I have a question: does anyone know whether it is possible to change an object's "type" attribute? I'm working on a test scenario in which PCs could be dismissed from the party and left in the world as NPCs, instead of being returned to the party pool. The obvious answer "pc.type = obj_t_npc" gives a general parse error. I tried playing around with stat get/set methods, but no luck so far. I even tried to add a "type" condition, but that failed (as expected). Similar idea: I tried modifying the type field for a few NPCs in protos.tab, so that they would be created with type 13 (obj_t_pc). However, it looks like any NPCs spawned using obj_create have type 14 (obj_t_npc), no matter what I set in the protos file. Any feedback or advice would be appreciated. I'm still pretty new to ToEE modding. Thanks
i don't know if this helps(i'm pretty sure it won't) but this is a copy from the console commands thread: game.party[X].stat_level_get(stat_Y,#) to edit attributes (strength, etc.) race, allignment, god, gender, or anything else (don't know about feats) X= PC slot -1, Y= attribute, race, allignment, etc. #= numerical value (where appropriate.)
Ehh we're you trying to make a NPC into a PC? i don't think that's possible...all the PCs are in modules/ToEE/players folder...i could be wrong tho(extreamely new in ToEE modding
To me it look like he wants to make a PC become and NPC so you can tell then to piss off and then get them back later, would be great if you had a paladin in your party and wanted to do some quests without him becoming fallen.
yeah....i hated that...we just need a spell from some guy that will make him/her un-fallen like 'purify'
Different idea. Character files are stored there. An object in the gameworld (sword, rat, Hedrack, etc) has fields for location, graphics, etc... One of the fields is type, which specifies what it is. I was trying to change this on the fly, as part of moving PCs in and out of the party. (didn't work, though) It's called "Atone", I read somewhere on this board that someone was looking at implementing it as a high-level cleric spell. It's pretty trivial to implement (basically just paladin.fallen = false), but it should bear a hefty gold/exp cost. Atonement is supposed to take a lot of time in prayer, fasting, etc... so the target paladin should lose some experience. Paladins aren't supposed to go out drinking and whoring on the weekend and Atone every Monday... I was thinking more of solo infiltration with rogues, but your point is also valid. Anyways, I haven't had much luck with this yet. I did manage to play through a solo game with Darley as a PC (dmg resist is really unbalancing at low levels, so I reduced it to 5/Holy), but it was a pretty messy hack, and it doesn't allow us to change PCs into NPCs. If I can find a reasonable way to implement it, I'll let you guys know.
Easy enough to make a few days fade by, and might be important if the party have a fallen Paladin and only 4 days to kill Zuggy.