SGoS v1.0 Bug thread

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Shiningted, Jan 29, 2021.

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  1. Thorinn

    Thorinn Compelled Descender

    Oct 12, 2013
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    So my party has cleared the scar, defeating the warchief and taking his tome, we have also taken the Ark from the gnoll priestesses etc. Going back to speak to Laurazhei she asked if I had defeated the warchief and had the tome, I replied 'Yes its mine now' and I got a CTD...

    If I go back to a savepoint and try to put her off it continues and provides a few more dialogue branches, but it seems there is only one way to actually finish the quest (Letting Laurazhe going where she wants to go), is that right?
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2022
  2. anatoliy

    anatoliy Established Member

    Feb 18, 2017
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    I think there are some variants were this could happen. Please share saves.

    Still, I'm impressed that you managed to kill of the Armory so quickly. It should have been very tough place))
  3. Thorinn

    Thorinn Compelled Descender

    Oct 12, 2013
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    Troll tank (Barbarian/Rogue), Drow support (warmage) and Human support (Cleric) with a cheat of a free wand of stoneskin to get through boss battles, and crafting the armor a lot helped too. Still got the Drow killed at least once when he'd get too close, the cleric could always retreat into Sanctuary and just buff the troll. It would of course be much tougher without the cheating, but a little cheating for my PC's is part of the fun for me, break the 'third wall' so to speak.

    A list of questions:

    There is a lot of mentions of Surrinak and other parts of town but those are not yet developed right?

    This was an immensely enjoyable adventure anatoliy. Do you know anyone who works at V.I.Tech (Lviv, Ivanna-Frankivsk)?

    So is all your modding (like dialogue) kept inside the .Dat files? I have not yet modded but trying to figure out a process as the next step in the game I guess.
    anatoliy likes this.
  4. anatoliy

    anatoliy Established Member

    Feb 18, 2017
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    Glad you liked it. Me and @Shiningted were working on it, as well as @Sitra Achara, @_doug_ and @FDR4PREZ.

    All details here:

    It's open source:

    No, I do not. There are many IT companies in Ukraine, though.

    I will prepare KoTC unfinished port (up to first level of Orc Fort) if you are interested. Should be also challenging.
    August likes this.
  5. gundar

    gundar Member

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello! I'm playing Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde and I had a little problem in the first dungeon (the cave of goblins and hobgoblins).

    I had a difficult fight and in the end I was left with only one character alive and another unconscious.

    The problem arose when trying to "flee combat".

    The unconscious character was along with 3 immobile enemies.

    The living character was stuck to the exit and far from all enemies (the 3 mentioned).

    Trying dozens of times I always got "invalid action"...

    Playing Temple of Elemental Evil, in this kind of situation it was a safe escape.

    Is this a bug or have you disabled "flee combat" in the module?

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  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Hi Gundar,

    "Flee Combat", in my experience, only really works at the begining - you go through a door, combat starts, you hit "Flee combat!" and you're back outside. Otherwise it's pretty unreliable. I don't believe Anatoliy disabled it. But I also doubt it works that late in a combat as you are trying. Otherwise, it's generally regarded as unreliable.
  7. gundar

    gundar Member

    May 24, 2012
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    I have tried in different games as you say, at the beginning of different fights, but it is impossible. The message "invalid action" always appears...

    I started a game of the Temple of Elemental Evil (Temple+), and inside Hommlet I started a fight at the top of the guard tower and out of 6 times it let me escape 5. The time it failed, I suffered an opportunity attack from the enemies but in no case did the message "invalid action" appear.

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  8. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    @gundar the Flee Combat function is hard coded, AFAIK no one in this community has modded that function in any way. I don't keep upto date with everything that goes into Temple+ because I don't write code for a living and frankly I don't understand how that magic works, I seriously doubt anyone has deliberately foiled your chances of escaping combat in this mod, rather I think the game engine itself is preventing the action due to bad coding on Troika's behalf.

    IF I am mistaken, and action was taken to prevent fleeing combat, the only one able to confirm that is the author of the mod himself - who as a resident of Ukraine - has more pressing matters at hand than modding a 20+ year old game for fun in his spare time for no financial reward. We all here are modding for fun, and for free. You're welcome to enjoy what we have made here in our collective spare time, we do, but frankly complaining about stuff that either can't be fixed or was broken deliberately as part of the mod isn't helpful.
  9. gundar

    gundar Member

    May 24, 2012
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    I didn't want to offend anyone, I just wanted to point out that there are things that don't work quite right. But without pointing the finger at anyone in particular.

    Overall the module is good. I find it very enjoyable. Except for certain specific errors, it can be played perfectly. And if you suddenly come across an error like the ones I mentioned, it is not something that cannot be solved with some punctual console code.

    One detail that I loved is the board game style maps.

    So, overall, I recommend it to everyone.
    Allyx likes this.
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