Thanks man, that was awesome and I think you nailed the spirit of the, shall we say "tone"? - and what we were going for in many places, perfectly For one thing, YES, ever problem was meant to be, at the very least, solvable with violence. Re the complete lack of overarching story - I'll just say, it was meant to be emergent gameplay, and the main 'storyline' was meant to be alignment-based: that is, you were meant to work toward an alignment based ending that emerged as you explored, rather than the alignment-based (but ultimately irrelevant) beginning vignettes of the ToEE. Obviously I bit off more than I could chew there and the alignment endings didn't happen.
It was great fun to play through. I had figured that alignment was likely supposed to play some sort of role everything. A shame that the stories didn't come to fruition, but it was great fun nonetheless.
Very nice. Your videos are very smart, comprehensive, and well-presented. Kudos for the skills, and we appreciate the attention and effort.
"no problem not solvable with violence" is my paladin's vision statement! great vid, I hope more old 1e players discover Co8 through this. BTW, I remember cutting out the paper chits that came with that edition. I also remember being crestfallen when I pulled a 4 for my first character's strength. I got the revised red box set (with orange dice) shortly thereafter. The orange d20 was rolled into a more or less smooth sphere over time.