On the subject of things furry, read this & the next few comics... http://archive.gamespy.com/comics/dorktower/archive.asp?nextform=viewcomic&id=1151 Do furries & D&D-ers mix? We'll see!
eh, those were simply two stories I had copied to notepad a few months ago. They were easy enough to copy/paste here. Just another way to introduce myself to the group here at Co8. I'm just another old-schooler who longs for the days of a good ol' pnp AD&D game when you built character, not A character. -_-
I normally get kicked from the IRC room for pasting that much. I should know better, but if a mistake is worth making, it's worth making often.
I've had my first D&D experience when I was eighteen. Never played before that, but got hooked instantly when I first played it. Played a couple modules (don't remember which though, I remember something Belthar-related was on the list, I think they were converted modules from AD&D 2E to D&D 3E), and then became a DM myself. DMed ever since, mostly played self-made modules set in either Forgotten Realms or Karath-Din ("Thief" PC game series D&D adaptation that we made with friends), as well as a few official modules. Haven't played PnP for the last 1.5 years since I've been busy either coding or teaching English in the University. D&D is always fun, both to play and to DM. I've actually started playing D&D-based CRPGs long before I got to first play PnP D&D. My first CRPG experiences were SSI-related (e.g. Pool of Radiance, etc.), as well as Dark Sun series which I think is also by SSI. Those actually got me interested in D&D, and that's why I started looking into the classic PnP way to play it. I got the core books and taught some of my friends to play D&D. Afterwards, they got hooked on it as well. I'm kinda sorry that I don't have time to play with them anymore, at least now. Maybe things will change in the future, and I'll get to play some more D&D stuff?... For now, I mainly play CRPGs and, of course, prefer the Temple of Elemental Evil to everything else. - Agetian
Well, I'm a big fan of certain furry cartoons, and at the same time I love D&D. I actually combined the furry-cartoon-like elements and classic PnP D&D in one of the games I DMed (we played it a couple years ago with friends), it was a custom designed module which I wrote with my friend. It was designed in an original setting and was actually very fun to play. It was also a so-called "global module" (it's the way we call a module where you can actually go behind the module storyline and start making up stuff impromptu to keep the play going and going - as long as you don't get bored of it). I can say that the two (furry and D&D stuff) can actually go together, provided that people who play are fans of both, and provided that the DM who's leading the game is good. - Agetian
well in oriental adventures there are a couple of "furry" races - the vanara, hengeykokai and nezumi - half of the playable races
Call me stupid but what the hell are these 'furries' I keep hearing about? And what is the significance of them? Would it be something like the Rawulfs in Wizardry? My first PnP was when I was 11. Original DnD. Then I moved on to MERP....
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furry I'm guessing Thundercats would qualify for this distinction; never thought of it before now, really. There are links to others there, too. Edit: especially the furry fandom part. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furry_fandom
seems like once you play PnP version nothing else compares. In fact i remember my first game 20+ years ago with some fondness despite the fact that i died in about 15 minutes flat. And my avataris from the front cover of the Village of Hommlet adventure which i still have. Does this make me some sort of ancient outsider?
yeah there is nothing like PnP i wish i could still get in a game now and then. i loved DMing even more . even though i got rid of all my books i still have all my charcters from every game including my first AD&D character. those character sheets took for ever to fill out then lol. i even kept all my stuff from a world i created for the game.
You know its too bad someone hasnt created a form of AD&D rules based text game so we could all play over e-mail or somefin like that considering how friggin hard it is to get ANYBODY together to play with pencil and paper, and then to actually get anything done if u actually can get anybody together Sorry first post and frustration already showing thru
PBEM (Play by E MAil) is out there. You just need to hook up with some other interested persons. I have no interest in that, myself...but who knows. There's plenty of other out there who are. Some may even haunt these halls. You just gotta find them. Happy Hunting!
It could be fun, but also a hassle. I've never played with anyone except my dad and one of my ex boyfriends and his friends. It was fun with my dad but it was a nightmare with my ex and his friends *shudders* I'd really love to get more experience with it.