TOEE downloaded from GoG

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pijani, Feb 13, 2025.

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  1. pijani

    pijani Member

    Aug 22, 2009
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    I enjoyed this gime a lifetime ago, when I was poor, and it was pirated. Now when Istabilized financially, I decided to buy it, and I did, from GoG. I intalled it and started playing

    Firs, can someone point me to the post where stats are explained and reccomended for each type of character (fighter, cleric etc).

    Second, as I downloaded it from GoG a week ago, do I need to use any patches, and if yes, which ones, and in what order? I am on Windows 10, 64b

    Is there anything I need to know for smooth gameplay?

    Also, first time I played I ended the campaign no issues. Last time I played Hezrou or some of other was scaring my characters (it didn;t do that in previous plays) - and I had no solution for it, didn;t find "remove fear" or protection from fear or anything else that would help me - what is solution to fear in this game?

    And finally, long time no see :) glad to see community is stil up and alive :)
  2. pijani

    pijani Member

    Aug 22, 2009
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    I just read this in random post:
    "Potection from Evil to counter his fear spells is key."
    that is one question answered :D
  3. pijani

    pijani Member

    Aug 22, 2009
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    additional questions:
    - I always skip Hommlet more or less completly, when ever I start talking to people I get bored. Are there any quests in it I shouldn;t skip?
    - I love playing as a hammer - I just go and pulp everything into ground with steel and magic. Am I missing some good loot by not talking to monsters?
    - regarding levels and enemies strenght, what is the usual route people take when visiting locations?
    - at what point regarding leveling up should I start crafting items? As it takes experience, so I do not be underleveled with my casters?
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yes, if you decide to murder Spugnoir in the Welcome Wench, beware his fear spells.

    I think the GoG game is fully patched, but doing the standard patch routine - install game then Patch 1, Patch 2, Co8 mod - won't hurt.

    Are you aware of Welkwood Bog? That is there to provide a path off level 1 if you want to skip the Hommlet quests.

    Welcome back!
  5. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    The quest chain that grants you the +1 Holy Longsword AKA this game's version of the Holy Avenger is useful for that item, even if you sell it.
  6. zertzax

    zertzax Established Member

    Feb 23, 2023
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    welcome back to the game.
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