This is a Plus version iof the brothel fix ncludes additional dialog for mary(had a little lamb) if I get good feedback I might do more flesh it out some more and do other prostitues...
graphic? I didn't mess with the gaphics or anything. Just put in a little more service not anything major. To answer you though. Yes, I really like describing sex graphically (if that is what you meant), though I dind't do much for this patch, and left out any lamb stuff . I had female stuff also for les action but realized after the fact that madam's dialog only shows to males. Like I said I didn't go into much detail in this one, just kept it simple. I was once writing a three book novel and was on third book before it got burned in fire that was before I went computerized. It was a D&D series but had a few romantic parts and was told by many that I should write romance novels . Though you can't be to romantic in this game so...
\Wait. Are you telling me that was not romanitc? Shit, i have to go apologise to my girlfriend. :wtf: ???
I haven't taken a look at this yet, (Home I-net access won't be turned on until friday), so I'm not sure what you mean by "graphic"..But if it's anything more than some ambigous doubletalk, we may want to leave this as a seperate download.
romantic means flower flirting and such not fing. nomad: of course nomad, definately seperate graphically meaning stick this in there, suck that....