Identify Spell and Random Question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OLLY613, Nov 15, 2023.

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  1. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    I recently was playing a bard and on level up in the past i always give a Bard Identify as its just simpler but i recently noticed there is a 100 gold used even when you are casting the spell and not spending that at Brother Smith for example.

    So it is interesting, is it worth it to lose a spell selection choice in order to not have to run back to town to identify items (realistically you need to go back to town anyways to rest anyways).


    Also, thinking about that Fist of the Forest prestige class is it possible to rest in the moathouse tower and not take the penalties since its an "outdoors" type situation?
  2. zertzax

    zertzax Established Member

    Feb 23, 2023
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    I have found it easier not to give any of my spellcasters identify as it costs the same when you have a merchant identify for you. I am sure it is handy not to have to go to town but keeping a spellslot open for other spells outweighs taken the spell.

    As for the prestige call, I am not familiar with just what it does.
  3. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Yeah i am definitely leaning on the not taking up a spell slot with identify.

    Regarding the prestige class i will test it at some point. The whole point of that prestige class is if you sleep "indoors" for 3 days or more out of a month you lose your class abilities.
  4. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Legend lore is mass identify with no material component.
  5. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Well, iirc you can find a wand of identify in Earth Temple. So there's that if you want to be a purist and only use what you find.

    And you can also create a wand of identify and/or a stack of scrolls to carry with you. Yes, they cost gp to create (but not to use - same cost ultimately), but are handy to have for better flow and no need to ever use a spell slot while on the adventure. Wand is cheaper overall.

    Most handy ofc, is stack of read magic or the helm of read magic, in order to use all the pots you find.
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