ToEE on Windows Vista: Discussion

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by TitusCrow, Mar 7, 2007.

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  1. TitusCrow

    TitusCrow Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    NOTE: This is Agetian speaking below

    I'm opening this sticky thread temporarily for players to report their experiences with the Temple of Elemental Evil on Windows Vista and possibly with newer hardware that is made primarily for vista (e.g. GeForce 8xxx series for DirectX 10).

    Please post your compatibility test results here, as well as any workarounds that you find for your problems (if any). Let's try to compile a database of information about what we can expect from ToEE on Windows Vista (and appropriate hardware), see if we can run this game, and try to figure out if we can find solutions to various problems.

    Later this thread can be unstickied or removed after the most significant information is copied into the Common Issues & Solutions and/or other threads.

    - Agetian

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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2007
  2. TitusCrow

    TitusCrow Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Re: Problems with Vista! and 8800gtx

    greetings all just joined the forums, i have been playing d&d since 1983 and have seen all the pnp versions. the TOEE was always my fave modual and i have taken many parties through it during school and then university holidays.

    as times moved on and my social circle all grew up and moved apart the way to continue with my love for adventure was through my pc and many games such as baldurs gate NWN icewind dale etc.. when i hear TOEE was coming out i nearly did a backflip:hug: the game looked great and felt like d&d, for my money the purest implimentation of the game i have ever seen.

    Thus having just bought a new great gaming rig i decided to play TOEE again. my spec for my pc is 2 gig ram dual core 6700 and a nvidia 8800gtx i have a sli board though have not seen fit to add another graphics card as yet. I updated all the latest drivers both for vista and my gpx card then installed the toee. after starting the game there were large graphics glitches and flashing areas of the screen also some of the char models couldnt be seen at all just the ring below them. reading the forums i tried to play it in the xp compatibility mode to the same result. my patchs were = the official atart patch 2 then the full install of the co8 5.0 final one as suggested in the forums.

    if anyone has any advice on how to get the game runing ok or any information about upcoming patches for vista / nividia probs i would be most greatfull to hear this

    it was as clean an install as you could possibly get as i got a new pc built from scratch 4 days agon with vista instaled as the OS from a clean HD so i dont think its any conflicts that way.

    thanks for the great game and here's hoping i can re-play it with all the new patch content on my new rig ( last time i played it it was the unpatched version with crashes and all :punch: )

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2007
  3. CraigMack

    CraigMack Member

    Mar 5, 2007
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    Re: Problems with Vista! and 8800gtx

    I just got my toee working about 5 minutes ago with vista. I basically did a fresh install where I ran EVERYTHING under xp compatibility patches, co8 stuff and I set it all to permanently run as under xp service pack 2 and its working great now. Don't know if this will help you but my system is similar to yours just with a different video card. Good luck and thanks to all the info on these forums for helping me get this straightened out.
  4. Sh0dan

    Sh0dan Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Re: Problems with Vista! and 8800gtx

    Having the same problem with a similar setup. Vista, 8800gtx, amd 5200 dual-core and 2gigs of ram.

    The working game and toee front end is installed on my external hard drive that I plugged straight into my new system.

    The game runs and everything, but theres loads of graphical wierdness like missing models etc.

    Have been playing the Co8 mods for a few years now, and would really love to get this game working on my new system.

    So if anyone out there can help, it would be much appreciated.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2007
  5. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Re: Problems with Vista! and 8800gtx

    Try this. Open the graphics properties for the settings of your new video card and turn everything down, as in de-optimize all settings - especially things like video acceleration. And, use a video card maximum resolution of 800x600 at 32-bit color for display properties.
  6. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Re: Windows Vista ToEE issues & solutions

    I, for one, am especially interested to learn if ToEE will properly install on Windows Vista and also to learn whether or not the Atari patches will properly work on an instance of ToEE installed on Windows Vista.

    It seems that somewhere between the nVidia 6800 gt/gts/gtx series and higher (newer models) of nVidia video cards, a steep dropoff occurs with respect to being able to play ToEE.

    IMO - This is what I would suggest for high-end nVidia cards.
    (1) if someone will buy new hardware as a computer upgrade, stay away motherboards with on-board SLI video and stay away from using SLI video cards (add-on), especially of the dual video card type. If someone does buy a motherboard with on-board SLI video, please use an add-on video card and disable the on-board SLI video card.
    (2) I would also suggest they try a more basic type of nVidia video card, i.e., meaning a PCI-Express nVidia video card (no wild configuration, never a dual video card configuration).

    Otherwise, I would give a nod to use ATI Radeon cards, something like this.
    ASUS ATI Extreme AX550GE Gamer 256MB PCI-Express

    It would be helpful when someone provides feedback for ToEE on Windows Vista to please include your video card type (and, if possible, the version of video driver).

    Note: This is strictly for the collection of information and is not for troubleshooting.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2007
  7. Sh0dan

    Sh0dan Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Re: Problems with Vista! and 8800gtx

    Thanks for reply krunch, tried messing around and lowing setting etc, but still no go.

    I will try a full reinstall at a later date and hope that fixes it.

    EDIT: Well I tried the fresh install just using toee 1.0 and messed around further in the Nvidia control panel, but I cant get the game running without graphical corruption. I guess this game is just not going to run on Vista. :shame:

    System Tested on
    Vista OS
    32bit System
    AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+
    Asus GeForce 8800 GTX
    Nvidea ForceWare 100.65 Driver
    Also tried Nvidea 101.41 Beta drivers
    Direct X10.0
    2GB RAM
    Run as Admin in win XP SP2 compatibility mode.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2007
  8. TitusCrow

    TitusCrow Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Re: Windows Vista ToEE issues & solutions

    hi there and thanks for the advice - unfortnatly i have tried ever setting config and cant get stuff to stop flickerng /turning invisible.

    as i have the 8800 on sli board ( asus striker extreme ) with vista i cant really do much but put it down to a bad loss of a great game untill such time as nvid rlease a solution.

    im not sure how quick this may happen if ever so i have purchased NWN2 in the hope of some d&d goodness this is winging its way to me by post as i speak in hear there is a temple of elemental evil modul in the making and me and a few friends hope to play through this.

    many thanks for all the advice and help that was forthcomingfrom the forums guys.

  9. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: Windows Vista ToEE issues & solutions

    I'll try speaking with Steve Moret regarding the problems with launching ToEE on WinVista today or tomorrow, I'll see if I can get him to help us get it to work wtih the newest DirectX 10 API (unofficially of course, that is ;)) - sorry if I won't be able to help here though.

    - Agetian
  10. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Re: Windows Vista ToEE issues & solutions

    Cool Ag! I'm getting worried that I won't be able to play the game in a few
    years when I upgrade my PC. While you do that ask him how to make a
    multi-skeleton 3d objects and animations for ToEE. :) Vampiric Puppy and
    Cuchulainn would be very thankful. :D <joke>
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2007
  11. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: Windows Vista ToEE issues & solutions

    A note from Steve Moret: he said that he hasn't upgraded to Vista and can't possibly imagine what could be causing the problem, but he told me that if he ever upgrades to Vista, he'll try to debug the code to see what exactly is failing to work. This actually is a light of hope, but we should also try to find alternative solutions for our problems of course, without relying too much on one source of help. Personally I haven't gone Vista yet, and not planning to until I'm forced to do it, therefore I can't personally help as well... :(
    Once again, keep the testing results and any workarounds you find coming in the meanwhile.

    - Agetian
  12. ToddMcF2002

    ToddMcF2002 Member

    Jan 3, 2006
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    Re: Windows Vista ToEE issues & solutions

    This game is important enough to me to buy a cheap ATi card in addition to a 8800 GTX. NVidia's drivers are a huge mess under Vista so this is hardly a surprise. Either dual boot to XP or get a cheapo backup ATi card for older titles. I seriously doubt the compatibility problems identified here will prove isolated to ToEE.
  13. TitusCrow

    TitusCrow Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Re: Windows Vista ToEE issues & solutions

    hmm that option has occured to me actually too - the next step i take is a partition with xp on it just to see if it makes any diff. also i have my old pc with its ati x850 platinum in it maybe a new case and new power supply ( which was making a horrible whirring sound ) and i could link them up or something hmm.. not really the solution i was after :'( . also an update on NWN2 it arrived and i have installed it today ( looks real nice with the grapics turned up to 100% on new pc ) - unfortunatly the temple modual is giving me gyp in that too..hehe can get it to the unpack bit and then freezes! gah its enough to drive a man back to playing wow :)

    once again thanks for the good advice.
  14. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Re: Windows Vista ToEE issues & solutions

    *best Mark Hammil voice*


    Do anything BUT that. ;)
  15. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Re: Windows Vista ToEE issues & solutions

    *Hard breath* Hffff...hffff... Allyx... I am Blizzard's bitch too... hfff....

    Sorry to hijack the thread. I couldn't pass on that one.
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