There is no option of Rope of entanglement in my radial menu, so I guess the item is bugged. I just want to confirm that before selling the item. Thanks. I'm playing the GOG version. By the way, if this thread is posted in the wrong board, kindly let me know. Thanks.
This is really the "off topic" area of the forum, but that doesn't stop people from posting TOEE topics here instead of the main Discussion>TOEE subforum. That being said, i can't answer your question, so hopefully someone else can help out.
My understanding is that the purpose of this forum is for discussing the Co8 mod version and asking questions related to the GOG version in the main TOEE subforum might be considered off-topic. I asked my questions here out of respecting the purpose of this forum. But I would appreciate if this forum is tolerant and accepts discussions of the GOG version in the main TOEE subforum.
I'm just a fellow member, but I am ok with you posting here. I also have the GoG version though I the Co8 mod plus Temple+. I can use the rope on my radial menu. Just to ask, do you have the rope identified? Not sure if needed but if you have the rope identified, have you tried other characters? Onebwith points in Use Magic Device? maybe restarting the game? Hopefully you can get something to work for you.
@zertzax Thanks. The item has been identified. I'm soloing as a wizard who currently can have 14 points in Use Magic Device after being buffed by Greater Heroism (can be further buffed by Eagle's Splendor).
@Endarire I checked my radial menu and there is no such an option. The only UMD option I could find is Use Magic Device: Decipher Script.
If needed, you might need to reinstall the game. Just copy your saves and then try to see if the rope will work for you then. Otherwise not sure why it is not showing up on the radial menu.
Thanks for your suggestion. I just searched the forum and found these posts: 1 and 2, which suggests that the item is actually bugged.