Water Temple errors?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by blackfly, Jul 27, 2006.

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  1. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    Playing through with a party, CG alignment, and I entered the water temple. Not even an issue. When I attacked, there was a concealment cloud (that was easy to overcome) but the Juggernaut did not attack. WTF. The hardest part of the encounter was that beast. It just sat there. No targeting, no nothing. It was like a car on blocks; there but useless.

    I am using the new 5.0.0 mod and can anyone explain. I expect the mods to make the game harder not easier.
  2. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    Is it repeatable? How many times did you try it?
  3. HobbesMG

    HobbesMG Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Wow, I just signed on to state the same thing. Let me give you the details I have so far.

    1) mod 5.0.1 updated july 18

    2) Chaotic Good Party of 4

    3) Was going to attempt all the temple quests except the final 1 for each leader. Was brought to the Earth temple and finished the first 2 quests. Killed the snake, ran the letter, reported back on the letter. I then decided to save myself a blue unsolvable quest list and just killed the earth temple leader before he gave the third quest. So he never "told" me about the water temple leader. Did the air quests to see if that helped. Did the first 2, killed the air guy, went back to water temple.

    4) Reason I could go back to the water temple was bcause I was never acknowledged to exist. Cant talk to them, they dont react to my presense. Guy is always labled "head temple priest" or whatever his default name is. If I initiate an attack then The orcs and the priests will fight but the gargoyles dont come out like they used to. Behemoth sits there like a lump of rock so the fight was me against 2 priests and 2 bugbears and nothing else i remember.

    5) Do not have any of the robes on or in my inventory. Unfortunately saved the game after i killed earth temple guy so can see if that makes a difference.

    6) Got a different alignment party close to that level. Neutral good. Will see if they get acknowledged if i dont kill the earth dude but will take me some play to get back there.

    Let me know if i can give you any other info
  4. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    Despite the very uninformative first post in this thread, I've managed to find the problem. I'm afraid it is my fault at that. It's been fixed. Unzip this into your ToEE root directory (with 5.0.0 as the last module played if you use Front End).

    Attached Files:

  5. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    I do not mean to criticize or demean anything. I only am reporting what happens. I regret I cannot report better as I do not know anything about coding nor do I play TOEE 24/7. I can be very informative about many things above and beyond gaming, but I suspected that simply stating the Juggernaut does not engage/target/move or react should be enough. It was no big deal, but I personally like challenge.
  6. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    Blackfly, compare your post with Hobbes'. Hobbes' post led me directly to the cause of the problem. It would have taken a lot longer to find it based on the information you provided.

    I'm not trying to criticize, just inform. This goes for everybody that reports bugs here. The more information you can provide the better. Ten minutes of testing and typing on your part can save the people who do the bug fixing here hours, if not days, trying to isolate the bug. That can mean the difference between fixing a bug, and not having the time to even try to.

    We all want to make the game better. Those of you who don't mod can do your part by giving those of us who do as much information as possible about the bugs you find, without us having to pry it out of you.
  7. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    Like I told you, I do not know much about computers or the facts behind them. Ask me about the Singularity Theorem of Black Holes, I can go on for hours, but with computer coding I know nothing. I think that it should suffice that if I cannot target, engage or even loot a known enemy there is a problem.

    I would like to offer more, but I do not play for 24/7 and I do not know the intricacies of the game or coding. If I did, I would be a modder like you. You should thank me for at least reporting it, not condemning me. We all have our gifts, and mine is not computers. But much else.

    I support all modders and their work, and I would gladly pay a fee for the download; it is currently free, but I would suggest in the future you select your words as it will dictate the response. I would give more if I could but I can only give based on what I know.
  8. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    Meh. No need for anybody to feel slighted or insulted.

    Blackfly - your OP reads unclearly because you've mixed up the bug report with how the encounter was happening prior to the bug (the "The hardest part of the encounter was that beast" bit). You're not to know that the bug was that there wasn't actually a juggernaut there but how can the encounter be hard if the juggernaut isn't in combat? Which bug are you reporting - that the juggernaut appears in combat but does nothing? Or that there is no juggernaut in combat full stop? :)

    Most of Blue's post applies to some of my bug reports, most of them actually. So it's a general plea for more specific information to help isolate bugs, not a pick on "Blackfly" post ;)

    Anyways, bug fixed. Thanks Blue:)
  9. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Yes; the bug is fixed, you guys have had your say, and the thread is LOCKED. No need for another free-for-all in ToEE just now.

    Move along, people. Nothing to see here. :bored:
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