Question about the battle with Hadrick

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Miamigrandmaster, Oct 30, 2005.

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  1. Miamigrandmaster

    Miamigrandmaster Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    I'm just discovering TOEE, so I'm not aware of all the bugs just yet, but some weird behavior was happening while battling with Hadrick and company. I walk far enough into the room to activate the dialogue with Hadrick, and then proceed to have his crew stomp a mudhole in me. The weird part is actually happening at the back of the room. One of the wizards usually ends up summoning various elementals. Now I don't know whether there's some sort of alignment conflict there or something, but suddenly the ettins and hill giant take a great disliking to this and the elementals and them get into a bit of a scuffle. After Hadrick takes enough damage and Iuz and Cuthbert show up and zombies get created, the zombies seem to attack everything that isn't a zombie, taking attacks of opportunity on wizards, ettins, hadrick, the hill giant, gargoyles, me... everything. It seems almost like there's three factions fighting in there instead of me vs. the rest. Is this a bug, or is it normal behavior for some alignment conflict or other reason? I've also noticed a couple of weird things where sometimes my player will have their turn skipped (not spell affected or anything) or where my wizard's spell will not cast (not countered, just doesn't do anything... the roll log doesn't even display that he cast it). I'm assuming these are bugs, but if anybody knows of an actual in-game reason that they're happening, I'd love to know so I can prevent it. Thanks in advance. If this game wasn't so buggy and actually had some fluid graphics, it would really kick butt.
  2. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Yeah....that stuff isn't supposed to be like that. It's got quite a few bugs. But, you've come to the right place. The 'monster mash' needs fixing, but there's a lot of other work going on first. I'm sure that it will be addressed at some point, if possible. As for skipped turns, it happens from time to time, but the reasons could be many, depending on the circumstance you're in when they occur. The casting thing should not be broken...are you sure you're doing it right? I use the space bar to fire spells once targets are seems to help.

    Hope this helps...welcome aboard!
  3. Miamigrandmaster

    Miamigrandmaster Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    Yeah.. the 'monster mashing' happens in a few places now that I've advanced a little farther. As for the spellcasting problem, it happened on a couple of occasions. One I can explain now I think.. I cast magic missile on a spell resistant creature and none of the missiles made it I assume. Although it should at least log that I cast the spell in the roll log. The other time I cast lightning on a group, and one was spell resistant.... the spell fizzled, which I disagree with. While he shouldn't be effected, the rest of his buddies definitely should've gotten torched, and my spell should have worked. The skipped turns is definitely a bug... I can reload the game to a slightly previous point in the battle and that character's turn isn't skipped. It just feels like the game was a little rushed out the door in all respects. Even the plot is lackluster. I walk around this temple, but there's no explanation about the sections or what I'm seeing. Just a bunch of random elemental temples intermingling and random doors that go to icy areas and such. No explanation for them, which makes me wonder whether I'm in the right section at times, or if I'm advancing too fast. Anyways, it's great to be a member... although I feel like I'm just using the site to ask stupid questions. Maybe someday I'll be able to answer them as well.
  4. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Some of the modders here will be able to explain bug fixes better than I; a lot of work has been done. The newest set of fixes is being tested right now. One thing I'd like to see in future releases of this is a screen of area descriptions like what was seen in the tutorial...a window that describes new areas entered by the party. I'm sure it will come, as much of the energy spent thus far is to hammer out old bugs, add rules fixes, and create content that was somewhat lacking. This is all a work in progress, so if you can or want to pitch in...we could use the input!
  5. Miamigrandmaster

    Miamigrandmaster Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    Is there anywhere we can go to see the problems that are already known about? I know of a few (one specifically where there was some kind of spell that was described as dealing 5d worth of damage but the roll logs all showed 2d were rolled regardless of saving throws), but I don't want to duplicate anything that's already been reported. Another thing I'd like to see (if it's how normal D&D is played, I don't know) is to know what the specific perks of having some items are. Antonio's mace and Hadrick's armaments are a good example... there's no option to see what they do, but depending on your character's alignment it will give you modifiers, possibly negative, and you won't know unless you start looking at the roll logs. And yes, the area description would be an incredible game enhancement that would make it more cohesive.
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