am running post patch, with SCROLL ACCELERATION OFF as I have seen recommended. Ok, in the earth node, i am fine if i take 1 foot steps. But as soon as I simply scroll my mouse over a zone of darkness, the game will freeze up, sometimes for as long as 20 minutes!!!! Come back, its unfrozen. In combat, forget it. If my party is spread out even a bit, selecting something from a radial menu (meaning I need to move the cursor to that character) and its over. I have waited 50 minutes, and screen control has still not returned. This does not EVER happen to an area that I have already explored. So I want to turn off the damn fog. But the Toee -nofog option is NOT working. Anyone know how to get it to work??? thanks
Edit your MapList.mes and add a nofogged flag to the maps that are causing problems. Town unfogging is a part of the Co8 mod, so just find the file and follow the example.
thanks - which toee file has the .mes that i need in it? 1,2,3, or 4? and which tool to use to edit (I use jade to extract)? thanks
Edit the maplist.mes that's in your installed game directory. And you can do it with notepad no sweat.