New Temple+ Available

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by _doug_, May 6, 2020.

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  1. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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  2. kovat

    kovat Member

    May 18, 2018
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    Is it possible to make a difficulty setting feature that would add more and harder monsters to dungeon and surface locations, fixed or randomized?
  3. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    I think there is a way. The new module paladins cove the writer of the mod (marc) made the encounters scale with party level.
  4. zertzax

    zertzax Established Member

    Feb 23, 2023
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    itb would ne cool if the main game could be scaled. :cool::)
  5. OccasionallyGood

    OccasionallyGood Member

    Dec 19, 2021
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    "NPC stat boost" parameter does exactly that.
    Temple+ Configuration -> House Rules -> Difficulty
  6. Oleg Ben Loleg

    Oleg Ben Loleg Established Member Supporter

    Jan 9, 2010
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    If you ativate DM mode you can even add new monster or change the stats of monster (DM mode -> right click on monster -> new window on right side where you can change stats). Don't try to change BAB because that, at least for me, crashes the game.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2024
  7. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Hey y'all, sorry if this isn't the right place to post this. I don't know where to send bug reports to for T+ now, it's been awhile. :p

    Bug: Medium critters are incorrectly wielding certain one-handed weapons (eg. Scimitars) with two hands. This appears to be a visual bug only, and the behavior is corrected once a Shield is equipped (but not a Buckler). It looks like the other hand must be occupied to correct the behavior.

    EDIT: Nevermind, it's not just a visual bug, looks like my test Druid takes the two-handed weapon penalty while wearing a Buckler.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
  8. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    It's not a bug. In the base game, if you read the combat logs, the game would always treat you as using your weapons two-handed if applicable (i.e. not a light weapon, and nothing filling your off-hand, which a buckler doesn't necessarily). It just wouldn't play animations to match. In Temple+ I made the animations match what the combat logic actually does.

    If you want to wield one-handed with a buckler, there's a radial menu option to 'prefer one-handed wield.' If it doesn't happen by default, that probably means that the base game was always giving you the buckler penalty (because I try to preserve base game behavior when possible), but the animation would lead you to believe it wasn't.
  9. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Ahhhhhh, I see. That makes sense. In fact, I think I remember having this discussion with someone else before lol. Thanks!

    On another note, what's involved in editing the Help menu/tooltips for spelling, grammar, and organization? I'm not a programmer, but if it's something more approachable I wouldn't mind going through and cleaning up minor typos, adding hyperlinks in certain submenus, etc.

    EDIT: Are critters also supposed to wield one-handed weapons with both hands when they DON'T have a shield equipped?
  10. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Bug: Tieflings receive proficiency in all martial weapons at first level.

    EDIT: To be more specific, all tieflings receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency All feat at first level, even if their class does not permit them to use all martial weapons.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
  11. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    All the help is in a `` file. It's just text, but it's a little gnarly to edit with just a text editor, because there are some special characters used. Each line of the file is a row in a table, and columns are tab separated. So for stuff like help text, a character that shows up as ^K (I think) in Vim is used for line breaks within a field of the table. If you're familiar with an editor like Vim, you can probably manage. There are also purpose-built editors for tab files that the modders here use, but I haven't personally.

    In Temple+ you also don't need to edit the full .tab file, there can be override files that only contain new lines, or replacements for existing ones.


    In 3.5E, if a weapon counts as "one-handed" for you, you can choose to wield it in two hands for 1.5x strength damage bonus, and 2x power attack damage. If a weapon counts as "light" I think you can also technically choose to wield it in two hands, but there is no mechanical benefit. Exactly what counts as "one-handed" or "light" or "two-handed" depends on your size. A longsword made for medium characters counts as two-handed for small characters, but one-handed for medium characters.

    In ToEE, it mostly uses the 3.0 style simplified weapon rules, where pretty much all longswords are the medium variety, and they are just used as the small greatsword. Also, the original game just decides you want to do two-handed wielding with e.g. a longsword if you're not wearing a shield, because it's free damage. It just didn't reflect that in the animations.


    Tieflings and Aasimar have martial weapons proficiency, I think, because the general internet consensus is that they get it from being outsiders. Supposedly there's some official ruling somewhere, too. I think you could argue that it doesn't make a lot of sense for them as PCs, and the "as characters" entry doesn't mention it like it does for e.g. elves. But the books also don't mention it in other "as characters" entries where it would be less dubious.

    Like, the reason outsiders get martial weapons is that they "grow up" on the planes. That doesn't make sense for the Tiefling child of a farmer or something, which is the backstory of an ordinary PC. But, if you're making a Jann character, it probably is some weird scenario where its backstory was more like a typical outsider. But a Jann is also a (native) outsider like a Tiefling.
  12. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Appreciate the lengthy response, dolio! :D

    I miiiiiight try to mess around with the help menu and things, but idk... maybe. We'll see haha. Modding scares me lol...

    Re weapons: I see, it makes sense to visually match what is actually happening (and tbh, it's a rare instance when a martial character of mine has a free off-hand in the first place lol). I only saw things when putzing around with new characters in the shop map and it jumped out at me.

    Re tieflings: ...yeah, that's a gray area then for sure, since I understand the theory, but since it's not documented (like it is for elves, as you mentioned) I'm a little more shaky on it. But if I think it's unfair, I could just not use the martial weapons afforded by the feat lol.

    Thanks again!
  13. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    An even weirder example of the last thing is giants. The "hill giants as characters" section explicitly mentions the weapon and armor proficiencies they get. The "stone giants as characters" section does not. But they should get the same weapon and armor proficiencies based on the general Giant specification. So they apparently just weren't very diligent about it.
  14. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    So something I noticed is that my friend had access to spells like Bonefiddle when making their Bard (they just did a fresh install), but *I* don't when leveling up *my* Bard, even though I have extra content enabled. What obvious thing am I missing? Lol because there are a lot more spells in the help menu than what I actually seem to have access to.
  15. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    When you say "access to spells like Bonefiddle" do you specifically include Bonefiddle?

    Bonefiddle is one of a huge number of spells a former member called Sagenlicht published as a sequence of Temple plus betas which have not been available for some time.
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