Question on KotB

Discussion in 'The Keep on the Borderlands' started by Macer Deathstriker, May 9, 2006.

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  1. Macer Deathstriker

    Macer Deathstriker Member

    May 4, 2006
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    I was wondering why are you guys were not heading this Mod in a direction of an expansion for ToEE so we could use it as a continuation of our adventuring careers? I looked around but if you have posted about it I have yet to find it. Is there some technical limitations in ToEE I saw something about maps above #260 and old maps needed to be deleted, if that is all is that rewritable so you could go higher if you wanted to? Thats way you could cont to update ToEE and apply the updates to both Mods at once.

    Anyway I would love to see this in either format (addition or separate Mod) as I love this Module.

  2. rufnredde

    rufnredde Established Member Veteran

    Apr 8, 2006
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  3. Cuchulainn

    Cuchulainn Windmill Tilter

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Hey Deathstriker,

    see this thread for more info on the subject.

  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    The reason for that is very simple.

    We are already hitting the ceiling with respect to character leveling. The game supports to lvl 10, most characters are about lvl 12-13 nowdays when they finish ToEE. While fighters can go on happily adding feats every few levels, characters like Rogues, Monks and Rangers start to run into problems, and all the others need new spells.

    Thanks to Darmagon and co, those spells are being done. But KotB was always meant to be something low-level to cut our module-building teeth on before attempting something high-level with uber-monsters with lots of abilities who will be expected to use those abilities effectively.

    Plus various other issues outlined in the doc that comes with the starter pack, such as needing to do a module people are familiar with so they can contribute, and one where we already have the monsters in ToEE (since we can't make new models).

    And turning up at the Caves of Chaos when u r level 12 is just silly.
  5. Macer Deathstriker

    Macer Deathstriker Member

    May 4, 2006
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    Ahh I see, I was unaware of the level limitations. I thought they were surpassed since you can raise the level cap to 20 though 4.0. As for heading to the caves after level 12 I wouldn't have thought of it, at least not unless i could raise the difficulty in doing it, but I was more interested in it as a campaign aspect (I used to DM a bit so I then to think in those lines). I wished I could help you guys make it but my extent in game making was from NWNs, so thats kinda apples and OJs and even then I couldn't get much more other then maps and chars made, but I did those pretty good. :)

    rufnredd I am not sure what you mean, I know I had posted it in the KotB forums. I thought anywhere else was kinda outta place.

  6. rufnredde

    rufnredde Established Member Veteran

    Apr 8, 2006
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    Didn't mean anything just misunderstood what you were looking for. Thought you were asking why Kotb wasn't being developed, and since you were already in the Kotb thread, which is where I thought the big picture stuff was (my mistake). But Cuchulainn put the link I was looking for up for you, (I linked to the wrong thread). Then Ted followed through with a better explanation. Sorry for the confusion.
  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Don't write yourself off just yet Macer, we need all sorts of help with this, doesn't matter if you can script or not. Former DMs are particularly welcome.
  8. Macer Deathstriker

    Macer Deathstriker Member

    May 4, 2006
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    Well I don't own anything above 3.0 rule set but I can give stats or anything from them. I do have the monster manual for 3 and lower though and I have to look but I may still have the monster race as PC book for 2 (not sure my brother may have bought 3.0/3.5 version), but i think the MM carry stats as PCs in it but would need to relook at it. I also own the remake version of KotB called Return to the Keep on the Borderlands, Not as good by far IMO but if you wish to add some extra stuff or know the future of the caves i can give the input for it. As in what happens to the temple in the caves and the keep itself, as well as the outcome for each of the various tribes.

    No biggie rufnredde I was just a little lost with the link to the Kotb forums.

  9. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Mostly what's needed from "olde DM's" is aid in the idea realm. Things you used to do in your campaigns to make it more fun & challenging, uh....for the players. The rules folks here will give their own input as it's needed, and the modders will do their best to make it compliant within the spirit of said rules. Theres is a link to the 3.5 SRD here, someplace... if you do want to get more familair with that, too. Or not. I'm well known for bucking that system, favoring the hallowed 1st Edition shamelessly.

  10. Yarazin

    Yarazin Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    I dont know if you can fix this, and maybe it's been addressed already in newer DND rules additions (havn't played tabletop for a year or more/or maybe we missed the rule), but something me and my friends changed with 3.0/3.5? is the flat-footted penalty. We felt that even those people/monsters without a Dex bonus should be penalized for being flatfooted, so we laid a flat -2 Ac penalty for being flat-footed. So, you keep your Dex bonus (wether you have one or not), but take a -2 penaly to Ac until you act.

    Hope this helps with something,
  11. Blair

    Blair Unwanted Construct

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Being flat-footed is already a penalty all its own; you are subject to nasty extra damage from sneak attack/sudden strike/etc., and you are unable to make attacks of opportunity, allowing your foes a "free shot" at your vulnerable tush from whatever angle they like and can manage to get to. There's also the possibility that this happens during a surprise round, with the unpleasant corollary that you could suffer more than one series of such attacks.

    BTW, in 3.5 clarification has been made of the "low Dex issue"; those who suffer a Dex PENALTY to AC still suffer that penalty when flat-footed. (Previously some claimed their dwarf cleric with Dex 3 actually had a better AC before combat started... um, no.)

    "Come back here, you lily-livered coward, and I'll bite your kneecaps off!"
  12. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    What Blair said. The rules already give plenty of penalties for being flatfooted.
  13. Yarazin

    Yarazin Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    We kept all those penalties, we just agreed that those who were quicker on their feet should not suffer a Ac penalty when those who are average do not. Our way, everybody has a Ac hit, in addition to the rest of the penalties. So, in 3.5, they keep the loss of Dex bonus for all right? If character A has a 10 Dex, he loses nothing as far as Ac while being flat-fotted, but character B, who has a 16 Dex, loses 3 points of Ac? Not fair IMO. So, my way, both characters suffer a Ac penalty.

  14. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    House rulez...:roll:

    In the 1st Edition, this was accounted for in the way you're describing. Characters with higher dex got to react sooner than ones with low scores. Their penalty was lessened because of swift reaction. But they still suffered a penalty in some cases.
  15. The Rogue Trader

    The Rogue Trader Established Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    [OT] Flat Footed penalties and [IT] Rules Changes

    I use a similar rule: instead of losing the Dex bonus, any character with a Dexterity score of 7 or more, is considered having Dexterity 6 while flat footed. However, since I made lots of changes to combat rules (starting from the Grim and Gritty Midnight variant rules, I think it's downloadable from Fantasy Flight Games website) I can't really tell how this would work for you.
    However, changing the rules (either original ones or troika's variantes) is slightly beyond the scope of KoB module, especially given that the board has his share of rules-lovers and rules-lawyers that would more than likely object with it. And this without considering that the vast majority of the rules are hard-coded into the game, and so they *cannot* be changed unless the source codes will be released by Atari. And do not count on that, at least not anytime soon. (There are more adequate threads for this matter).
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