During the fight with Headrack when Iuz talks with st.Cuthbert Game crashes constantly in the same conversation line. Im using th Co8 5.0.1 build 17.12.06 and all was working well untill this. Anybody had similiar prob, or might know what to do ?
Umm, no, don't know the specific fix for that except patching upto 5.0.3, perhaps? Ah well, I'm sure one of the co8 mod guru's can help
However if you do that you will have to start the game from the beginning. 5.0.3 is not compatible with 5.0.1 saves.
Everything having to do with Iuz/Cuthbert in the 5.0.x patch should be the same between all 3 versions, as best I can tell. So updating to 5.0.3 should not effect this issue. Without independent confirmation of the crash I have to assume it is an install issue on you computer. On which line of dialog exactly does the crash happen?
St.Cuthbert says: "Our affairs are not for the mortal ears. Fiend of the North." Atfet this line game crashes every time /cry
[Edit] Never mind... well we'll see what we can do. [2nd edit] Well, this seems unaltered since the original game. Its meant to switch to Iuz: is Iuz present?
But where is Hedrack when this happens? Is he (or his corpse) far away from Iuz? Or did you do something to him that left no corpse whatsoever? My testing shows that this is the problem. I had the same crash without Hedrack present. With him present, no crash. My guess would be that you led Iuz on a merry chase that took him far away from Hedrack before Cuthbert showed up.
Just wanted to throw in that Iuz' dialogue appears to be a little bit different oif one party member still has that orb in his or her pockets ! Then, Iuz says that this is something he would like to have. But since I broke this up when i read it, I don't know what would happen afterwards his comment on this particular item.