{9556}{"SFoxs Cunning"} Don't know if it makes a difference but in the \data\rules\item_creation.mes I found these entries {9556}{"SFoxs Cunning"} {12566}{"SFox's Cunning"} comparing them I realized the apostraphe s shouldn't be there right? Someone back me up, so I know I am not FUBAR'ing my file
Related to this, there are CTD issues with items in the =stock= game which may be clouding this issue. Example: I have not patched yet and somewhere near completion of temple level 2 I suddenly started having frequent CTD nearly every time I zoned into/out =anywhere= in the Temple or Nulb or Hommlett, even after reboots. I was so pissed off I was ready to uninstall the whole mess, when I went to Nulb and sold/dropped a bunch of excess weapons, scrolls and potions I was dragging around and *BOING* now suddenly no more CTDs anywhere! arg! :wtf: I suspect it may have been the Radiant Ranseur from the Drelb but who knows, will have to consume mass quantities of alcohol before testing this frustrating thing again. So anyway the point is, maybe it's not the patch itself causing problems, but fundamental problems with the underlying item code that only shows up because the patch allows you to acquire the buggy item-code items.
As posted on the atari forum mickey disappears for good after a brothel quest, I'll take a look as his dialog tonight and see if I can figure out why and how to stop it. probably something simple.
You're welcome, but download the newer version I got 4 spells fixed but both me and exitium in his quick fix missed widen(I think) so I redone it earlier today. btw could this be video card issue? my compuiter here at work has the crappeiest.... and toee ctds alot.
Is the new version you mention have the same name and is it the same one offered at the various download links in the patch thread here at your board?
yes I just overwrote old one sometime this morning... http://www.kasec.org/feat.mes edit: typing too fast once again...
GWF is in the mes file. Is that something that you guys are planning on implementing? And for verification I have the right version, was Fox's Cunning one of the spells fixed?
well, it turns out I was blaming you guys unfairly, all of my dwarves wear full plate, but only three had the "silver" model. It turns out that if I go back to brother smyth and swap those out for the "gold" model, everything's just dandy. So my CTD experiance was caused entirely by equiping a dwarf w/ "silver" model full plate, which I believe is already on most bug lists, but I'm not sure people know that if you equip "gold", it's a work-around. And thanks to your fine mod, we finally have the option!
There are a few bug fixes in this ( Post v1.0.0 fanfix ). I have been testing this for 2 days now and it seems to be 100% rock solid. I get no more crashing from item creation and the Fox's cunning craft problem fixed, along with a few other forum posts of problems. http://www.angelfire.com/dragon/roadrun777/data.rar Files included - feat.mes , item_creation.mes I didn't do all this, I basicly downloaded the post release fixes from others and put them all into one, also some of the fixes were just posts and I went ahead and implemented them. Still bugged though is Craft magic arms, but that has nothing to do with these files. If you add +1 and then +2 anything after that will cause the item in question to become broken (also as a side note, broken items will and do cause random crashes moving between maps). If you add +1 to an item and then add 2 from other categories (ex. flaming, shock) they will work fine, you will get all 3 enchantments. It seems specifically that the +2 enchantment is whats bugged. I would love for someone to point me to the right code to take a look at it. It seems that all the crashing revolves around items that have +2 (( using the same pointer as in the item creation)) and then something else for example flame. One sure sign you have one of these "broken" items it to load it up in the craft magic weapons armor menu, and if you see 2 enchantments where there should be 3, but you can't add or change it in anyway (except the name), then that is a broken item. Dumping it seems to solve alot of the CTD's. Hop that helps. P.S. would anyone recommend me for the Cave? I can make good contributions to the modding.
Err... I don't know if this is elsewhere (or as a result of something other then the fan-fix/path, which I have installed), but: The Burning Hands (evocation) spell does not show up as "golded" for my evoker wizard, but other spells do. Is some tag for the spell not set?
Found a minor bug: When talking to Brother Smythe (the blacksmith in Homlet) about MW items, then when you want to exit the branch about MW items, it says "oh, nevermind". The o should be a capital letter.
Strange it is listed as Transmutation in the .txt file. and in spells.mes it says evocation instead of Transmutation... Add that to your fix list exitium. it an easy one so I won't bother putting a file to upload.
Request for next rev: In the Readme could you add a note that explains if the patch affects existing party items, spells, character stats, npcs, etc., or only affects a newly created party? Same for dropped items - if I had dropped an item, then patch, then reload the game and pick up the item, does it have the new patch data? No doubt this info was mentioned somewhere some time in some forum, but most players (like me!) aren't following the mod and bug communities, we're just playing the game and accidently discovered this patch and need the clarification. Thanx!