My cleric has great cleavage, however she's often whacking a completely different target to the one I would have chosen. I assume there's no way to pick a cleave target actively, but what I'd like to know is what goes into how she chooses the victim and if its possible to influence which way the violence goes by a) changing the monster that I can choose using the standard attack or b) delaying on the initiative bar Real life example - cleric is beset by 5 kobolds and a kobold sergeant. How do I ensure that a cleave attack will not be directed at the boss kobold if my goal is to kill all the little kobolds first? Thanks Phil
I assume you mean Cleave rather than great cleave unless you are tackling Welkwood Bog with a 6th level cleric?? You shouldn't be able to choose the target of your cleave, BUT if cleave is working properly PROVIDED you don't attack the kobolds adjacent to the sergeant your cleave attempt shouldn't be on the sergeant (basic physics) However I have a feeling you are attacking the kobolds on the opposite side of you from the sergeant to cut down flanking; in which case Cleave is not working properly
I will admit there are many times I wish the game allowed us to choose a cleave target. In a table/real life game the attacker can decide who to cleave, no?
Imagine a 20 Str 6'10" Half Orc barbarian with a 2 handed sword with the Cleave and Great Cleave feats surrounded by half a dozen kobolds You need to forget about the to hit rolls associated with the cleave and great cleave attempts as they are clouding your appreciation that the half-orc is making ONLY ONE swing and possibly felling the other 5 kobolds ON THE FOLLOW THROUGH.
I've had another look at this and I reckon that the target of cleave is the next available target in ascending initiative order.