Co8 New Content: Ronald Rynnwrathi

Discussion in 'New Content Subdirectories' started by Gaear, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. BenWH

    BenWH BGPHughes

    Jun 12, 2013
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    I had Ronald for a while but I recently ditched him because of his propensity to switch sides. His latest was to help out Zug when I cast control plants on some of Zug's fungi. At this point I decided he was too unreliable to have in the party.
  2. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    I never had a problem with Ronald Rynnwrathi turning on my party unless my PCs did something "evil" like attacking a charmed monster, or attacking another NPC in my adventuring party, or attacking a neutral or good NPC who didn't have it coming. Like Elmo and Zaxis, Ronald is VERY virtuous and won't brook any evil acts!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2013
  3. Kapacha2089

    Kapacha2089 Member

    May 6, 2013
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    As I do recall playing a good or neutral party when acquiring Ronald Rynnwrathi as an NPC from the Church of St. Cuthbert, his story plot mentioned his parents were killed by orcs. Would like to see a tie-in to the Hickory Branch scenario where member or members of the Hickory Branch force had participated in the killings of Ronald Rynnwrathi's parents. And one of the leaders had a family heirloom on one of them belonging to the Rynnwrathi's family. Something similar DITTO to Canon Terjon's of Church of St. Cuthbert of Hommlet quest in Emridy Meadows.
  4. nyarlathotep

    nyarlathotep Merry Murder Maniac

    Feb 4, 2008
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    Well, For once I'm playing a game where I hired him and while he's a very decent cleric & archer, there's one thing that I truly hate about good ol' Ronnie: his unnatural hoarding behaviour towards his old (and pityfully basic) gear. His shield, chainmail & mace are particularly cumbersome. Also, the lack of space it creates can be a bit of a hassle.

    Also, he's one of the few members of my party who hasn't been killed yet (rather like to keep it that way) and that's why I haven't got rid of his useless starting gear.
  5. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    If you talk to him a few times and listen to his back story eventually he will let you upgrade his gear.

    I don't remember how many times I had to talk to him for this, but I do remember letting him sing for the group.
  6. nyarlathotep

    nyarlathotep Merry Murder Maniac

    Feb 4, 2008
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    Well, that worked out well - plus he seemed to approve of my advanced knowledge in the mercantile department :)
  7. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    I have gotten Ronal Rynnwrathi to level 20 (yes, some of that was raised by the console level-up) command, but he has not from level 17+ mentioned anything about the 'True Resurrection' quest to raise his slain parents. I have exhausted all apparent dialog options in convo - how is the quest initiated to raise his parents? it mentioned this convo might come up on map change - is it also story state related? I am after Zuggtmoy, or just before in testing my rolling saves, but cannot seem to trigger this... Please Advise.
  8. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    How is this quest triggered? I have Ronald at 17+ level, but he has not mentioned this ... yet. Asking about his parents, he says it is 'too painful' and always leaves it at that.
  9. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    I recall you coded this. How to trigger it?

  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Hmmmm... I didn't 'console-proof' the code. I set it to occur when Ronald hits lvl 17 exactly - if you go past to level 20, then it doesn't happen. Sorry, J'allan! One more reason Temple+ should disable the console.

    Here is an updated ioun stone for you, to make up for the loss: place it in your data/scr folder. (No-one else download this, please).

    Attached Files:

  11. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    Thanks for responding! What triggers the level 17 quest - gaining exactly enough exp for Ronald to reach level 17 only, or any other action / requirements? do you have to travel with him for a set period of time, initiate a certain # of combats, or some other trigger?

    I had been using Furnok, and i traded him out, and added Ronald, at his starting level. To catch him up to the rest of the party, which was after Verbobonc and defeating Zuggtmoy, I initially added enough exp to catch him up, and then after re-reading this thread, to get him to just level 17, to try to trigger his 'parents quest'. I then tried to trigger every possible convo point in party chat with him, and had not seen any new dialog popping up.

    Before leveling him, and after giving him just one level i had also done the same, trying to exhaust all possible party chat convo (also to be able to change / upgrade his gear). So then i had tried going back and forth between Nulb and the Temple and Hommlett, trying to see if anything popped up that way. then i used the Temple+ map change 'warp' to Hickory Branch, and Verbobonc, and tried going the Hommlett / Nulb / Temple party movement again, as it said the 2 conditions seemed to be 1) level 17 and 2) a map change triggers a convo about his parents.

    I probably can't try to recreate again in this game save, as i have already passed the leveling testing described in my 7 rolling saves doing other stuff, and as i said, i had given up and gotten him leveled past 17+ ...

    is it possible to DELETE exp to 17 to try to recreate the conditions?

    But for future use/ reference, what should one do to try to recreate this elusive quest? :)
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2024
  12. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Hmmm... there's actually an additional trigger that I never even gave a second thought to: him going to the moathouse. He says something about the moathouse - "my wife's boyfriend warned me about this place!" or something - then his script trips over to waiting for him to hit level 17.

    After that, it's just him hitting level 17, then a map change, as originally suggested.

    If you've added the new ioun stone script, try going into the moathouse. I'm assuming in a post-Zuggy game you never took him there? He should say something on arrival, then hopefully trigger the new stuff as soon as you change maps. And I do mean into, not just arriving at the ruins or going in through the back door - you have to go inside level 1.

    (The moathouse trigger is because all this was done back when I was manually adding many of the various dialogue lines that were recorded but not properly implemented, so I included one for Ronald that should not have interrupted any of the other NPCs).
  13. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    Thanks Ted! I will try this, and let you know what happens. currently doing the 'What Lies Beneath' quest, and i have sent Ronald and Spugnior packing to be able to add the missing kids, temporarily...
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Spugnoir's always worth retrieving.
  15. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    SUCCESS!! just solved the 'What Lies beneath' quest - important to note - Seems only a PC with the appropriate 'Spot' skill of 20+ can actually 'find' Panathaes - I covered all the ground and had the 'Goggles of Minute Seeing' and the highest spot on NPC Fruella of all people. Didn't find him ... So i switched the goggles to my PC Ranger / Rogue and checked all the 8 spots again, making sure THAT PC had the spot high enough, and finally found him! good, tough quest. Eventually read all the notes on here related to other users struggling, really appreciate that Geaer had added the sewers map. Like the 'Ghost' quest for the Castle of Lords, this is FULL of C08 game / modding flavor, not so full of EXP / loot - so both are worthy additions!


    i was able to trigger the 'True Resurrection' quest with Ronal Rynnwrathi. FINALLY! that last tip was the winner.

    When walking into the 1st sublevel of the Moathouse dungeon, Ronald suddenly had his EUREKA moment. Can confirm he was able to do this beyond level 17+, as he was actually level 19 at the time. So it appears that there are these 3 conditions necessary to trigger this last character moment: (Spoiler)

    1) must have reached at least level 17 on Ronald Rynnwrathi NPC
    2) while he's in party, make a map change to 1st sublevel of Moathouse
    3) Don't balk at cost of resurrection! at your peril! lol

    I'm not sure if a PREVIOUS trip with him to the Moathouse would mean that it could then occur then on a map change anywhere else... He did have character specific dialog on each section of the Moathouse - party banter.

    I feel a unique response / party banter to Hickory Branch from Ronald was cool - and the newer, HARDER horde there is much tougher than i remembered! Now that this is staged AFTER Zuggtmoy. Now looking for the location of the lich phylactery to finish that quest... Great WORK as always CO8 !!!!

    Current party lineup - 4 PC's - looking to trigger WotGS quest next / last...

    16 Paladin / 2 Cleric of Heronious (Aasimar) Jaana Flamehair
    16 Bard / 2 Druid / 1 Fochluchan Lyricist (Half-Elf) J'allan UlDragos
    10 Druid / 7 Barbarian / 2 Stormlord of Obad-Hai (Half-Orc) Bruin Brokentooth
    10 Ranger / 5 Rogue / 4 Scout (Wood Elf) Erdrick Dragonsbane

    animal companions:
    2 direwolves, 1 dire bear, 1 giant lizard

    NPCs: Spugnior (wizard), Ronald Rynnwrathi (cleric), Fruella (fighter / Favored Soul / Beguiler), Meleny (druid)
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2024
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