TOEE is becoming too easy.

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by blackfly, Dec 14, 2004.

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  1. Lord Plothos

    Lord Plothos Established Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    If you have a cleric, especially one with the sun domain for greater turning, emridy meadows isn't too tough. You can nuke all the skeletons that come at you. As for the hill giant, at night, he stands in one place, looking mostly north. If you come from the south, you can sneak up and take the stuff off the ground without him noticing you. Also, if you cast invisibility on your rogue, he can move in there and snatch the stuff during the daytime, I suppose.
  2. Tazira

    Tazira Member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    I killed the Hill Giant and his bear. Tasha's Hideous Laughter, three rounds straight kept him disabled and I squashed him!!! Very cool:) Still trying to find Terjon's artifact though. About the only thing that I haven't tried is turning over the rocks and looking under them!

  3. Lord Plothos

    Lord Plothos Established Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    There's only one rock that moves, so that's it.
    And, I find Grease works really well against the giants too.
  4. Tazira

    Tazira Member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    I think I've tried every rock in the field!!! Where in the name of Hades is the Rainbow Rock...and how on Oerth :)lol:) do you move it??? Arrrgggh!
  5. Lord Plothos

    Lord Plothos Established Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    It's pretty much right in the middle of the field; maybe a little to the right and a bit up. Just click on it once to open it. It works like a chest or barrel, and if you hover over it, a window will come up saying it's "not empty".
  6. maveric28

    maveric28 Member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    Tackling Emridy Meadows >>SPOILER<<

    I like to equip my party with all blunt weapons (staffs, clubs, maces, etc.) and go play with the skeletons. The northernmost end of the map isn't too tough, but if you're first level, the skeletons will likely knock some of you down a peg or three -- NOte: a critical hit from a pick or scythe, the skeletons favored weapons, does x4 damage, which will eviscerate almost any first level character instantly... I recommend Quicksaving (F12) between each battle at low levels.

    Anyway, is you sweep the Meadows from West to East, back n' forth in a slowly descending path, you will encounter two major skeleton battles (5 to 8 at a time). Turning will do some of the dirty work for you, but if you don't destroy them outright you're going to have to chase each one of the skinny buggers down and destroy them before you can get out of combat mode. NOTE: do NOT chase after them with the character that turned them, as they will just keep running away, further and further.

    Towards the middle of the meadow is the "rainbow-colored rock" that you're looking for... when you get near it you will be mobbed by regular skeletons, gnoll skeletons (better attacks and damage, more HD, no treasure), and zombies. The zombies have DR vs. piercing and blunt weapons, so switch to slashing (axes and swords). Then I recommend you bag the treasure under the rock and split... come back to the Meadows when you're around 4th level or so.

    There are a number of techniques for taking on the Hill Giant, and none of them involve getting within melee reach. He will pummel anyone he can reach, and will keep hammering them into the ground like tent pegs till they die! Best bet is to approach by stealth with a rogue, ranger or Invisibility spell, sight on the giant and then have your wizard/sorcerer-type cast Web on him and the bear. For some reason, despite being as big as a house, the giant can't break free of the Web, and it has a duration that measures in turns instead of rounds. You can snipe at him at your leisure, crossbows and longbows... he has an AC of about 20 or so, so it takes some doing, but Magic Missiles, Sound Bursts, and other damaging spells will help. Don't bother with Summon spells here, as his reach will give him Attacks of Opportunity on just about anything you can whip up at low levels. He's a CR 6 monster, so he's worth some decent XP, and his treasure hoard is a fairly nice haul for a low-level group. Have fun with this one... it's memorable.
  7. Supergord

    Supergord Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I don't know why TOEE was chosen as the first of Troika's stab at D&D. TOEE was dreadful when it came out; why they didn't do I3-I5 or some of the UK modules I don't know. Despite that I did enjoy playing TOEE on the p.c.'; I know it's full of glitches and crashes all over the place. I know you need to download patches. I even realize that it was obviously rushed out to meet a deadline rather than a quality standard; infering that Troika view their customers as mugs and fools to be parted from their money. Despite all this I enjoy playing the game.
    My biggest bugbear (sorry) is the linear nature of the game. Random encounters would indeed go some way to relieving this problem, if coupled with a timetable for main n.p.c. movements the game would be vastly improved. Years ago there was an unofficial module called "No Honour at Sathport" (I think) produced for the table top game that did just that.
  8. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    I posted earlier that it would be good to have an expansion pack to TOEE that is based soley on The Queen of the Spiders supermodule. It is vast, includes a god to kill (Lolth) and would tie in nicely with Lareth and the fact Lolth is in the background of TOEE. You need a higher level character for The Queen supermodule anyway, and could simply add it in with the basic groundwork of character generation, mapping and combat in place.

    If only they would release it tomorrow.

    Other than that, TOEE is great. As a lifelong D+D fan, when I was a kid, I could only dream of a game like TOEE on the computer. No competing egos or late players.
  9. Codeguru

    Codeguru Member

    Apr 5, 2006
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    Heh, hope you don't ever run for politics. A statement like that would get you ripped apart by the liberal media jerk-offs for the rest of your life :p...

  10. Icy edge

    Icy edge Jeet Kune Do

    Aug 22, 2005
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    it would be perfect if toee dungeons could work the way dungeons work on Diablo (generates another dungeon each time you start the game again with different monster locations, boss monsters, traps, items, except for several important factors like legendary/important items that remain common to all dungeons... stuff like that)
  11. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    One area will hopefully be respawning with the next Co8 patch, release date early May.

    I don't know about liberal media jerk-offs, but resurrecting this thread after a year just to make a comment like that is pretty poor form. Political rants are for the General Discussion bit.
  12. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    What's more...

    People who want to play Diablo will find that there are whole forums dedicated to that topic elsewhere...
  13. Codeguru

    Codeguru Member

    Apr 5, 2006
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    It's in the database either way. Not my fault if I'm not here to comment on it when it's made. Choose your own actions correctly and don't worry about mine...

    Last edited: Apr 9, 2006
  14. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    @codeguru, Shiningted is a forums moderator and a major contributing modder on this board. He was just letting you know that certain discussion is why we have a general discussion forum. Show some respect.
  15. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Don't kid yourself; it is your fault. Whose else could it be? You made the decision to post on a long deceased thread; and waaay off topic at that. Then you try to tell a respected member of this community to piss off & mind his own business. He was being decent about it, too, by merely pointing out that you'd made faux pas. Well, it is his business, and everyone else's business that takes any responsibility for what they post.

    I suggest you:

    1. Grow up;
    2. Take some responsibility;
    3. Don't start (or continue) any shit here - it's not wanted.

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