Suddenly, a new error on start-up...

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by OnusBone, Oct 18, 2006.

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  1. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    It's gibberish to me... sorry, Krunch will surely
    know what to do.
  2. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Use this software command tool.

    download and run cprocess

    * CurrProcess utility displays the list of all processes currently running on your system. For each process, you can view the list of all modules (DLL files) that the process loads into memory. for all processes and modules, additional useful information is also displayed: product name, version, company name, description of the file, the size of the file, and more.

    In addition, CurrProcess allows you to do the following actions:
    Change the priority of a process.
    Kill a process.
    Dump memory of process into a text file.
    Create HTML report containing information about a process with the list of all modules that it loads into memory.
    Save the list of all running processes into text or HTML file.
    Copy process or module information to the clipboard.

    This will hopefully allow you to determine what is locking a file needed for ToEE to run. I would suspect it is your antivirus program or some other program that actively uses program control to lock or prohibit files. This excludes the idea of a file being corrupted or anything like that. Maybe Agetian can suggest something else based on his knowledge of ToEEFE and dotNET. Otherwise, try cprocess for now.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2007
  3. WebShaman

    WebShaman Member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Will do! :thumbsup:
  4. WebShaman

    WebShaman Member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    So here is the info requested!

    The error is now :

    Oh, the dumb is too long to post here.

    I will have to Upload it somewhere - drats!
  5. WebShaman

    WebShaman Member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Here is the HMTL version/dump :

  6. BloodiedOak

    BloodiedOak Member

    Feb 1, 2007
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    Hi there. I've been getting the following message when trying to load FrontEnd:

    "0002: Error: One of the game folders can't be accessed! Make sure that no other application uses any of the game folders, then try again."

    A detailed post about this problem can be found here:

    I downloaded CurrProcess and ran it but failed to find any information that helps me solve this problem.

    I would appreciate any offers of assistance. Thank you.
  7. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    @WebShaman and @BloodiedOak

    Please do what Agetian specified.
    complete uninstall
    PLUS delete remaining game files,
    PLUS reboot,
    and PLUS new install from scratch

    Do this to accomplish the above.
    1. Turn off System Restore in Windows XP. (Use this link)
    2. Open the Control Panel and, then, open Add or Remove Programs.
    3. Select Co8 5 MOD and click REMOVE.
    4. (when 3 is done) Select Temple of Elemental Evil and click REMOVE.
    5. (when 4 is done) Open Windows Explorer, browse to the remaining ToEE game folder, select all of the remaining files and subfolders in the ToEE game folder, delete all of the ToEE game files and subfolders [ show them no mercy or quarters :p ], and empty the recycle bin of all files (if anything is in it).
    6. (when 5 is done) Clean your Windows in Windows XP. (Use this link)
    7. Shutdown to a powered off state and, then, start your computer.
    6. Do a complete new install of ToEE. (Use this link)
    -> Note: The linked step 1 (Zeb's instructions) in my step 6 includes installing dotNET 2. Please include installing dotNET 2 even if you have already installed it before. Reinstalling dotNET 2 will not hurt anything. You do not have to uninstall it, just install it even if it is a reinstallation as a part of my step 6.

    Please do NOT take any shortcuts.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2007
  8. windmillcrusadeR

    windmillcrusadeR Windmillcrusader

    Nov 22, 2004
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    I wonder if it is a some sort of math issue with front end and windows xp. I use windows xp home version. I'm sure the rest of you use xp prof.
    Well, the extreme thing might work. i just un installed everything and am swiping the temp files and recycle bin.
    heh heh, what a toee junkie i am.
  9. windmillcrusadeR

    windmillcrusadeR Windmillcrusader

    Nov 22, 2004
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    i found an ini file under application history folder. the title mentioned front end and i looked in the file. it had a link to where my front end operates. i've already deleted my game though.

    so before you un install what Kapt Crunch said, hit %userprofile%
    find your application folder, find any linked files that might have the word front end in it. or you can search under the application folder for a file that has front end in it.

    delete it and see if the game works.

    I would have tried that but i'v e already unistalled.

    mayhaps that file was always there?

    give it a try though.

    I'm gonna take a shower and go for a massage.

  10. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    A couple notes:

    The 'cave_short.mp3' error has been seen to occur in the past if you haven't deactivated the current module before updating.

    Also, make sure you don't have the ToEE parent folder or any files within it open when you try to launch the front end. This will cause the 'one of the game folders can't be accessed' error.
  11. WebShaman

    WebShaman Member

    Nov 21, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I will follow all the advice given here and post back with results.

    Once again, thank you for all your time and effort.
  12. windmillcrusadeR

    windmillcrusadeR Windmillcrusader

    Nov 22, 2004
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    To Gaer
    i'd thought about that and made sure everything was closed before i tried to open the file. the only thing i was doing different last night was for the first time i entered a few cheat codes from the Shift+~. i didn't even save the game.

    however, i'm not the only one to have this happen all of a sudden. I am suspecting a software clash that might be prevelant with certain operating systems.

    I use a licensed version of Windows XP Home. I think that's not it but i'm curious as to who also had problems with TOEEFE.

    The 00013 error hasn't been hit by too many people. i stopped playing last night around 0100 and woke and it crashed around 0800.

    I also noted that my hard drive was fairly full. so i moved some folders i share to a storage drive. I'm gonna give it another try in an hour.
  13. windmillcrusadeR

    windmillcrusadeR Windmillcrusader

    Nov 22, 2004
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    oh, my drive that had the game on it needs defraging. I don't think that everyone that has this problem would have this error occur at the same time though.

    but, thanks Again Kapt Krunch for the drill to follow.

    I'll get to the end.

    P.S. What is the cuase of the bug that if i play a game with a previous game on, that i can't find secret doors.

    i used to finish a game by killing the lady of fungi but not her minions and then i'd get the exerience points transfered over to a new game. then i could start my characters at level two.

    now if i do that the only secret door i find is at the moat house and all others, including the door to the air temple and prince thrommel cannot be found.

    was this intentional or a bug similar to the toee ver 3?
  14. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Turning off System Restore (1) and doing a standard Windows cleanup (6) can free up to 2 or 3+ GB of drive space on computers that have never been cleaned up and have seen much usage over time. Also, there's a defrag to do in the instructions to help straighten things out after making space available. A reinstall is to ensure everything is installed properly, including dotNET 2 and ToEEFE. Users need to ensure their computers are ready to install and use ToEE and keep their computers maintained.
    * It is like owning a car. If you never service it, don't complain when it has problems and breaks down.

    There is a lot of information on the secret door/stairs bug...several threads you can search for and find. Gaear is probably the person most familiar with it, according to the number of times I can recall (several) he has posted responses to peops on that issue. I will search for it and look it up a response here.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2007
  15. windmillcrusadeR

    windmillcrusadeR Windmillcrusader

    Nov 22, 2004
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    is there an automated search tool on this web site?
    I scan as i scroll but words don't jump out at me like an evyln woodhead speed reader.

    it'd be nice to be able to type in some search words and a timeline and check for postings that pop up.

    I had already cleaned up my temp files recently but the size of my share files has gotten large lately. i freed up 45 gb of space before the defrag.

    QUESTION: where can i find the TOEE character editor?

    I had it on my last install but deleted the directory (double damn).

    I thought i might have the original file in my download subdirectory but i'm unable to find it.

    THanx for your good work, sir.
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