Noob Question - Nonlethal damage?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by renns, Jul 10, 2005.

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  1. renns

    renns Member

    Jul 9, 2005
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    Using Liv's 1.5.1 mod. I've scanned the forums, but haven't seen reference to a question like this:

    I have a fighter character - dwarf w/ 19 str, 18 dex - that used to deal pretty good damage with his dwarven war axe. Some time ago, though, he started dealing 0 damage on every hit. More recently, he has begun dealing nonlethal damage, but only nonlethal - he hasn't dealt normal damage in about 10-15 hours of gameplay. Stats appear normal, and there's no indication of poison, disease, or any other condition.

    Is there something in the game I'm just not aware of that could be causing this? Or is it a bug? Any help for a clueless novice would be appreciated greatly!

    And by the way, as has been said by many others, props to Liv for a TERRIFIC mod, and best wishes for the R&R.
  2. Scorched_Earth

    Scorched_Earth Established Member

    May 21, 2005
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    Did you try unchecking the box that says to deal non-lethal dammage in the spiral menu of your fighter?
  3. Old Book

    Old Book Established Member

    May 30, 2005
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    1) Is his axe equipped?

    2) Is Non-Lethal Damage checked under Options?

    I know that I've sometimes checked Non-Lethal Damage when I wanted to mug someone without kiling them (evil party), then forgotten to uncheck the box.
  4. renns

    renns Member

    Jul 9, 2005
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    Thanks to both of you for replying. Axe is equipped, and I should have mentioned in the first post that I made sure the "non-lethal damage" box was unchecked in the spiral menu.

    But thanks for the ideas!
  5. Lord Plothos

    Lord Plothos Established Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    You could try unequipping the axe and fighting barehanded, then re-equipping it, or else try fighting with the box checked, then unchecking it again, to see if either of these will "reset" the problem.

    If that doesn't work, you could try killing and resurrecting him. And if that doesn't work, you could give his gear to other PCs, remove him from the party at the inn, then reinsert him, level him back up with the console, and give him back his gear.
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