I have used the protoeditor weapon mod to modify the katanas in game. I set them to have an 18-20 threat range and 3x damage to differentiate from longswords. But in game I still DO NOT get a crit on and 18, only 19 and 20 as per a longsword. It clearly shows the chages saved, it shows the range in properties correctly, but wont crit on 18 natural roll. Is thier another file that needs to be modifed as well. Can a weapon have a threat range different than its 'weapon class'?
Unfortunately, this is one of the problems with editing stuff. Often we'll just edit the description and not the actual function Anyone else wanna field this one? Glamis, you seem to be our weapons expert....
cleaver crits Yup great cleaver works for me too as implemented in the game. A cleaver is a hand axe with keen attribute. 19-20 original threat +2 for keen. This works just fine. It is not fundamentally different than the hand axe weapon type. However I did not add keen to the katana. I just changed the threat range. Which is now different than a longsword. That did not work, and is the basis of my question, Anyone else experienced anything similar? Best guess is that threat ranges are ties to 'weapon type'. The only way to make a weapon 18-20 threat range would probably be to make the weapon type a kukri or something else that has that range already hardcoded. Has anyone seen any other .mes files or anything that looks like it might cover weapon types?
I rolled a 19 with the heavy crossbow (threat: 19-20) last night and did not get a critical check. Someone on the TOEE board said that only 20's were getting checks, no matter what weapon. Maybe the cleaver is the only exception? If someone could fix this it would be great, has a huge effect on gameplay, feat-selection etc...
seraglio: did you notice if the longsword you edited was getting a critical check on 19 before you added one to its range? I rolled a 19 with a +2 longsword last game and didn't get a check. Not positive on this, but maybe the solution is to treat the starting weapons as having only 20 as crit range (ignoring whatever the description says otherwise). if it's possible, add one more to the threat range of the katana with the editor and see if it hits on 18. I downloaded the protoeditor, but I can't get it to open. I get "application failed to initialize properly". can someone help?
The Katana I edited does NOT get a crit on 19 now. I do not know if it did before I edited it though. I know in the past I DID get crits on 19 with longswords though. A lot of people have said that they only get crits on 20's, but I know I have with other items with larger threat ranges, namely the great cleaver. Also odd the Keen Edge spell has not been working for me either. Its kinda random. As far as protoeditor that is the message it gave me before I installed all the M$ .net crap. Its a .net app, you need to download the libraries etc. If you have already followed that I dont know whats wrong.
I have a screenshot here of a magic longsword failing to Crit on a natural 19. I also tested with the mundance and masterwork variants. http://www.ret-guild.net/toee Also note the 1/2 ork screenshot on the page. I love one shotting ogres @ Level 3, but he is getting added damage for 1 hander weilded 2 handed, even with a large sword equiped - T
ok, from what I'm seeing in my game the only weapon with an expanded critical range that actually works is the great cleaver. in the protos.tab it is #4213. I noticed it is the only expanded crit. range weapon where field 73 (critical range) is listed as 19-20. All of the others are listed as simply 19 (or 18). Could the fix be as simple as editing the value field of the others to be 18-20, 19-20? I would test this myself, but I can't figure out how to edit the values. I left click once and I can edit the number of the first column (73 for example). But that's it. I can't add new lines either. help would be greatly appreciated. edit: I'm using Vaevictus' proto-editor. I can't get Kobayashi's weapon editor to open after downloading.
I tried to fix by changing 19 by 19-20... No effect. I even tried 10-20, still nothing... I think we, I mean somebody should try to find the bug elsewhere. Hopely Troika might patch this out since it's sort of critical bug, to me at least. Half of my criticals are screwed.
dear sweet jesus please let it be somebody besides me. (insert semi-retarded smilie drooling on keyboard here)
I agree with Barthes's observation that the Great Cleaver seems to be the only weapon with an expanded crit range and noticed the same difference with the crit range 19-20 instead of just 19. Just a thought but I remember the Great Cleaver crit range written as 17-20. This is probably because the description for it also includes "Weapon Keen". I believe I've read at the Atari forums that the spell Keen edge works but adds a +2(?) to crit range regardless of weapon instead of doubling the range. If this is so, then the expanded crit range for the Cleaver comes from "Weapon Keen". Something is very messed up here. I fervently hope it's not some hard coded stuff.
Yes, the range is 19-20, then doubled for keen. So the spell keen edge works (sort of)? But this isn't a permanent effect just a temporary enchantment, correct? Does the permanent crafting of a weapon with a keen edge do anything at all? I've also heard that taking improved critical as a feat does nothing whatsoever. grrr... I should prob. download the developer-helper to test these things out, but then it probably won't open and I'll be forced to subject my computer to yet another string of vicious obscenities. It would be really nice if the people at Troika would post the potential fixes in their upcoming patch.