Party Creation

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by StefyRO, Oct 29, 2013.

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  1. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Good point about all those spells. Glitterdust is pretty good in ToEE.
  2. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Oooh, that is something i did not know either! This rogue sneak attack at ranged machine is going to be insane. Thanks for that information. Still so much i dont know about this game haha!
  3. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Improved invisibility (and maybe with Extend Spell attached) was make for Sneak Attack just like jelly was made for peanut butter.
  4. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Haha too true I suppose. I just started my playthrough, level 2 rogue sniper on the way. Going to go rogue 3 then add wizard and play from there.

    Thanks again for all the input.

    I also am testing a monk 3/druid x for wild shape dmg in the late game with wisdom add to ac and furry of blows.

    Couldn't afford much strength so my lol 2 monk is a liability right now haha
  5. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I usually go with Rogue/Fighter for the Weapon Specialization too.
  6. sigofmugmort

    sigofmugmort Established Member Supporter

    Aug 18, 2015
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    The main problem with a rogue/wiz/arcane archer is the bab of 6+ which means Arcane Archer levels would not be gained until fairly high level (as in after taking out Z) weapon focus (bow of some type) and arcane casting is the easy part
  7. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Yeah that makes sense. It might just be worth the rogue/wizard and forgoing the arcane archer. I will see how it plays out. Got my party to level 4, right now rogue 3 and wiz 1. Just for a few spells. So far unimpressed but as rogue levels get higher sneak attacks should be better. Here is hoping.
  8. zertzax

    zertzax Established Member

    Feb 23, 2023
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    Please keep us posted as yo explore your sniper and how well the rest of the party complements their attacks.
  9. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    So I recreated my sniper. Rogue and ranged sneak attacks at this level were not doing well. That being said I didn't have a dedicated wizard to give invisible. So I read the character as a level 2 fighter and level 4 wizard.

    I played all the way through nulb and got into the temple and the rogue sniper wasn't cutting it.

    I will try it again on a different play through with a dedicated buff schedule for some bug burst. But it might just be my play style to be honest.
    zertzax likes this.
  10. zertzax

    zertzax Established Member

    Feb 23, 2023
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    Understandable. What other characters do you have in the current party?
  11. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    So I re tooled a second character to make it work but right now I have.

    Dwarf Cleric 6 , war domain and good domain. Uses Longsword and shield. Ac is 26. He tanks and buffs and heals. I gave him augmented healing.

    Half orc fighter 4/barbarian 2. Glaive combat reflects aoo machine. He is my main dmg dealer.

    Human monk 3/druid 3, unarmed combat for now. Trying to test how monk wisdom ac bonus affects wildshape and if that does extra dmg or stunning strike. So I'm almost there. Just took natural bond so I have a bear at this level for companion. Self buffs with magic fang. ( cool concept. Dmg is lackluster right now)

    Bard 3/ rogue 3 , trap monkey and face. Also has weapon finesse and a tiny rapier. I made him a gnome.

    The female elf fighter 2/wizard 4. Evocation specialist for funsies I dropped necromancy and illusion. Rapid shot is good sustained dps at this level so far.

    Elf warmage 6, spell focus Evo, spell penetration. I love warmage edge for the int dmg bonus to spells. Makes early game better imo. Uses a crossbow if needed.

    And that's the 6 man group. I know its a large party but I don't mind.
  12. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Re: your druid:

    The Npc Meleny is more-or-less perfect for this. I just thought to mention in case you wanted to try adding an Npc. Imho she is one of the better designed Npcs because she fits so well into the shapechange druid concept.

    However, since you have a PC similar, have already started, and are somewhat invested already - I thought to mention a few ideas about the druid/monk combo:

    -the main breakpoint comes from shape change, after which then the monk wisdom adds to unarmed AC. It's unlikely that your druid is not going to wear armor before this. Or the AC of 18 naked wisdom will be the same as leather + shield. Although Mage Armor can help.

    Starting with druid means that you don't need the natural bond feat for quite some time, or won't need it by the time you get shapechange.

    -You may have noticed that since monk has to be taken all at one time in ToEE, it can be a bit of an early trap. Early monks are fragile and the druid support is overall more solid early on. And interrupting the druid spell leveling just makes for a weak durid.

    My advice?
    • Druid only until you get the legendary rat shape (lvl 6- insane AC ~25+ very high dex) or at least the first wildshape (lvl 5).
    • Feat Natural Casting sometime (lvl 6?) before you decide to stay long periods in wildshape. This wildshape can be your tank and can easily cast spells with defensive casting.
    • At this point you can add monk for more AC and evasion (evasion basically means rarely fails reflex for both enemy and your spells in high dex form). I don't think going past monk 1 (AC) or monk 2 (evasion) gains much more benefit. If you want to melee get weapon finesse for high dex wildshape AB with flurry of Blows(small damage but can stun).
    • Thus by level 8 you would be druid 6, monk 2 in legendary rat wildshpe with spellcasting.
    • Druids in wildshape can benefit from mage armor, barkskin, stoneskin, greater magic fang, etc.
    • You only have 2 feats gained by this time, so you have to be careful. And there are quite a few interesting feats (practiced caster, extra fist feasts, etc, etc). The lvl 6 is probably Natural Casting, so the lvl 3 is your flexible choice.
    Now, there are other wildshapes and you could use a strength form ( and won't need weaon finesse). But this easier concept of pure druid then monk is my basic point.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2023
  13. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Thanks for taking the time and commenting. That is an excellent point. I honestly didn't know you could add monk after! That might have made it a lot easier to be honest. But since I'm level 6 this way I'll just keep it going.

    My plan was to go bear with strength. But I did already add weapon finesse at monk 3 to be less useless haha
  14. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    No problem. I just thought to mention it for ideas.

    But you can buff up that naked character with Mage Armor early (from mage) and other spells (dex) to make them a little more helpful. And craft a bunch of stat items.

    Best Monk flurry weapon is the Masterwork Rake you can buy in Nulb, btw. Craftable, But...not a finesse I don't remember what the monk has for that ..maybe kama?
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2023
  15. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    I greatly appreciate it. Yeah it's a difficult one to crack but fun to try anyways!
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