Hello I am a little confused about what is needed to become a Stormlord. I read through the old thread and the back and forth discussion left me wondering what was finally implemented. Prerequisites: Divine Spellcaster of 3rd level spells Fortitude 4+ Alignment: Chaotic or Evil Deity: Erythnul or Gruumsh Weapon Focus Javelin or Spear Great Fortitude Am I missing anything here? Thanks.
I was involved in some testing of the prc, and I think that the weapon focus requirement was not as specific: It was simply deity's preferred weapon or javelin. And also must be either CN/NE/CE. Fort save +4, GR Fort, 3rd lvl divine spells. Irrc, it is stated in the prc selection description. The help file description may be a copy of pnp wording (can't remember) and not as accurate. I tested it Gruumsh + spear focus (deity weapon) and Olidamarra + javelin focus (not deity weapon)....but fwiw I did not check deity weapon that is not a spear.
Yes, by changing the alignment temporarily through console. Edit: you can remove the alignment requirements from Temple+ configurations > Lax rules.
IIRC Gruumsh is a deity that is only selectable by Half-Orc PC's and Erythnul is only an option to NPC's.
Hi Eclypticon, I did add the Stormlord PrC to Temple+. I originally had the requirements closer to the PnP rules but after some discussion I changed the requirements in Temple+ for the Stormlord to open up the PrC for some more deity options (as @Allyx already mentioned, it would very limited if I hadn't). At the moment the requirements are: Alignment: CE, CN or NE Either WF Javelin or WF of the Favored Weapon of the Deity 3rd Level Divine spells Fortitude 4+ Feat Great Fortitude This does mean, you need to have a deity that qualifies within the alignment restrictions of the character. To achive what @Buffed Rabbit has done (St. Cuthbert) you indeed would need to activate Lax Rules.