During my game with Co8 mod pack 4.0.1, I've found a bit annoyng problem. When my Ranger reaches level 5, he has to choose his second "worst enemy" which gives him a Attack Bonus of +2. I've tried to level up almost 5 time, but after choosing it (tried every creature in the list) it always doesn't allow me to increase skill, so i can't finish the level process, and I've to choose a different class. Is there something I can do with it? The whole party is level 8, while my ranger, due to xp reduction for multiclassing, is still 6 -_-
When i leveled my ranger to 5lvl. I choose another enemy and +2 (so it would be +4) to one of my enemy now.
Jimy - the Ranger issue is one of the problems we have from breaking the lvl 10 cap. Can't be helped - u will have to crossclass him. Unless Havoc's workaround works, in which case, he is a genius
@Ted I think Havoc is just talking about using the Favored Enemy Screen Interface correctly Ted. Once you pick your Favored Enemy, the arrow keys next to the names highlight Blue and you must add the additional +2 bonus to one of the enemies. jimy_effe is only talking about a 5th level ranger here. The problems you are refering to don't show up until about 15th level IIrC. The Favored Enemy screen was not altered by any co8 mod. Nor have any of the actual levelup interfaces. There are problems leveling 15+ level sorcerers, druids and rangers but under level 10 no co8 mod affects the levelup. I realize you already quoted this Havoc I'm just posting this because its what they used when they created the game and sometimes it differs slightly from the d20 SRD.
Thank you for the explanation, still I can't level up my ranger (better, i can't take level five ranger due to the bug). Hope it'll work next time I begin the game :nosebleed
You do know that when you select a second favored enemy, you need to click a radio-style button [a small round button] to add a +2 amount after selecting the extra favored enemy?
It was a whole lot simpler when every humanoid was a favored enemy, and they got +1 damage per level against the lot.
Well, I didn't know that I've to select in a radial list but...where I find it? still trying to reach level 5 with my Ranger mg:
ok, it's clear I'm stupid :writersbl when Aust (the ranger) levels up, I choose the class (ranger) and so go to the "features" step to select a second prefered enemy. There is only a list (on the left, where all creature are listed...) and twoblank space on the right: one is where I drag the selected kind of creature (or right click on the creature to fullfill it) and one is filled with "+2" after choosing the creature. Nothing more in the page, or at best i do not see anything else :cry:
Done Take a look at the picture. You need to click on one of the two grey buttons - see how one is blue in my screenshot. http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/6858/rangerlevelupwt1.jpg Once you've done that click on skills to assign skill points etc etc...
Well, now I undestand the problem...I do not have those buttons -.- Only a list, and 2 blank space. So i think it's...well, a bug -.- Damn'it
I think that's the best bug I've ever heard of. Which version of the game have you got? It might be worth you trying a clean install (you know how to move save games and your characters so they don't get deleted?) and seeing if this problem is still there with a new ranger character (use the console command 'levelup').