I'm sorry if this answered before but I couldn't find anything. My trouble is that I cannot start the game. Everytime I click on the shortcut it changes the cursor to a spinning CD and then about a second later it stops without a warning or an error message. I have tired many different installing methods (no patches, Atari's patches and the CO8 patches) but they all exit the same way. I have also tried with a no-CD crack but this also doesn't work. Another thing I have tried is making an CD image of the play disc and mounting it with a drive emulator but it gives me a message saying something along the lines of "Drive Emulation Software detected." and exits like before. So does anybody know what the trouble is? I have spent about an hour with this and nothing seems to have an effect. I really would like to try this game. Does this game have a log file or anything? Well thanks to anybody who replies.
Hey another Kiwi, Sometimes I have that problem and sometimes I don't, someone said that it was related to service pack 2, but I just keep trying when it does and after about 5 trys it works.
Nope. It doesn't seem to be working even after rebooting. However I did have some trouble with a few other games (mainly Quake 3 engine games) after I installed SP2, but I did manage to fix it a few days ago by updating my video drivers. I should have mentioned this in my first post: I'm running Windows XP and my system specs are over the system requirements by quite a bit.
I have played the game in three different pc's lets say less than necessary, necessary and quite a bit better, and a mac g5 with a windows emulator, it runs pretty well in any of those with or without the nocd crack but when I tryed burning the disc the copy doesn't run in any even after installing the nocd, after a clean install and the nocd everything was solved. Why I posted this, well the symptoms were the same, a spinning cursor without the game booting, hope it helps.
Nope. It does the same thing but thanks for your help anyway. I don't suppose anybody else has any other ideas?
Get the warez version. Keep in mind you still going to need the original Play cd to play. Just install it using like daemon-tools virtual emu, and when it finishes dont bother with thier exe crack. Just patch normally (patch1,2 etc whatever needed) then insert your legit Play cd and try it. Worked for me, and I used to have the same problem.
So we've gone from "play store-bought game with no-CD crack to make it work" to "play store-bought CD with warez version to make it work". Well thats just fabulous. :yawn: I think Atari might have gone under without hackers to make their games work.
Is the CD clean? Is your DVD drive clean? Try using some cleaners (get some decent ones), it's worth it even if this isn't the problem for you right now. And of course, can you return the game and get a new copy? Sometimes game CDs are messed up before you ever open the case for the first time.
I really don't know if this will be any help, but this is a problem listed on the atari support page for ToEE. They link you to some kind of troubleshooter that'll eventually get past the stupid "are you using the right disc" questions and onto more technical stuff about your rom. May help, since this is a known issue. http://www.atari.com/us/support/new...&osType=WINXP&pageDisplay=MAIN#faq_prodissues