I am currently fine-tuning the installer for the Co8 Mod Pack and would like to know your opinion on this matter: Should ShiningTed's Desperate Housewives and Allyx's ShopMap be installed by default (i.e., should the corresponding option be checked already)? Or should the user have to click on the corresponding checkbox in order to install them?
The Lurker Strikes!!! Well, I like both mods, and think they should both be included by default. However, I think that the Houswives mod should have the text corrected to where it fits inside the window before it is included. As it stands it looks "hackish" and...well....bad. By no means is that meant to be a crack on Ted's hard work or great mod!- just my honest opinion.
Click the little head on the right side of the window to expand the window and it shuold fit perfectly.