Hello guys, this is my first post, and I want to ask you how practiced spellcaster works in toee. In others games usually you could decide which caster class you want to improve, but here you only select the spellcasting tradition..... But in the case the tradition is the same? For example I'm using Pishella (I want to level her like an ultimate magus, yes temple+) and I took practiced spellcaster, the game improved only the wizard class, but did nothing to the sorcerer caster level. Could I take practiced spellcaster a second time for the sorcerer? How does the system decide which class improve when you take the feat if you have two caster class with the same tradition? Thanks in advance and sorry for my English, it's not my first language.
The arcane and divine versions of the feat anchor on the highest level arcane caster class and and the highest level divine caster class, respectively. def OnAddSpellCastingArcane(attachee, args, evt_obj): # arg1 holds the Arcane class if args.get_arg(1) == 0: highestArcane = char_class_utils.GetHighestArcaneClass(attachee) args.set_arg(1, highestArcane) return 0 def OnAddSpellCastingDivine(attachee, args, evt_obj): # arg1 holds the Divine class if args.get_arg(1) == 0: highestDivine = char_class_utils.GetHighestDivineClass(attachee) args.set_arg(1, highestDivine) return 0
Oh thank you for the fast answer. If I take it another time? Or it's only one time for every tradition?
You can only take the arcane version once. I suggest you ditch Pishella and play a PC Beguiler 1/Evoker 4 or Conjuror 4/ Ultimate Magus with Enchantment and Illusion as your prohibited wizard spells. Firstly all your casting depends on intelligence and secondly, you concentrate the really caster level dependent spells in your higher arcane class
Yes, I know of this build, but I'm using only NPC + one pc, I know I know, It's not supposed to play like this......but I like the idea to have a protagonist and friends with a backstory, ecc. Is it possible to reset a NPC?
I've done some tinkering with the practiced spellcaster feat such that the wizard class and the highest arcane spontaneous casting class (excluding 1st level bard) are now treated separately. The feat has not been fixed for multi-divine class combinations (yet). Once you have checked the code out feel free to extract the attached compressed folder into your Temple of Elemental Evil directory. Please let me know if it solves your problem with Pishella.
I tried your mod but it seems not working, at least not with my beguiler/wizard character, with temple+ 1.0.95 Is there a way to adjust this mod?
Try selecting the feat again so you are back at the screen above. Then select Practiced Spellcaster-Arcane with your mouse. This should turn Practiced Spellcaster-Arcane Blue and the OK button green.
Yes it does, but I'm not able to select spontaneous arcane (beguiler) over prepared arcane (wizard). With the mod I should be able to do so, am I right?
No that's not the object of the exercise. The pre-mod version worked only with the highest level arcane casting class. My mod works automatically with wizard (as the only prepared casting class) AND the highest level spontaneous casting class.. The is still no CHOICE involved. A Beguiler1/Wizard2 with my mod will cast at 3rd level in both classes
My apologies. Having re-read the actual feat description for Practiced Spellcaster I have split Wizard off from Practiced Spellcaster - Arcane (which now applies solely to spontaneous arcane casters) and created a separate feat Practiced Spellcaster - Wizard, which must be taken separately as per the rules.