Okay, I think I've playtested this to death. As previously mentioned, adding Lareth's faction to the spiders works perfectly. There seem to be no problem with spiders summoned by the party using the monster summoning spells. As pointed out in another thread, summonable spiders were not getting the racial immunity to webs that other spiders have, so I added Monster Spider to all the fiendish ones, and to the black widows, for good measure. Since this was Ted's modification to begin with, I'm loath to post a fixed protos.tab here without sending it to him first. Ted, if you'll please contact me, I'll e-mail it to you. Thanks!
Ah Fong the weapon-seller is in the eastern-most building in Nulb, go straight past Otis' place and on til sunrise. Try not to get him wet or expose him to sunlight. Gwythur, thanks, send it over to shiningted@yahoo.com. There has been some behind the scenes muttering about a patch, it'll turn up soon enough: Ted: Patch? Cujo: Nah not yet Ted: K... In the meantime - is this seriously a huge issue for people, the spiders go for each other rather than your party? Here's a heads-up - you will get FAR more out of the Co8 4.0.0 patch if u let Lareth live than if u kill him off (unless u r LG paladins who couldn't stomach such a deal). Let Lareth Live! Let Lareth Live! Let Lareth Live! Let Lareth Live! Let Lareth Live!
Hi all So i was almost ready to send praises and all that (just dowloaded the 4.0.0), when it CTDed at the W. Wench party mngmnt book. I have patches 1-2, then 3.0.4, then 3.0.4 uninstalled, then 4.0.0. Not that it disrupts my game, but still... A little help here? :blink:
Huh. I thought I checked there already. I'll give it another look. Is there normally, or do you have to do something to get him to show up? Unrelatedly, has the method for getting Riana in your party changed or has the possibility been removed? When I talk to her, all she will say is "talk to the madam", while the madam won't talk about Riana at all (other than referring to her as a bitch in passing, which wasn't there originally). CTD when accessing the party books occurs if you have more than 5 PCs in your party. The "More than 5 PCs" fix has that unfortunate side effect.
U get Riana if you have the quest from Madam first, ask Ophelia about her problems. Also, try to have Meleny in the party when u sign her up, and Serena too. Ah Fong turns about automatically. The changes to the CR's etc were done for a reason, I'm sure they'll be explained momentarily if they r not already explained in the docs.
In the last 2 games I've got the option to take rianna, infact last time I got her for free I think. but cos I don't like her I left her in the snake pit
It won't give me the quest. (I actually had both Meleny and Serena in my party, coincidentally.) I talk to her and she mentions Jenelda. I take care of the Jenelda problem and she mentions Mickey. Then I talk to her and she talks about coughing up blood. No mention of Rianna at all. There's no mention in the documentation. And I was aware some of the CRs were screwed up. But there's no reason I can think of for a Hillgiant (CR 7) with 2 levels of fighter on top of it to only be CR 2.
What is the gender of the character you are talking to Ophelia with? I have found if you use a female character you get the Jenelda quest, and if you use a male character you get the Rianna quest.
Ah. That could be it. My party's Rogue/face-person is female. Just beat the game again. Didn't feel like going through the nodes, so I took my level 10 party down and fought Ziggy. She's definitely gotten a boost. Even after destroying the skull and not accepting the pillar, she was damn tough. However, I'm wondering if there's a way to put a summoning number cap on the stuff Ziggy summons. It took me close to 3 hours to kill her because she summoned 20 (I counted) fungi, plus 3 vrocks (each of which cast mirror image) and my PC was having a hell of a time trying to process that many things on the screen at once. (With a 2Ghz P4 and 1GB of RAM no less.) When it was my character's turns I sometimes had to click several times before the game would acknowledge the input and with all that crap on the screen I couldn't tell what the hell was going on. The fight was pretty much click to attack Ziggy three times before the game registed. Pick up a book and read for 10 minutes while assorted fungi take their turns. Click 5 times to try cast a spell. Watch everything make their SR checks and it do nothing. Pick book back up while the next 3 fungi and a couple of Vrocks go. Lather, rinse, repeat. Not so much fun. Never could get the new mercant in Nulb to appear. The eastermost house was empty every time I went there. I'm looking at uninstalling everything and starting with a completely fresh install with Co8 4.0 and see what happens.
As far as I understand these things, if u nuke the Orb without the Node gems in it, Zuggy isn't as badly reduced as normal (ie she's tougher). Strange Ah Fong didn't show.
Well, like I said killing Ziggy wasn't the problem. It was have 20 fungi plus 3 Vrocks (and 8 images of each) taking up my screen at the same time as Ziggy. And of course my Sorcerer got feared and was stuck in the corner the entire fight, so I couldn't use some judicious fireballing to clean things up a bit. Blasted my old ToEE installation and installed it and Co8 4.0 fresh. Started a new game. LN. Samurai/anime-themed characters. (The new white monk robes are pretty sweet.) Halfway through the moathouse. Will see if Ah Fong is in Nulb when I get there.