Paladin's Cove beta release, and feedback

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by marc1967, Jul 6, 2024.

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  1. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Yeah, I definitely killed the captain properly, it's just the same bug as before where the icon went to Never Neverland on reload. I had left the ship before, but on reload it's not there. The coordinates you gave me worked, however, and I was able to successfully teleport off of the ship.

    I can confirm that the portal to Mr. Temm's attic is still there as well. The command to indicate which flags are set returned the following:
    1 OF_HEIGHT_SET ( 268435456 )
    1 OF_INVULNERABLE ( 4194304 )
    1 OF_NO_BLOCK ( 1024 )
    1 OF_PROVIDES_COVER ( 16384 )
    1 OF_RADIUS_SET ( -2147483648 )
    1 OF_SEE_THROUGH ( 16 )
    1 OF_SHOOT_THROUGH ( 32 )
    For interest's sake, I used the same command that you provided for Mr. Temm's attic on the smugglers' ship and it returned the following:
    1 OF_CLICK_THROUGH ( 2048 )
    1 OF_DONTDRAW ( 256 )
    1 OF_HEIGHT_SET ( 268435456 )
    1 OF_INVULNERABLE ( 4194304 )
    1 OF_PROVIDES_COVER ( 16384 )
    1 OF_RADIUS_SET ( -2147483648 )
    1 OF_SEE_THROUGH ( 16 )
    1 OF_SHOOT_THROUGH ( 32 )
    Now, I'm no ToEE scientist, but personally I'm eyeing the "see through" flag in both cases. :p But maybe it isn't that obvious. Regardless, hope this helps!

    (Also, quick note: the party member movement speed command does not hold between saves, just an FYI.)
  2. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Thanks for typing that all out, there's a lot of good information there that helps with my debugging. (I'm assuming you typed those all out from the console? If you ever do it again, you don't need to copy the numbers in parenthesis, it will save you time. Those are just the bit number of that flag. Should have told you that, sorry.)

    First, as odd as it may seem, the "OF_SEE_THROUGH" flag does not make the icon invisible or anything like that. It has to do with the transparency of other objects that appear behind it. It's set by default for every door icon I've ever seen, and never gets changed. So that flag is always supposed to be there.

    After looking at the flag settings you provided, it seems the problem with each door is different, so I'll take them individually.

    The Pirate Ship:
    These flags all look correct, as they would when the game starts.

    The blue door icon which represents the row-boat is always "off" when the game begins. It's set up so you can't click on it, and you can't see it. This is done by pre-setting the flags "OF_CLICK_THROUGH" and "OF_DONTDRAW". This matches up with how your flags appear. They are all OK, to start.

    When you encounter the smugglers, if the captain enters combat OR dies, those two flags get UN-set in his scripting. That turns then door "on", and then you can see it and click on it. For some reason, his script is not triggering properly for you, but I'm not sure why.

    I'll keep testing different patterns of play and see if I can repeat your problem.​

    Mr. Temm's Attic.
    This one is more baffling, because all the object flags you showed me are perfect.

    The door is "on", nothing is out of place. So, I'm guessing it has to do with the internal Secret Door processing, which has always been wonky and unreliable in ToEE. Something weird got out of place, and the secret door became "secret" again. But now it's in a stare where you can't find it anymore.

    Until this get solved, you can teleport up to the attic from the console:
    from ed import *

    Also, can you tell me if you're using (or used and removed) Temple+ anywhere in your current play-through. I've lost track of who is or isn't using it. Thanks.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2024
  3. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    So I never actually uninstalled Temple+, BUT according to Sitra earlier in the thread, since I'm using the Front-End to launch the game, T+ doesn't actually affect anything? So no harm, no foul.

    Interesting problems to have to tackle, I'll admit haha. For now, those coordinates worked and I was able to complete the quest (and by extension, Chapter 2!). Thanks again for your help!

    Quick note: interestingly, after killing the Collector, going back downstairs, meeting up with Mr. Temm, and then going back upstairs to head back to the attic, the portal to the attic was visible again. Overall, weird stuff happening, but not the end of the world, I suppose. At least there's a workaround!
  4. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Bug: Fire Bats are untargetable. Melee or ranged attacks cannot properly target the creatures; AoE spells will display a number under them as is proper, but there will not be a red symbol surrounding the number.
  5. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Bug?: White Rod +2 found in the Hidden Stronghold needs two hands to wield if used by a Small creature, even though it is a Light Mace (Light Maces can be wielded with one hand).
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024
  6. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Bug (Chapter 3): Named NPCs are not spawning in the Archaic Society (Mancy, Roso, etc.). The NPCs that are inside are the ones that I believe are there at nighttime, but they are now always the only ones present, be it day or night. If this is scripted, please disregard.

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    I think this is the one that I reported and it has been fixed for the next release.
  8. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Damn! Haha I keep meaning to read through this thread to make sure I'm not repeating things that have already been said, but I always get sidetracked when I do :p thanks!

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    no worries.

    It's not expected that someone that wants to play the module need to read through 24 pages of posts.
  10. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    In the elemental zone beneath the crypt, my Cleric attempted to cast Prayer after all of the clones were spawned by the Illusionist. The Illusionist received endless attacks of opportunity against her; he only stopped attacking after she became Unconscious. She did not successfully take her action at any point.

    EDIT: This also occurred when my Rogue attempted to attack one of the clones with a ranged weapon, AND it happened with one of the clones, rather than the original Illusionist. It's a safe assumption that one cannot risk Attacks of Opportunity from the Illusionist or his clones, or you will be soft-locked until your character is Unconscious/Dead.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024
  11. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Bug (spell permanency):
    After taking the bath with the Nymph in the zone beneath the crypt, three of my party members remained under the effects of Enlarge Person. This appears to be visual only; their stats are not affected any longer, but there character models are now (obviously) not the right size. This persists through resting, and the caster is unable to properly dismiss the spell ("Dismiss Spell" does nothing).

    EDIT: This does not have to do with the Nymph, all saves after the battle with the Enchanter have the same issue. Interestingly, the model for my Barbarian reverts as normal. This is fixed completely if I load a save from before the fight; I'm stopping for the night in case one of you has a solution that I can use after the fight instead.

    Addendum: In hindsight, I remember there being some kind of field around the Enchanter in that fight that reminds me discouragingly of Falrinth in vanilla ToEE. If that is indeed a (Lesser) Globe of Invulnerability, it may be prudent to remove it until the T+ integration (I think they actually managed to fix it). I was wondering why my frontliners lost all of their buffs once they actually made it to him!
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024
  12. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    I've tired to re-create the "disappearing door" bug, but I could not get it to happen. So... until it gets reported by someone else, I'll mark it off as a one-time fluke occurrence, but keep my eye on it for future bug reports.

    Since you have to teleport code, you seem OK with working around it.

    And now the stairs icon actually came back for you too, so lol, love this game.
  13. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    That's a proto I'm using that goes back to C08, which I copied verbatim. They had the size entered in such a way (size_medium) that made it a one-handed weapon. I can make it a light weapon if you think I should. It makes no difference to me either way.
  14. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Yes, it's all good, that's what's supposed to happen.

    Once all 5 glyphs have been found, Mancy and her entourage mysteriously depart. They are away in an unknown location, scheming, and waiting for your next move. The full repercussions of this won't appear in this iteration of the adventure. When the end is written, they will be a large part of the adventures in the final chapter.

    I'll add a dialog with the remaining guards, so the player can ask him where everyone went to. The guard won't tell you where exactly they went, but he will at least confirm they are "away", so the player doesn't think it's a bug.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024
  15. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Ah, the old endless Attack-of-Opportunity bug. Sigh. If anyone can remember what actually triggers this, let me know. It seems to pop up at any random time and place. I'll check it out for that exact location, later today when I have more time, and edit this post.
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