Has anyone figured out how to successfully add a new npc, Non-joinable and joinable, to the game? Being as there are checks for race/sex/class 'm thinking a fwe new npc's would be interesting... I ahve a character that I ran through the pnp mod I'd like to toss in as an npc for comic relief... or a challange for those of an evil bent.
Adding an NPC is easy: Perform an action in the dialogue like pc.follower_add(npc). See line 101 of 00069spinster.dlg for an example. However, I don't know if anyone has figured out how to create an NPC who isn't in the game yet.
It must be awfully time taking to do. You must create the whole NPC columns in Proto.tab. It's stats, classes, etc. You must make whole new dialogue lines then add it to the dialogue.mes file or something like that. You must add a new line for his inventory in, err, a mes file that takes care of it. You must finally add him in the gamemap. Give the right coordinates. *Sigh* I hope one day, there will be some sort of toolsets to make it a little easier to do...