hextors favoured weapon is a flail, altho he uses a longsword, mace, scimitar, battleaxe and a kama in his other hands.
Shweeet... thankyou Mr Cujo. Flails it is - ur own addition, if I am not mistaken Ok, latest report: Should have had the damn thing done yesterday, but got tied up with a friend's issues - "can u look after my kids Ted? I'm just off to top myself" (melodramatic cry-for-help, not a real threat, but still took a couple hours to deal with. Stupid real life.) Also, got sidetracked trying to add a secret door - a real moving internal secret door - and making it look flush with the wall. It did - when open <sigh>. When shut it looked like a big black blob. O well... gotta stop getting distracted by these things. Anyways, the maps I want to include are basically done (to the point of inclusion - not finished by any means!) There's 39 of the little buggers - 1 by Allyx (caravan), 1 by me, 1 by Allanon, the rest by Screeg, Gawd bless 'im. And I still have a few up my sleeve but they can wait. Some cleaning up of the dlg files, then I can put it up. Less than 24 hours people
Do keep in mind that flails are a martial weapon in 3.x so clerics aren't automatically proficient. They either need to take spend a feat, or in the case of Hextorites, have the War domain (which will give them proficiency and WF in the flail for free.).
Ted, Let me know how those world map fixes came out and email me a screen shot when you get time, polishing it up might be a bit of trial and error but when I see the screens, I'll know what to do. Thanks.
Another Hextorite Priest weapon...the Bow. Hextor uses two (using 4 arms) with spiked bucklers in the remaining hands. Hence, the arrows in the rendering we're all viewing.
Sherrif, thanks for the reminder! Will get onto that asap. Otherwise, the update is DONE! Just packing it into a zip and doing some docs for it, come back in a couple hours O and my Hextorites include plenty of bowmen, as the pic I posted shows (along the top wall).
Ok, new map is up at the gallery, looks seamless: nice work Sherriff Back to packing the zip: a packin' we shall go <whistle>
Ok, good the map looks cool. Now we need to get those buttons looking better, I tried lightening them considerably but they look really dark...I'll explore working with color using targa files and see if I can correct. I have the files I will just email you new ones to try.
Thanks Sherriff: I tried lightening them myself and didn't get anywhere: maybe its an alpha channel issue?
Ok, the new release is up and the location has gone out. As I ahve said many times, this will NOT be a public release, there are already too many spoilers. Everyone involved (or who have made it clear they want to get involved) check your emails or message boxes: I think I remembered pretty much everyone but Morpheus (his box is full yet again ). If you are a regular modder or have expressed an interest in KotB in the past and I missed you somehow, don't be offended, just PM me and remind me and I will humbly apologise! Please keep spoiler feedback to a minimum. O and Ag has already installed and ran around on it, no CTDs so far
Thanks for all your hard work on KotB Ted, it looks great. I'm going on holiday early tomorrow morning, so I can't do a huge amount of work on it yet, but I have printed off the KotB module from the .pdf file I got from a certain electronic donkey to take with me, I'll give it a read and gather some idea's so I can help you guys out modding ToEE when I get back home next week.
Ok, feedback is starting to trickle in, so far its of the 'I can't get this to work' variety. My fault, I forget that a lot of the people offering to get involved aren't (yet) modders. INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: 1) Download the FIRST starter pack HERE. If you have it already, fine. Either way, unzip it to a temp folder. There should be TWO folders in it: data.KotB and modules. If one folder is named data, rename it data.KotB. Thats it - the hardest part! 2) Copy those 2 folders into your Atari/Temple of Elemental Evil folder, alongside your data folder, data.ToEE, data.Co8.5.0.0 folders etc. There is of course already a modules folder, copy over that, it introduces the new module KotB. At this point, your Initial KotB start pack is ready to go. Run it by all means. 3) Now, get your new one that you have a link for. It also contains folders called data.KotB and modules. Copy these over the existing ones (rewriting as necessary) or just extract straight into the Atari/Temple of Elemental Evil folder. Read the install.doc, delete the files mentioned if u like (not essential, but will help performance). And you're done! Not hard, not complicated, but possibly new to u. ALL THIS ASSUMES YOU ARE RUNNING TOEEFE. If not, install Microsoft .Net v2 and then get it! A final thing: some people have suggested one combined pack. No. This was discussed at the thread linked above (the first Starter Pack thread) and there are still people in the world, such as Agetian, who are on dial-up through no fault of their own. Most of the starter pack was jpgs for the maps, these don't tend to change, so its silly to have people download an extra 30-odd Mb of them. Any problems, by all means bring them up No idea where to get the second pack? Thats because its only for people wanting to get involved: if you actually want to help make KotB, read THIS thread. If you just want to play, you are still important - we are making this for you! - but you will have to be patient
So I got the new KotB starter running, (thanks ted!) couple questions is there away to exit back to the gate and get outside the keep once you're in? (I am not finding one) I explored both areas left and right of the gate, the new forested area is very cool whomever did it. Also I found several NPC's with no dialogue , just black numbers, clicking on these locks up the game, maybe you just add "exit" to leave the dialogue box in order to bypass these lock ups? World Map- trying to access locations via the world map is a big no-no, is there a solution to that eventually? I had the spider forest appear on world map and click on it to a CTD, (the icon looked good thou, that one at least seems fixed) How do I access other locations? Thanks
Read the manual Or at least the install instructions, I am sure I mentioned somewhere that the Worldmap currently send you to the right map though not to the right coordinates. So if u get a CTD, its putting u in some place outside the map coordinates or trying to land u on a massively blocked sector with no landing spot, and u crash: shades of Ultima II, really In any case, if the Worldmap looks cool, its your efforts. Thanks dude! As for the dialogues, they are massively unfinished, yes. Well, people have to get in there and give me a hand. It surprises me that people are willing to help out on the more difficult and complex parts like artwork, mapmaking, fiddling internal files etc, and yet the easiest part of the game - dialogue writing - has no takers (or very few, thanks to those who HAVE helped like Dan and Allyx and Cujo). I would have thought, based on other mods I have seen, it would be the other way around. If you hit a dlg file with all numbers, just press them til it goes away, or if there is only one, alt/tab to escape and restart. I tried to give each dlg file an 'ending' here or there to avoid such things but there are 50 or 60 of the little buggers, some with many dozen lines, so I was bound to miss a few. O and yes, we need a door back out. So I am told Ideally u will go out by Worldmap when the time comes O and the Forest map was the effort of Allanon, albeit I cleaned it up a touch.
Here's a little peek at the Mad Hermit map (as sen on my blog, though i have cleaned it up with shadows etc). Have to make that pool deeper - the halfling can still breathe :evilgrin: