New Temple+ Available

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by _doug_, May 6, 2020.

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  1. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I would have to disagree, were it not for Warmage Edge, charisma is clearly the prime requisite of Warmages. A warmage with charisma 9 is unplayable whereas a warmage with intelligence 9 is merely very embarassing
    August likes this.
  2. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I have found a bug in, in the bit relating to spell augmentation:

    def AugmentCastingRadialMenuEntry(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    radialParent = tpdp.RadialMenuEntryParent("Augment Casting")
    arcaneBoostID = radialParent.add_child_to_standard(attachee, tpdp.RadialMenuStandardNode.Class)

    spontaneousCastingClass = attachee.d20_query("UM Spontaneous Class")
    vacianCastingClass = attachee.d20_query("UM Vacian Class")

    for classID in [spontaneousCastingClass, vacianCastingClass]:
    #Add the effect to the arcane boost id menu
    className = tpdp.get_stat_short_name(classID)

    effectNode = tpdp.RadialMenuEntryParent(className)
    spellTypeID = effectNode.add_as_child(attachee, arcaneBoostID)

    for feat in ACFeats:
    if attachee.has_feat(feat):
    featName = tpdp.get_stat_name(1000+feat)
    featNode = tpdp.RadialMenuEntryParent(featName)
    featNodeID = featNode.add_as_child(attachee, spellTypeID)

    #Figure out the minimum level needed for the spell
    minLevel = 1 #default
    if feat == feat_quicken_spell:
    minLevel = 4
    elif feat == feat_maximize_spell:
    minLevel = 3
    elif feat == feat_empower_spell:
    minLevel = 2

    # create the spell level nodes

    You'll see that feat_widen_spell is omitted so you can widen spell with a 1st level spell
    August likes this.
  3. _doug_

    _doug_ Established Member

    Jul 9, 2009
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    Version temple+ v1.0.95 is now released. Here are the release notes:

    * Logging Paladin's Cove module and first attempt at temple+ compatibility.
    * The TOEE module is automatically imported into the console again.
    * Fixed agile shield fighter to hit penalty for TWF Rangers.
    * Fixed a bug where staggering strike was applied even if there was no sneak attack.
    * Fixed bug in tripping bite that would allow wildshaped druids to trip with spells.
    * Fixed quench not working against fire elementals.
    * Fixed raise dead for aasumars and tieflings.
    * Fixed spell level progression when extrapolated (nwalshgit).
    * Additions to the stricter rules option. (dolio):
    * Mirror Image interact with Magic Missile. (Atari Bug 161)​
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