Right. So here's the deal - the magic files (and i suspect every other python file) doesn't work just by placing them in the directory. There's got to be a way to use them, and it probably requires compiling the .py files. If that doesn't work, we'll have to figure out some way to 'patch' the .dat files.
Apparently open source python compilers come with/are available for unix systems. Most notably, from what I found, Debian. Go here for instructions on the use of the Debian python compiler: http://olympus.het.brown.edu/cgi-bin/info2www?(python2.3-lib)Python+compiler+package
I use python alot, even have made interpreters inline like they have done with ToEE. I prefer LUA, but that is another topic. ANYWAYS, the pyc files you see are python compiled files. Everytime python encounters a raw file it turns it into compiled code (of course implementation independant -- but this makes sense for speed). You DO NOT need a compiler. Also. I am sure the spells are in 4 different places so far, and I would hazard a guess at least another one. NWN and ToEE look very similar on the data usage/engine implementation. There are at least 2 text files and a python file I have already found for spells, plus a few tidbits in one of the tab files.
The DLL's that appear to be Python related have "Zope" all over their version tags. Zope is a company, and their download page redirects to here under the "Python download". I'd start looking there since it's the DLL that will be used to execute the Python. Keep up the good work guys...