Hi there, need help with Game Options

Discussion in 'Guides and Help Threads' started by Magnakai, Mar 13, 2024.

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  1. Magnakai

    Magnakai Member

    May 5, 2022
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    Hello all, noob here. i'm having some difficulty understanding part of the Game Options. I can't find documentation on this anywhere and there is no tooltip on the option items. Also, there is no option to 'Reset to Default', I would like to know some fields' default values too :-

    1. Gamma (Brightness) : Is the Default for this 0?

    2. Particle Fidelity : Uhm, what is this please? And what was the Default for this, was it always at 100%?

    3. Shadows : Simple/Geometry/Maps - what do they mean? Would selecting Maps cover everything in Simple + geometry as well?

    4. Fog Checks per Frame : What is this please? And was the Default always at 3?

    5. Is the Default Scroll Speed set to 3?

    6. Is the Default Text Floater Speed set to 1?

    7. My Party Banter (Text) under Preferences Tab keep turning itself off, everytime i restart the game?

    8. Can someone explain 'End Turn After Default Action' please? FYI i have set my 'End Turn with Time Remaining' to 'Never'. So should my 'End Turn After Default Action' be checked or not?
    Thanks in advance.

    ps. uhm, also i tried the tutorial once. i have co8 new content installed and activated. i got to the part of the dungeon with the circular stairs leading upwards, and emerged at some forest clearing.. all directions lead to mass high-level monsters which all 1-hit my tutorial char. Does the tutorial officially end at the stairs?
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Ok, I just activated a new game for various reasons, and here are my (default) untouched settings:

    Gamma - 7
    Fog checks - 6
    Particle fidenilty - 100
    Shadows - Maps

    But I suspect the game checks my graphics card, far from impressive but unimagined when the game was made, and says, yeah, it can do everything.

    You don't need party banter (text) turned on, hearing the voice is the fun part, otherwise its just banter. Also, set 'never' for 'end turn' because you might want to do something before ending your turn, take a 5' step or something. Always end the turn on your own terms.
  3. Magnakai

    Magnakai Member

    May 5, 2022
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    Great thanks for your reply. yes i realized you are right, the game checks. Cos i did it like you again and for me the presets are different.

    As for party banter, is there an issue though? because it turns itself off from Checked every time i exit and restart the game. i can't tell you yet whether i like it on or off, because i haven't actually started my game .

    Will take your advice for the 'Never' and 'End Turn', but was wondering if you could explain to me what the Fog Checks option is about? I know what Fog of War is, but what did they mean check per interval?
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Sorry, no idea what 'fog checks' is beyond what it sounds like.
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