They both use, so would I need to go item by item and modefy encumberance mod with the changes in the criticals mod?
If two mods edit the same file, need to make the changes by hand to the various files. This is what the co8 builder has to do with all the mods, and I'm sure it's not a lot of fun .
If you're going to use both you should prob. install the encumbrance mod and hand edit the critical mod. There's a lot of items to edit for the encumbrance mod, but only 20-30 entries for the critical. Steps for Critical mod: 1. (use phalzyr's viewer/editor.) open in TOEE/data/rules 2. select 'weapons' from dropdown menu. 3. look for critical threat range column. immediately to the right of weapon class (longsword, shortsword etc...) 4. for all weapons that have 19. add "Weapon Keen" once to the first empty "Bonus Type" field (these are a little further to the right, there are four BT fields, each has 2 BT parameter fields). 5. For all weapons with 18 add "Weapon Keen" to the first two empty Bonus Type fields. (be sure to add it to bonus type and *not* bonus type parameter) That's it! Use copy/paste, hit "enter" after you paste to lock it in, you'll be done in five minutes. I also edited the critical range fields to all read 20, but this only changes the description to read a little closer to reality, so it's optional. o, and there are two weapons I didn't touch: the great cleaver because it works already, and the balor greatsword because all four BT fields were full.
I'll upload a version of the criticals + encumberance mod if you're interested. (I'm the guy who did the encumberance mod). I just made a little .NET application that goes through the whole and divides everything in the encumberance column in half, so it's pretty quick to do it to any file. I can upload the app if anyone is interested as well, but it requires the .NET framework (free download from to run. Then you can run reduced encumberance on any, like the original unpathced version or whichever version you're using. I'm away form my computer now, so I'll upload it later today. -tom
That would be great I would love to the the app as well. I am thinking of messing with some stuff, but I am too lazy to go by hand!
You know my proggy has a combine function! I am going to upload a new version here in a moment that has alot of handy new features/fixes/whatever...including some things that I decided to add while making my easy/hard mod which I'm also going to release after I get done reading new posts, making an installer.putting in my spell stuff...