Sagenlicht Beta: Draconic Feats and more

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Sagenlicht, Nov 2, 2021.

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  1. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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  2. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Relative to the Marshall Aura bug I reported in my previous comment (buff indicator of the aura 'Master of Tactics' was not resetting as indented, but the aura worked fine during combat): I managed to replicate the same issue in 'Temple of Elemental Evil'. The aura can start to stack with itself multiple times after the point of the uploaded save file:


    The breaking point appeared to happen after I start "sleeping" in the woods, outside Hommlet, so I can get rid of the 'Fist of the Forest' resting debuffing. All my characters are overloaded with feats, so that may have cause some issues. I also used the command /levelup to skip grinding for levels and added some gold as well.

    Total random crashes I experienced during this playthrough: 1 (one). I have a save file right before that crash happens (it incurs when you enter Jay's house), I can upload it upon request. The crash also happened way before the aura problem arise and it looked more like a classic ToEE issue.

    Version used: TemplePlus-0.1.0-pre+3400

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
  3. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    I wanted to ask something regarding the feats, class abilities and most of the new content implement in this massive Temple+ BETA: Why are the descriptions of those features, upon level up, left ambiguous? As an example: the new shield feats do not describe exactly what they do in terms of game mechanics, which created some "inconvenience" to me (I could still see how they worked if I scrolled through the in-game encyclopedia). Was that intentional for role play reasons?

    Also the prestige classes: 'Dragonheart mage' and 'Dragon Disciple' are missing the level requirement from the in-game encyclopedia, which, if I am not mistaken, is caster level:+5. (Screenshot taken). The current text indicates that you could continue with those prestige classes from level:2 and upwards.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  4. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    This stuff looks fun.

    I suppose that it is implied through the 8 ranks of whatever needed. As you would need lvl 5 to get 8 ranks.

    And since ToEE doesn't have knowledge skill, all knowledge skill requirements (ie, this and other caster Prcs) could be exchanged for spellcraft 8 requirement. Don't all of the ToEEcaster classes have spellcraft as a base skill?
  5. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    At the moment, it's a bit the way @hammyh describes it. If a PrC is requiring a skill rank of a skill that is not in the game, I simply replaced it with the character level that would allow to the reach that skill rank.

    Now this is not perfect, and replacing Knowledge (Arcana) with Spellcraft is something I did not consider, but I like the idea. I cannot simply change it for this beta, as I would risk to make characters unplayable but I might change this for the release.

    You are right @Buffed Rabbit, the help should reflect, what is actually needed and I need to correct this.

    About the short description of the feats. Noted. I actually thought, this would be in line with the existing feat description. But yeah, I can clarify this ofc.

    About the Marshal Aura. I will redo the Marshal Aura Handling when I am done with the Warlock.

    I do hope, that the aura effects are bug free by now.
    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
  6. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Personally I would place that at the bottom of the priority list if I were you, as it's nothing game breaking. The reasons I mention this are the following:

    - Old feats, like cleave and spell focus, describe what the feat does and (I think) mostly there are some numerical values of them. On the other hand the new feats, like Fey and Draconic ones, give a vague explanation of what they do.
    - People like me who are unfamiliar with most of the 3.5ed staff have to either: search for those feats online or through the ingame encyclopedia.
    - I'm too lazy to search for them. Please feed me with the info I want, I am a 2022 kid· I need my modern conveniences. :rolleyes:

    PS: I'm not sure if the following are a Temple+ problems, but here they go:
    1. The racial description of the Half-Orcs does not mention that they are automatically proficient with the 'Orc Double Axe' weapon.
    2. Halfling Sianham mouse-over tooltip and weapon info upon [shift+click] are mismatched (critical strike threat range is 20x2 on tooltip and 19-20x2 on [shift+click]. Correct threat range is 20x2, and it appears to work like that in-game as well.
  7. Joe Clark II

    Joe Clark II Member

    Jan 13, 2022
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    Per RAW neither of those prestige classes have a caster level requirement. You just have to be able to cast arcane spells spontaneously.

    On a side note you should be able to qualify for those as a Beguiler or a Warmage, but my last playthrough it did not let me choose those.

    Edit: I had not refreshed my screen so I see replies already.
  8. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Latest updates:
    • Fixed Eldritch Blast damage for Level 14+
    • Eldritch Spear now has its own particles
    • Eldritch Line now has particles
    • Added all Eldritch Blast Shape spell_descriptions
    • Finished all Eldritch Blast Shape spell_long_descriptions
    • Finished all Eldritch Blast Shape Help Entries
    With this update the work on Eldritch Blast and its Shape Forms is finished. Next will be the Eldritch Essences.

    Link to the latest version:
    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
  9. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Interesting, I see that the Marshall class was removed from the latest update. I'm assuming its because it's getting a rework and not that my game files are a mess! :) So much work is being poured into this, thank you Sagenlicht and the rest of you guys for your work.
  10. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Ah, that was not by intend... Did you grab the Warlock beta or the complete beta? If you grabbed the complete one, this is actually an error by me.

    I would never simply remove something without a proper warning.

    I will check this asap and if necessary fix it. Sorry for your inconvenience.
  11. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
  12. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Thank you for your reply, I had a hunch that I messed my files :)
  13. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Updated the Warlock
    • Added Particle effects for all Eldritch Essence Stances
    • Finished Help Entries for Eldritch Essences
    • Finished spell_long_description entries for Eldritch Essences
    • Added spell_description entries for Eldritch Essences
    PSA: I did add a third arg for Eldritch Essences. @Sitra Achara told me, that adding args in existing conditions can have consequences for save games. I am not sure what exactly happens, but I do hope that simply resetting your Eldritch Essence Stance and thereby removing the old condition is enough to avoid any troubles. The new arg holds the particlesId.

    So once you started your game, please reset your Eldritch Stance, if you have an active one.

    Link to the latest beta:
  14. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Changing arg count can potentially cause data corruption, because the stored data is no longer aligned with the new definition. If you have any character with such a condition, you should either remove the condition if possible before updating, or delete the character.
  15. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Ok, the condition does not exist at character creation, but will be in existing save games.

    So to be sure that nothing bad happens, the easiest way to remove a condition is to open up the DM console, right click on the character and then remove the condition.

    The condition is either "Eldritch Essence Stance" or any of the Eldritch Stances, e.g. "Frightful Blast" or "Noxious Blast". Please remove this condition before updating.

    I am sorry for this inconvenience.

    @Buffed Rabbit this is btw the easiest solution to handle the sticky aura problem in your current run through as well. End all active Marshal auras and then remove all remaining aura conditions via the DM console.
    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
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