Orc Quest?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by HobbesMG, Jul 15, 2006.

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  1. HobbesMG

    HobbesMG Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    First of all....

    Thank you to everyone that is a part of these new Mods! You have re-addicted me to a game I love(d). I hated the buggy aspect of the origional ToEE and threw it in a box when I finished. Was disappointed since I had started playing AD&D 25 years ago (yes I am old shaddup) and wanted to enjoy the experience again on a computer.

    Now...After Mod 4.0 I have played a party with every alignment :nerd:

    So all that being said, I try to find all the quests and uses different alignments... and I am going crazy trying to find the orc quest mentioned in the notes for levels 2-4. I have 3 algnment groups i got to level 5 without ever finding this quest and I would like to try to do it when it is level compatable. Can anyone direct me, hint me, point me to where it might be found?

    Thanks again
  2. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Try talking to the village elder, Kenter. The dialog choices to get to the quest are a little complicated, but if you don't get it the first time you talk to him, just start over.

    Oh, and be wary of the orcs - they reccomend levels 2-4, but they wiped the floor with my 3rd lvl party pretty easily.
  3. rufnredde

    rufnredde Established Member Veteran

    Apr 8, 2006
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    I posted a fix this morning that adds the following changes to the mod.

    Accounts for group CR and adjusts the number of Orcs and their levels accordingly.

    It also fixes the quest entry which had no name assigned to it. I got tied up just before the final release and didn't quite finish the orcs up.

    Renamed the cave to Cave Lair instead of Ogre Cave.

    I also attempted to fix a reported bug that the game sometimes locks up when targeting the Orc Shaman with a spell. It did not do this anymore in my testing, but it may rear its ugly head again.

    Please post any feedback about the mod so I can further improve it as needed. I'm glad to hear that people are enjoying the Orcs.

    My thanks to all the people that were involved in its creation:)

    The fix can be found on this thread in post 1.
  4. Dragon_Awakened

    Dragon_Awakened Wandering Warrior

    Mar 3, 2006
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    We get to play with orcs? I'd do a back flip right now but I'd likely break something vital to me or valuable to someone else. Sooner or later I'm going to have to download the 5.0 mod. Orcs and Drow and Assassins Oh my.
  5. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    I agree. I went right when Kenter suggested it, and, well, it did not go well. I would highly recommend those who have not yet gone to ensure they are strong to survive. It will suprise you how quickly you can fall if not prepared.

    They are orcs, after all.
  6. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Actually, they are Orcs on a mission...

    ...slightly tougher than "Joe Orc."

  7. HobbesMG

    HobbesMG Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Thanks for the replies and info. I saw the mod fix after I posted so I downloaded that. Now I know where to find the quest so thanks. He bored me the first time I talked to him..babbling about how great the inn is.. cuz I should have bugged him more abour orcs. Off o load the game and try it now.

    Hope I can think of a good reason why my evil drow/half-orc party wants to kill orcs. I got time to think about it as the Mod loads...

  8. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    You need to think of a reason...? Aren't you evil? :scratchhe Damn it...lemme help ya...*grumble stupid drow..mumble f@cker...*


    10. To watch them bleed...
    9. To take their stuff...
    8. Experience points...
    7. Food...Orcs are taa-sty (at least to other orcs)...
    6. You're on a mission...
    5. You like their cave...
    4. Your weapons need testing...
    3. Violence is its own reward...
    2. That voice in your head...

    1. They are on a mission; perhaps they are from a rival clan & you want to thwart that mission.:evilgrin:
  9. HobbesMG

    HobbesMG Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Well Gee thats why i said I had time to think of a reason while the front end was loading. cuz it took a whole 10 seconds to load. See?!? It was irony. Bah no wonder us Drow know we are better then the rest of ya.....

  10. HobbesMG

    HobbesMG Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    On a more serious note......

    I unzipped the changes and had 2 things occur. I will go post in the other thread but figured i would put it here as a question in case it was there before.

    1) Cant solve the quest. Killed the orcs. Elder says "you rock" doesnt finish the quest. still blue

    2) Sleep upstairs in the inn for a day so I can look at master work items and my whole party gets stink rot fever, or whatever the disease is when ya sleep with the bugs on the floor. never had that happen before.

    BTW rufnredde, nice job on the MOD. Was fun to have something new to slash. Was this "mission" something assumed or did i miss dialog somewhere?
  11. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    As for 2) - yes, that's how diseases show up :) You incubate the bug and then come down with it.
  12. Vendegaar

    Vendegaar Cornish Avenger

    Jun 8, 2006
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    They are just like the kids where I grew up. Just big bullies.

    Since I was always two grades above what I should have been for my age I had to deal with this type from an early age. Lots of noise and bluster. Just give them a quick bloody nose and they leave you alone. If they dont then break their legs with a 2x4. If they can't stand they can't fight. (I heard that in a movie once - some kiddy kung fu type)

    Actually, I really didn't have that much of a problem with them. Just get the best equipment you can as soon as possible and don't peck away on all of them at once. The faster you can take one of them out the less problem you will have. Start with the most dangerous and work your way down.
  13. Hazelnut

    Hazelnut Great Confusor

    Jul 20, 2006
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    I just can't get Kenter to give me this quest! Damnit. He will tell me that:

    - There's more to elmo than meets the eye.
    - The welcome wench is for fun.
    - Where to buy stuff.

    Thats it. Clues please?

    Actually, strike that, just tell me *exactly* how to get the quest! :aaaa:

    Edit: Err, is the Orc quest the "Ogre Cave"? (now called cave lair) The one with Ogre's in it? I got that ages ago, but was sure I read a post about it being tied into a quest from the temple so I decided to leave it until then. They aren't orcs they are ogres. I am confused. Bear in mind this is my first play through of ToEE so I don;t know what's co8 and what's original. :oops:
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2006
  14. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    You should be able to ask if there are any rumours and he will tell you about the orcs. In fact, if you can get him to mention Elmo, the quest should be the first dialogue response by you after he tells you about Elmo.

    But there is a check which requires you not to know about the quest, and so if you've already started the quest then it may not appear again. Did you start the quest before applying the cumulative fixes Hazelnut? That might be the cause of your issue.
  15. Hazelnut

    Hazelnut Great Confusor

    Jul 20, 2006
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    Yep - I must have talked to him the first or second night I played last week... the quest appears in the log, but unless it's the ogre cave (with ogres not orcs) then I have no idea where to go.
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