I was using the "stock" vBulletin skin because it was the only non-fixed width one and it was also the most readable. All of the other skins here have banner adds and color schemes that I do not find very readable. Fixed width is HORRIBLE. I feel like I am reading the forums on a cell phone screen or something. The forum is using about 1/2 of the width of my browser window. (I run at 1600x1200) and the existing skins also have a lot of wasted screen real estate in their efforts to be fancy . Was there a reason the stock vBulletin skin was removed? I refreshed the forum and BAM it was gone. If possible, can you please make the stock vBulletin skin an option? I know it is plain (some might say ugly), but it is very readable, very efficient, loads fast, and doesn't waste screen real estate.