First off which line number one starts at when speaking to an NPC is decided by their python file in the function san_dialog( attachee, triggerer ), and you are limited to showing 5 PC replies at a time. {NPC line #}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7} 2. Text for male 3. Text for female 5. Uneeded but they tend to restate line # here {PC line #}{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}{7} 2. Text or Greeting Code 3. Always blank 4. Intelligence check. If negitive then Less than or equal to number. If positive then greater than or = number. 5. Condition Code (See Below For Options) 6. NPC Line # to go to IF selected. 7. Execution Code ran IF choosen. (See Below For Options) In text Field the following can be used: @pcname@ = Player’s Name @npcname@ = NPC’s Name A: = Appreciation Response (Thank You) B: = Barter Response C: = Story state response E: = Exit Response F: = Forget it response G: = Greeting Response, NPC ONLY K: = More Questions Response N: = "No" Response Q: = Crash To Desktop When Displayed. R: = Any Rumors? Auto asks for money. S: = Sorry Response Y: = Yes Response Edting Greeting Codes: (gamedir/data/mes/) For B,C,E,F,K,N,S,Y edit gd_pc2m.mes and gd_pc2f.mes For A,R edit gd_cls_pc2m.mes and gd_cls_pc2f.mes Note: these are gender of whom you talk to not your PC.
Conditionals/Variables: (Quick List See Below Post For More Detail) Note: obj means object and can be replaced by any object. (IE, triggerer, attachee, npc, pc, etc) # mean a number value, 1 means a 0 or 1 (false or true). Any == sign can be replaced by normal conditional codes (> < >= <= !=). Not all listed here some functions can be used as conditionals/variables. Conditional: Variables(With Common Comparison listed): anyone( pc.group_list(), "has_follower", # ) anyone( pc.group_list(), "has_item", # ) anyone( pc.group_list(), "item_find", # ) anyone( pc.group_list(), "has_wielded", # ) find_container_near(npc,#) != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL //must include game.areas[#] == 1 game.global_flags[#] == 1 game.global_vars[#] == # game.party_npc_size() == # game.party_pc_size() == # game.quests[#].state == qs_unknown //qs_accepted, qs_mentioned, qs_botched, qs_completed game.story_state == # is_daytime() == 1 npc.area == # npc.has_met(pc) npc.item_find(#) == OBJ_HANDLE_NULL npc.leader_get() == OBJ_HANDLE_NULL == # pc.d20_query(Q_IsFallenPaladin) == 1 pc.follower_atmax() pc.has_feat(feat_slippery_mind) pc.has_wielded(#) pc.money_get() == # pc.skill_level_get(npc, skill_gather_information) == # pc.stat_level_get( stat_deity ) == # pc.stat_level_get( stat_gender ) == gender_male //gender_female pc.stat_level_get(stat_alignment) == LAWFUL_GOOD pc.stat_level_get(stat_level_paladin) == # pc.stat_level_get(stat_level_wizard) == # pc.stat_level_get(stat_race) == race_orc pc.stat_level_get(stat_strength) >= #
Executive Functions: (Quick List See Below For More Detail) Note: obj means object and can be replaced by any object. (IE, triggerer, attachee, npc, pc, etc) # mean a number value, 1 means a 0 or 1 (false or true). Any == sign can be replaced by normal conditional codes ( > < >= <= != ). Not all listed here some functions can be used as conditionals. Procedures normally used: (Need Additional Python Code To Work) free_rep( npc, pc ) all_run_off(npc,pc) argue(n pc,pc,# ) make_hate( npc, pc ) make_like( npc, pc ) make_worry( npc, pc ) party_transfer_to( npc, # ) run_off(npc,pc) Actual Functions: Those with an * in front are known to work directly from dialog execute field. I will not restate variables shown in prior post. * create_item_in_inventory( #, obj ) //must include critter_is_unconscious(obj) : //must include find_npc_near( obj, name ) : //must include OBJ_HANDLE_NULL find_container_near( obj, name ) : //must include game.brawl( triggerer, attachee ) // when ending it runs def brawl_end game.char_ui_hide() game.combat_is_active() game.encounter_queue.append(#) game.fade(#,#,#,1) // 2nd usually 0, 3rd is used for movies * game.fade_and_teleport( time#, #, #, map#, x#, y# ) game.leader.begin_dialog( attachee, line# ) * game.map_flags( #, #, # ) game.moviequeue_add( # ) game.moviequeue_play_end_game() game.new_sid = # game.obj_create( #, loc ) game.particles( "ef-MinoCloud", obj ) game.party_alignment == NEUTRAL_EVIL[0].prestige_class_add[#][0].reputation_add( # )[0].reputation_has( # ) game.party_pc_size() == # * game.quests[#].unbotch() game.random_range(#,#) game.sleep_status_update() game.timevent_add( function, ( obj, obj ), time#) //7200000 = 2 hours game.tutorial_is_active(): game.tutorial_show_topic( TAG_TUT_MEMORIZE_SPELLS ) game.tutorial_toggle() * game.worldmap_travel_by_dialog(#) group_average_level( obj ) : //must include group_percent_hp( obj ) : //must include is_safe_to_talk(speaker,listener): //must include location_from_axis( x#, y# ) : //must include location_to_axis( loc ) : //must include obj.ai_shitlist_remove( pc ) * obj.attack(obj) * obj.attacks(obj) obj.begin_dialog( obj, # ) //second is npc speaker * obj.cast_spell( spell_, obj ) obj.concealed_set( 1 ) obj.condition_add_with_args( "Invisible", #, # ) //Fallen_Paladin obj.critter_flags_set( OCF_MUTE ) obj.damage(OBJ_HANDLE_NULL,D20DT_SUBDUAL,damage#,D20DAP_NORMAL) * obj.destroy() obj.distance_to(obj) obj.dominate( obj ) //first is dominated by second obj obj.float_line(360,triggerer) obj.float_mesfile_line( 'mes\\spell.mes', 30002 ) obj.follower_add(obj) obj.follower_remove(obj) obj.get_deity() obj.has_follower(#) obj.has_met(obj) obj.has_los(obj) obj.has_wielded(#): obj.heal( OBJ_HANDLE_NULL, # ) obj.healsubdual( OBJ_HANDLE_NULL, # ) obj.is_category_type( mc_type_undead ): obj.is_friendly(obj) obj_is_item( obj ) : //must include obj.item_find(#) != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL * obj.item_transfer_to(obj, #) * obj.item_transfer_to_by_proto(obj,#) obj.item_wield_best_all() obj.leader_get() != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL obj.location == loc obj.move( location_from_axis( 491, 541 ) ) obj.money_get() == # == # * obj.object_flag_set(OF_OFF) obj.object_flag_unset(OF_OFF) obj_percent_hp( obj ) : //must include * obj.reaction_adj( obj, #) obj.reaction_get( obj ) obj.reaction_set( obj, # ) obj.reflex_save_and_damage( trap.obj, 20, D20_Save_Reduction_Half, D20STD_F_SPELL_DESCRIPTOR_ACID, damage, damagetype, D20DAP_NORMAL ) obj.reputation_has[#] == 1 obj.resurrect( CRITTER_R_CUTHBERT_RESURRECT, 0 ) obj.rotation == rot obj.runoff(obj.location-3) obj.saving_throw( 15, D20_Save_Fortitude, D20STD_F_POISON, trap.obj ) * obj.spells_pending_to_memorized() obj.spell == spell_heal obj.spell_damage( spell.caster, D20DT_FORCE, damage, D20DAP_UNSPECIFIED, D20A_CAST_SPELL, ) obj.standpoint_set( STANDPOINT_NIGHT, # ) obj.standpoint_set( STANDPOINT_DAY, # ) obj.steal_from(obj) obj.type == obj_t_pc obj.turn_towards(attachee) obj.unconceal() party_transfer_to( target, oname ) : //must include * pc.barter(npc) * pc.follower_add(npc) * pc.follower_remove(npc) * pc.has_atoned() pc.item_get( item ) * pc.money_adj(#) * pc.prestige_class_add[#] * pc.reputation_add( # ) pc.reputation_remove( # ) set_join_slides( attachee, triggerer ) : //must include should_heal_hp_on( obj ) : //must include should_heal_disease_on( obj ) : //must include should_heal_poison_on( obj ) : //must include should_resurrect_on( obj ) : //must include some looping statement examples: for pc in for obj in game.obj_list_vicinity(attachee.location,OLC_PC): for obj in obj.group_list(): while (attachee.item_find(#) != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL):
Conditionals: (Detailed In Progress) Note: obj means object and can be replaced by any object. (IE, triggerer, attachee, npc, pc, etc): I will not explain things that are too obviuos. any == sign can be replaced by normal conditional codes (> < >= <= !=) anyone( pc.group_list(), "has_follower", # ) # = The number of the follower from anyone( pc.group_list(), "has_item", # ) # = The number of the item from anyone( pc.group_list(), "item_find", # ) # = The number of the item from anyone( pc.group_list(), "has_wielded",# ) # = The number of the item from find_container_near(npc,#) != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL # = ? game.areas[#] == ## # = the area number of world map ## = 0 if disabled, 1 if shown game.global_flags[#] == ## # = the flag you want to check ## = what it is compared to (0 is disabled, 1 is shown) game.global_vars[#] == ## # = the global variable you want to check ## = what it is compared to game.party_npc_size() >= 2 game.party_pc_size() <= 1 game.quests[#].state == qs_accepted # = The quest number from gamequest.mes Quest states: qs_accepted, qs_mentioned, qs_completed, and qs_botched game.story_state == 0 is_daytime() npc.area == 3 npc.has_met(pc) npc.item_find(#) != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL # = The number of the item from npc.leader_get() == OBJ_HANDLE_NULL > 5019 pc.d20_query(Q_IsFallenPaladin) == # # = 0 not fallen, 1 fallen pc.follower_atmax() pc.has_feat(FEAT) pc.has_wielded(#) # = The number of the item from pc.money_get() == # Check to see how much money the PC has pc.skill_level_get(npc, skill_gather_information) >= # pc.stat_level_get( STAT ) == # Stats: stat_deity, stat_gender(gender_male, gender_female), stat_alignment(LAWFUL_GOOD), stat_level_paladin, stat_level_wizard, stat_level_cleric, stat_level_fighter, stat_level_bard, stat_race(race_orc), stat_strength, stat_intelligence, stat_wisdom, stat_charisma, stat_dexterity, stat_constitution, stat_hp_current, stat_subdual_damage
Executive Functions: (Detailed In Progress) Note: obj means object and can be replaced by any object. (IE, triggerer, attachee, npc, pc, etc): The following require a corresponding function in the python file. I am only going to detail those that are commonly used(with a few exception) Then detail actual python code instead of function names. free_rep( npc, pc ) This gives you the reputition of Freeing prisoners from the TOEE and is only present on one female prisoner. She has def free_rep( attachee, triggerer ): in her python with nothin after it. all_run_off(npc,pc) location-3 below usually means disappear for good. python code for common occurrence as follows: def all_run_off(npc, pc): for obj in game.obj_list_vicinity(npc.location,OLC_NPC): if (obj.leader_get() == OBJ_HANDLE_NULL): obj.runoff(obj.location-3) argue(npc,pc,40) python code for common occurrence as follows: def argue( attachee, triggerer, line): npc = find_npc_near(attachee,8007) triggerer.begin_dialog(attachee,30) r = attachee.reaction_get( triggerer ) if ( r > 20 ): n = 20 - r attachee.reaction_adj( triggerer, n) make_hate( npc, pc ) if ( attachee.reaction_get( triggerer ) >= 20 ): attachee.reaction_set( triggerer, 20 ) make_like( npc, pc ) if ( attachee.reaction_get( triggerer ) <= 71 ): attachee.reaction_set( triggerer, 71 ) make_worry( npc, pc ) if ( attachee.reaction_get( triggerer ) >= 40 ): attachee.reaction_set( triggerer, 40 ) party_transfer_to( npc, 5815 ) def party_transfer_to( target, oname ): item = pc.item_find( oname ) if item != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL: pc.item_transfer_to( target, oname ) return item return OBJ_HANDLE_NULL run_off(npc,pc) def run_off( attachee, triggerer ): attachee.runoff(attachee.location-3) The following are python scripting command Those with an * in front are known to work directly from dialog execute field. * create_item_in_inventory( #, obj ) //must include critter_is_unconscious(obj) : //must include find_npc_near( obj, name ) : //must include OBJ_HANDLE_NULL find_container_near( obj, name ) : //must include game.brawl( triggerer, attachee ) // when ending it runs def brawl_end[/B] game.char_ui_hide() game.combat_is_active() game.encounter_queue.append(#) game.fade(#,#,#,1) // 2nd usually 0, 3rd is used for movies * game.fade_and_teleport( time#, #, #, map#, x#, y# ) game.leader.begin_dialog( attachee, line# ) * game.map_flags( #, #, # ) game.moviequeue_add( # ) game.moviequeue_play_end_game() game.new_sid = # game.obj_create( #, loc ) game.particles( "ef-MinoCloud", obj ) game.party_alignment == NEUTRAL_EVIL[0].prestige_class_add[#][0].reputation_add( # )[0].reputation_has( # ) game.party_pc_size() == # * game.quests[#].unbotch() game.random_range(#,#) game.sleep_status_update() game.timevent_add( function, ( obj, obj ), time#) //7200000 = 2 hours game.tutorial_is_active(): game.tutorial_show_topic( TAG_TUT_MEMORIZE_SPELLS ) game.tutorial_toggle() * game.worldmap_travel_by_dialog(#) group_average_level( obj ) : //must include group_percent_hp( obj ) : //must include is_safe_to_talk(speaker,listener): //must include location_from_axis( x#, y# ) : //must include location_to_axis( loc ) : //must include obj.ai_shitlist_remove( pc ) * obj.attack(obj) * obj.attacks(obj) obj.begin_dialog( obj, # ) //second is npc speaker * obj.cast_spell( spell_, obj ) obj.concealed_set( 1 ) obj.condition_add_with_args( "Invisible", #, # ) //Fallen_Paladin obj.critter_flags_set( OCF_MUTE ) obj.damage(OBJ_HANDLE_NULL,D20DT_DAMAGETYPE, damage#,D20DAP_ATTACKTYPE) Damage Types: ACID, COLD, ELECTRICITY, FIRE, FORCE, NEGATIVE_ENERGY, POISON, POSITIVE_ENERGY, SONIC, SUBDUAL, UNSPECIFIED Attack Types: NORMAL, NOT_APPLICABLE, UNSPECIFIED * obj.destroy() obj.distance_to(obj) obj.dominate( obj ) //first is dominated by second obj obj.float_line(360,triggerer) obj.float_mesfile_line( 'mes\\spell.mes', 30002 ) obj.follower_add(obj) obj.follower_remove(obj) obj.get_deity() Deities: (DEITY_*) BOCCOB, CORELLON_LARETHIAN, EHLONNA, ERYTHNUL, FHARLANGHN, GARL_GLITTERGOLD, GRUUMSH, HEIRONEOUS, HEXTOR, KORD, MORADIN, NERULL, OBAD_HAI, OLIDAMMARA, PELOR, ST_CUTHBERT, VECNA, WEE_JAS, YONDALLA, OLD_FAITH, ZUGGTMOY, IUZ, LOLTH, PROCAN, NOREBO, PYREMIUS, RALISHAZ obj.has_follower(#) obj.has_met(obj) obj.has_los(obj) obj.has_wielded(#): obj.heal( OBJ_HANDLE_NULL, # ) obj.healsubdual( OBJ_HANDLE_NULL, # ) obj.is_category_type( mc_type_undead ): obj.is_friendly(obj) obj_is_item( obj ) : //must include obj.item_find(#) != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL * obj.item_transfer_to(obj, #) * obj.item_transfer_to_by_proto(obj,#) obj.item_wield_best_all() obj.leader_get() != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL obj.location == loc obj.move( location_from_axis( 491, 541 ) ) obj.money_get() == # == # * obj.object_flag_set(OF_OFF) obj.object_flag_unset(OF_OFF) obj_percent_hp( obj ) : //must include * obj.reaction_adj( obj, #) obj.reaction_get( obj ) obj.reaction_set( obj, # ) obj.reflex_save_and_damage( trap.obj, 20, D20_Save_Reduction_Half, D20STD_F_SPELL_DESCRIPTOR_ACID, damage, damagetype, D20DAP_NORMAL ) obj.reputation_has[#] == 1 obj.resurrect( CRITTER_R_CUTHBERT_RESURRECT, 0 ) obj.rotation == rot obj.runoff(obj.location-3) obj.saving_throw( 15, D20_Save_Fortitude, D20STD_F_POISON, trap.obj ) * obj.spells_pending_to_memorized() obj.spell == spell_heal obj.spell_damage( spell.caster, D20DT_FORCE, damage, D20DAP_UNSPECIFIED, D20A_CAST_SPELL, ) obj.standpoint_set( STANDPOINT_NIGHT, # ) obj.standpoint_set( STANDPOINT_DAY, # ) obj.steal_from(obj) obj.type == obj_t_pc obj.turn_towards(attachee) obj.unconceal() party_transfer_to( target, oname ) : //must include * pc.barter(npc) * pc.follower_add(npc) * pc.follower_remove(npc) * pc.has_atoned() pc.item_get( item ) * pc.money_adj(#) * pc.prestige_class_add[#] * pc.reputation_add( # ) pc.reputation_remove( # ) set_join_slides( attachee, triggerer ) : //must include should_heal_hp_on( obj ) : //must include should_heal_disease_on( obj ) : //must include should_heal_poison_on( obj ) : //must include should_resurrect_on( obj ) : //must include Some looping statement examples: for pc in for obj in game.obj_list_vicinity(attachee.location,OLC_PC): for obj in obj.group_list(): while (attachee.item_find(#) != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL):
Feat List I found in a proto_table = { feat_exotic_weapon_proficiency_bastard_sword: 4015, feat_exotic_weapon_proficiency_dwarven_waraxe: 4063, feat_exotic_weapon_proficiency_gnome_hooked_hammer: 4075, feat_exotic_weapon_proficiency_orc_double_axe: 4062, feat_exotic_weapon_proficiency_spike_chain: 4209, feat_exotic_weapon_proficiency_shuriken: 4211, feat_improved_critical_dagger: 4060, feat_improved_critical_light_mace: 4071, feat_improved_critical_club: 4074, feat_improved_critical_halfspear: 4116, feat_improved_critical_heavy_mace: 4068, feat_improved_critical_morningstar: 4070, feat_improved_critical_quarterstaff: 4110, feat_improved_critical_shortspear: 4117, feat_improved_critical_light_crossbow: 4096, feat_improved_critical_dart: 4127, feat_improved_critical_sling: 4115, feat_improved_critical_heavy_crossbow: 4097, feat_improved_critical_javelin: 4123, feat_improved_critical_light_hammer: 4076, feat_improved_critical_handaxe: 4067, feat_improved_critical_short_sword: 4049, feat_improved_critical_battleaxe: 4114, feat_improved_critical_longsword: 4036, feat_improved_critical_heavy_pick: 4069, feat_improved_critical_rapier: 4009, feat_improved_critical_scimitar: 4045, feat_improved_critical_warhammer: 4077, feat_improved_critical_falchion: 4026, feat_improved_critical_heavy_flail: 4207, feat_improved_critical_glaive: 4118, feat_improved_critical_greataxe: 4064, feat_improved_critical_greatclub: 4066, feat_improved_critical_greatsword: 4010, feat_improved_critical_guisarme: 4113, feat_improved_critical_longspear: 4194, feat_improved_critical_ranseur: 4119, feat_improved_critical_scythe: 4072, feat_improved_critical_shortbow: 4201, feat_improved_critical_longbow: 4087, feat_improved_critical_bastard_sword: 4015, feat_improved_critical_dwarven_waraxe: 4063, feat_improved_critical_gnome_hooked_hammer: 4075, feat_improved_critical_orc_double_axe: 4062, feat_improved_critical_spike_chain: 4209, feat_improved_critical_shuriken: 4211, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_light_hammer: 4076, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_handaxe: 4067, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_short_sword: 4049, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_battleaxe: 4114, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_longsword: 4036, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_heavy_pick: 4069, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_rapier: 4009, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_scimitar: 4045, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_warhammer: 4077, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_falchion: 4026, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_heavy_flail: 4207, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_glaive: 4118, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_greataxe: 4064, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_greatclub: 4066, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_greatsword: 4010, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_guisarme: 4113, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_longspear: 4194, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_ranseur: 4119, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_scythe: 4072, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_shortbow: 4201, feat_martial_weapon_proficiency_longbow: 4087, feat_weapon_finesse_dagger: 4060, feat_weapon_finesse_light_mace: 4071, feat_weapon_finesse_club: 4074, feat_weapon_finesse_halfspear: 4116, feat_weapon_finesse_heavy_mace: 4068, feat_weapon_finesse_morningstar: 4070, feat_weapon_finesse_quarterstaff: 4110, feat_weapon_finesse_shortspear: 4117, feat_weapon_finesse_light_crossbow: 4096, feat_weapon_finesse_dart: 4127, feat_weapon_finesse_sling: 4115, feat_weapon_finesse_heavy_crossbow: 4097, feat_weapon_finesse_javelin: 4123, feat_weapon_finesse_light_hammer: 4076, feat_weapon_finesse_handaxe: 4067, feat_weapon_finesse_short_sword: 4049, feat_weapon_finesse_battleaxe: 4114, feat_weapon_finesse_longsword: 4036, feat_weapon_finesse_heavy_pick: 4069, feat_weapon_finesse_rapier: 4009, feat_weapon_finesse_scimitar: 4045, feat_weapon_finesse_warhammer: 4077, feat_weapon_finesse_falchion: 4026, feat_weapon_finesse_heavy_flail: 4207, feat_weapon_finesse_glaive: 4118, feat_weapon_finesse_greataxe: 4064, feat_weapon_finesse_greatclub: 4066, feat_weapon_finesse_greatsword: 4010, feat_weapon_finesse_guisarme: 4113, feat_weapon_finesse_longspear: 4194, feat_weapon_finesse_ranseur: 4119, feat_weapon_finesse_scythe: 4072, feat_weapon_finesse_shortbow: 4201, feat_weapon_finesse_longbow: 4087, feat_weapon_finesse_bastard_sword: 4015, feat_weapon_finesse_dwarven_waraxe: 4063, feat_weapon_finesse_gnome_hooked_hammer: 4075, feat_weapon_finesse_orc_double_axe: 4062, feat_weapon_finesse_spike_chain: 4209, feat_weapon_finesse_shuriken: 4211, feat_weapon_focus_dagger: 4060, feat_weapon_focus_light_mace: 4071, feat_weapon_focus_club: 4074, feat_weapon_focus_halfspear: 4116, feat_weapon_focus_heavy_mace: 4068, feat_weapon_focus_morningstar: 4070, feat_weapon_focus_quarterstaff: 4110, feat_weapon_focus_shortspear: 4117, feat_weapon_focus_light_crossbow: 4096, feat_weapon_focus_dart: 4127, feat_weapon_focus_sling: 4115, feat_weapon_focus_heavy_crossbow: 4097, feat_weapon_focus_javelin: 4123, feat_weapon_focus_light_hammer: 4076, feat_weapon_focus_handaxe: 4067, feat_weapon_focus_short_sword: 4049, feat_weapon_focus_battleaxe: 4114, feat_weapon_focus_longsword: 4036, feat_weapon_focus_heavy_pick: 4069, feat_weapon_focus_rapier: 4009, feat_weapon_focus_scimitar: 4045, feat_weapon_focus_warhammer: 4077, feat_weapon_focus_falchion: 4026, feat_weapon_focus_heavy_flail: 4207, feat_weapon_focus_glaive: 4118, feat_weapon_focus_greataxe: 4064, feat_weapon_focus_greatclub: 4066, feat_weapon_focus_greatsword: 4010, feat_weapon_focus_guisarme: 4113, feat_weapon_focus_longspear: 4194, feat_weapon_focus_ranseur: 4119, feat_weapon_focus_scythe: 4072, feat_weapon_focus_shortbow: 4201, feat_weapon_focus_longbow: 4087, feat_weapon_focus_bastard_sword: 4015, feat_weapon_focus_dwarven_waraxe: 4063, feat_weapon_focus_gnome_hooked_hammer: 4075, feat_weapon_focus_orc_double_axe: 4062, feat_weapon_focus_spike_chain: 4209, feat_weapon_focus_shuriken: 4211 }
Any Suggestion/Comments Any suggestion on how to format it are welcome also any insight to functions, that I don't have done yet are also welcome.
Being a Java Developer, I'm kinda partial to JavaDoc style api documentation.. Though what you have here isn't that bad.. I say leave it as is. (Spend more time to spruce up some method & arg descriptions, but for the most part leave it organized as is).
API? Not familiar with that format can you send me an example or is it a web format? I could put this all in a program that is much more detailed since, space wouldn't be an issue. Also The current Python list is misleading, any function name can be used it really matters what is in it. I'm only going to flesh out the most common routines then maybe explain the actual python code that has been used itself, but I can foresee that getting to be a rather lonfg post
Where does the game keep the PC responses for K:, F:, A:; things like that? I know the G: messages are mostly at the end of the *.dlg files, but that's not true for all dialogue files either.
you can put them at the end yourself? cool. Ummm I'd have to guess they are hard coded in exe if not put in the dlg file. The dlg file overrides it then. I'll look and see if I can find a file or such that has them but... you wouldn't happen to know the numbering scheme for the dlg file for thos would you? I could parse each one but....
I have to go to a client site today so not sure how much time tioday I'll have to work on this thread...
Just an example so you can see what I mean - If you look at the file 00009church serving woman.dlg, her dialogue starts at line 1, her dialogue is described as G: and the responses differ depending on whether you've already met her or not. These responses are listed at 10008, 10009, 10011 and 10012. There are also other NPC responses for barbarians, nekked people, animals, people with the blur spell (presumably) and invisibility I think. You probably have the ability to make dialogue for all classes, however I'm not sure how the game recognises that it should display this text. However, not every file uses the G: function, take 00002black jay.dlg for example. And given that the rest of those functions are MIA, it looks as though we're stuck with the sucky lines like 'I take my leave'.
I can play around a bit with line numbers, and see what gets put in when, and then post finding here on first thread....... I'm still editing my do file to see what exec python functions are usuable that weren't in dialog directly...
I can't seem to get it to use my diaalog line at bottom for anything, must be hard coded somehow what line it uses and such or maybe I'm just not smart enough... Darn My refrig at work was set all the way up to its coldest setting... Well I at least know the answer to what happens if you leave pop cans in a freezer... :wtf: