You should delete the .pyc file. It is a complied version of the .py file and Python will recreated it.
In control panel is easiest, other sorta depends on IE version, The common way is through windows explore menu, tool/folder options(some ie version have it under view). Anyway you'll want to go to the tab labeled "View" and look for "Hide extensions for known file types" and uncheck its box. That is one of the first things I do when installing an OS (Operating System).
Yup,found that file extension box and unchecked it.File now looks like it should,having deleted Txt extension. Anyone run this yet?
I am to assume this only works before thrommel leaves the party as I tried this but it would not compile it stayed as a .py file, and I didn't get the encounter. Would saving my saves files uninstalling the game the reinstalling make this work? or am I just to at some time expect the encounter?