you use the mods)
  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    You haven't actually said if you are using the Co8 mods or not. If not, well, I would advise using them...

    If you are using the whole lot, then your install is the reason you didn't start with a greatsword - you must have ticked 'start with no weapons' when installing. I don't even know why that option is there, but, well, there you go, you get what u ask for ;) But for the moment, buy the masterwork No Dachi - the game recognises it as a greatsword for your feats. And there are a few magic greatswords along the way.
    Interesting use of the word 'mob' ;) I wonder if you're Australian?

    The AC changes are due to how the game calculates cover - if you are firing at something behind cover, rather than attacking at -4, the game will give them a +4 to AC. I don't knoiw if thats RAW for D&D but its how ToEE does it. Take into account flat-footedness, different ACs versus touch attacks etc and a critter's AC can vary wildly during a combat. Its confusing (and annoying) but there are reasons it happens. I know you said 'in the front rank' but the game is very quick to give cover in melee. If you have someone standing next to another party member when using a long-spear, for instance, the game will be very quick to give the target a +4 bonus because the polearm attack is made from behind the 'cover' of the friendly melee attacker.
    They may be raging.
    Out of all these I only bothered checking the jaunty hat - it should allow a maximum dex of 100 (and always has, I might add).
    O please, it can get much worse. One day you'll be playing one of these turn based games and all your stats will have gone to hell because we introduced cursed items. Then you'll have something to complain about :wave:
  8. vampiricpuppy

    vampiricpuppy cuddly nosferatu

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Lol - i often wonder why that option is in the installation as opposed to the front end >_>

    Actually, 'Mob' is a term frequently found in MMORPGs - particularly from mmo veterans, from games such as everquest. It is essentially a shortened version of 'mobile object' ie. something you can kill :p

    hee hee! :icon_chuc
  9. Oxlar

    Oxlar Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    At the time I posted this, I was using the front end loader with 5.0 mod. However I recently updated it to 5.0.3 and it fixed some of the issues. I am much happier. The leather gloves,boots, and hat do not cap my dex bonus. Although I haven't gotten to the gloves of dex +2 yet to check those.

    I never saw an option to check in order to not start with weapons.

    Thanks for explaining how the game hands out cover modifications.

    I did notice that with my new game, the dice roller is WAAAAAAY more fair. There is definately something there that is affecting its performance. My last game, it was like pulling teeth to get a d20 roll above a 6.

    As far as game performance, everything is smooth until I hit combat with more than a couple mobs and some spell effects get drawn on the screen. The only thing I can think of is that my vid card is so new(GTS 8800, DX10) that it doesn't handle older things very well. Its a wierd hitch every 3 or 4 seconds during most battles. I've noticed things with some other older games I have recently tried to run where black bars flick briefly on the screen or animations get really choppy.

    'Mob', what Vampri said. originally it was taken from text muds to mean a mobile object. It has become synonomous today for something you interact with to kill or as an NPC.

    I'm not from down under. I live in the Emerald City. :coffee:
  10. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    but I htought the emerald city was in "Auzz"
  11. Oxlar

    Oxlar Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Well where I come from, the 'Emerald City' is a reference to Seattle because it is always so green and lush.
  12. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    And here I thought a mob was a fuck-ton of kangaroos...:nerd:

    PS...a lot of places look more like Oz to me than Seattle. Charlotte & Atlanta especially, due to all that kudzu they're strangled by. Talk about your emerld cities...
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2007
  13. KIA

    KIA Member

    Oct 2, 2003
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    You are not imagining things. Atari received a metric-ton of grief over the lack of "randomness" in its generator for the original release. This was repaired in patch 2 (I think). It took a lot of community effort for them to review the generator, but when they did, they were just shocked to discover that it wasn't generating satisfactorily "random" numbers.

    Having said all that, you do need to pay attention to the rules. Spellcasters who used ranged weapons in melee suffer badly, and it's very unlikely that they will hit due to several penalties - unless they have the "right" feats!
  14. transgression

    transgression Member

    Apr 14, 2007
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    Mob is old MUD slang for monster or NPC
  15. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    V_P already had us covered on this; :blink: reading is fundamental.
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